< 詩篇 94 >
1 耶和華啊,你是伸冤的上帝; 伸冤的上帝啊,求你發出光來!
The Lord is a God of vengeance! God of vengeance, shine out!
2 審判世界的主啊,求你挺身而立, 使驕傲人受應得的報應!
Stand up, judge of the earth, and pay back those who are proud what they deserve.
How long, Lord? How long will the wicked celebrate in triumph?
4 他們絮絮叨叨說傲慢的話; 一切作孽的人都自己誇張。
How long will you let them pour out their arrogant words? How long will these evil people go on boasting?
Lord, they crush your people; they oppress those you call your own.
They kill widows and foreigners; they murder orphans.
7 他們說:耶和華必不看見; 雅各的上帝必不思念。
They say, “The Lord can't see what we're doing. Israel's God doesn't pay any attention to us.”
8 你們民間的畜類人當思想; 你們愚頑人到幾時才有智慧呢?
Take another look, you stupid people! Fools—when will you ever get the point?
9 造耳朵的,難道自己不聽見嗎? 造眼睛的,難道自己不看見嗎?
Do you think the creator of the ear can't hear? Do you think the maker of the eye can't see?
10 管教列邦的,就是叫人得知識的, 難道自己不懲治人嗎?
Do you think that the one who punishes nations won't punish you too? Do you think that the one who teaches human beings knowledge doesn't know anything?
The Lord knows the thoughts of human beings—he knows they are pointless.
12 耶和華啊,你所管教、 用律法所教訓的人是有福的!
Those you discipline are happy, Lord; those you teach from your Law.
13 你使他在遭難的日子得享平安; 惟有惡人陷在所挖的坑中。
You give them peace in days of trouble, until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.
14 因為耶和華必不丟棄他的百姓, 也不離棄他的產業。
For the Lord will not give up on his people; he will not abandon his own.
Justice will once again be based on what is right; those who are sincere will support it.
16 誰肯為我起來攻擊作惡的? 誰肯為我站起抵擋作孽的?
Who came to my defense against the wicked; who stood up for me against those who do evil?
If the Lord hadn't helped me, I would have soon gone down into the silence of the grave.
18 我正說我失了腳, 耶和華啊,那時你的慈愛扶助我。
I shouted out, “My foot's slipping!” and your trustworthy love, Lord, kept me from falling.
When my mind was full of worries, you comforted me and encouraged me.
20 那藉着律例架弄殘害、 在位上行奸惡的,豈能與你相交嗎?
Can unjust judges really be on your side, Lord, when their corrupt use of the law causes misery?
21 他們大家聚集攻擊義人, 將無辜的人定為死罪。
They work together to destroy good people; they condemn those who are innocent to death.
22 但耶和華向來作了我的高臺; 我的上帝作了我投靠的磐石。
But the Lord protects me like a fortress; my God is the rock that keeps me safe.
23 他叫他們的罪孽歸到他們身上。 他們正在行惡之中,他要剪除他們; 耶和華-我們的上帝要把他們剪除。
He will turn the wickedness of evil people back upon them; he will destroy them because of their sins; the Lord our God will destroy them.