< 詩篇 9 >

1 大衛的詩,交與伶長。調用慕拉便。 我要一心稱謝耶和華; 我要傳揚你一切奇妙的作為。
In to the ende, for the pryuytees of the sone, the salm of Dauid. Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; Y schal telle alle thi merueils.
2 我要因你歡喜快樂; 至高者啊,我要歌頌你的名!
Thou hiyeste, Y schal be glad, and Y schal be fulli ioieful in thee; Y schal synge to thi name.
3 我的仇敵轉身退去的時候, 他們一見你的面就跌倒滅亡。
For thou turnest myn enemy abac; thei schulen be maad feble, and schulen perische fro thi face.
4 因你已經為我伸冤,為我辨屈; 你坐在寶座上,按公義審判。
For thou hast maad my doom and my cause; thou, that demest riytfulnesse, `hast set on the trone.
5 你曾斥責外邦,你曾滅絕惡人; 你曾塗抹他們的名,直到永永遠遠。
Thou blamedist hethene men, and the wickid perischide; thou hast do awei the name of hem in to the world, and in to the world of world.
6 仇敵到了盡頭; 他們被毀壞,直到永遠。 你拆毀他們的城邑, 連他們的名號都歸於無有。
The swerdis of the enemy failiden in to the ende; and thou hast distried the citees of hem. The mynde of hem perischide with sown;
7 惟耶和華坐着為王,直到永遠; 他已經為審判設擺他的寶座。
and the Lord dwellith with outen ende. He made redi his trone in doom; and he schal deme the world in equite,
8 他要按公義審判世界, 按正直判斷萬民。
he schal deme puplis in riytfulnesse.
9 耶和華又要給受欺壓的人作高臺, 在患難的時候作高臺。
And the Lord is maad refuyt, `ether help, `to a pore man; an helpere in couenable tymes in tribulacioun.
10 耶和華啊,認識你名的人要倚靠你, 因你沒有離棄尋求你的人。
And thei, that knowen thi name, haue hope in thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsake hem that seken thee.
11 應當歌頌居錫安的耶和華, 將他所行的傳揚在眾民中。
Synge ye to the Lord, that dwellith in Syon; telle ye hise studyes among hethene men.
12 因為那追討流人血之罪的-他記念受屈的人, 不忘記困苦人的哀求。
God foryetith not the cry of pore men; for he hath mynde, and sekith the blood of hem.
13 耶和華啊,你是從死門把我提拔起來的; 求你憐恤我,看那恨我的人所加給我的苦難,
Lord, haue thou merci on me; se thou my mekenesse of myn enemyes.
14 好叫我述說你一切的美德; 我必在錫安城的門因你的救恩歡樂。
Which enhaunsist me fro the yatis of deeth; that Y telle alle thi preisyngis in the yatis of the douyter of Syon.
15 外邦人陷在自己所掘的坑中; 他們的腳在自己暗設的網羅裏纏住了。
Y schal `be fulli ioyeful in thin helthe; hethene men ben fast set in the perisching, which thei maden. In this snare, which thei hidden, the foot of hem is kauyt.
16 耶和華已將自己顯明了,他已施行審判; 惡人被自己手所做的纏住了 (細拉)
The Lord makynge domes schal be knowun; the synnere is takun in the werkis of hise hondis.
17 惡人,就是忘記上帝的外邦人, 都必歸到陰間。 (Sheol h7585)
Synneris be turned togidere in to helle; alle folkis, that foryeten God. (Sheol h7585)
18 窮乏人必不永久被忘; 困苦人的指望必不永遠落空。
For the foryetyng of a pore man schal not be in to the ende; the pacience of pore men schal not perische in to the ende.
19 耶和華啊,求你起來,不容人得勝! 願外邦人在你面前受審判!
Lord, rise thou vp, a man be not coumfortid; folkis be demyd in thi siyt.
20 耶和華啊,求你使外邦人恐懼; 願他們知道自己不過是人。 (細拉)
Lord, ordeine thou a lawe makere on hem; wite folkis, that thei ben men.

< 詩篇 9 >