< 詩篇 81 >

1 亞薩的詩,交與伶長。用迦特樂器。 你們當向上帝-我們的力量大聲歡呼, 向雅各的上帝發聲歡樂!
To the ouercomer in the pressours of Asaph. Make ye fulli ioye to God, oure helpere; synge ye hertli to God of Jacob.
2 唱起詩歌,打手鼓, 彈美琴與瑟。
Take ye a salm, and yyue ye a tympan; a myrie sautere with an harpe.
3 當在月朔並月望- 我們過節的日期吹角,
Blowe ye with a trumpe in Neomenye; in the noble dai of youre solempnite.
4 因這是為以色列定的律例, 是雅各上帝的典章。
For whi comaundement is in Israel; and doom is to God of Jacob.
5 他去攻擊埃及地的時候, 在約瑟中間立此為證。 我在那裏聽見我所不明白的言語:
He settide that witnessing in Joseph; whanne he yede out of the lond of Egipt, he herde a langage, which he knew not.
6 上帝說:我使你的肩得脫重擔, 你的手放下筐子。
He turnede a wei his bak fro birthens; hise hondis serueden in a coffyn.
7 你在急難中呼求,我就搭救你; 我在雷的隱密處應允你, 在米利巴水那裏試驗你。 (細拉)
In tribulacioun thou inwardli clepidist me, and Y delyuerede thee; Y herde thee in the hid place of tempest, Y preuede thee at the water of ayenseiyng.
8 我的民哪,你當聽,我要勸戒你; 以色列啊,甚願你肯聽從我。
My puple, here thou, and Y schal be witnesse ayens thee;
9 在你當中,不可有別的神; 外邦的神,你也不可下拜。
Israel, if thou herist me, a fresche God schal not be in thee, and thou schalt not worschipe an alien god.
10 我是耶和華-你的上帝, 曾把你從埃及地領上來; 你要大大張口,我就給你充滿。
For Y am thi Lord God, that ladde thee out of the lond of Egipt; make large thi mouth, and Y schal fille it.
11 無奈,我的民不聽我的聲音; 以色列全不理我。
And my puple herde not my vois; and Israel yaue not tente to me.
12 我便任憑他們心裏剛硬, 隨自己的計謀而行。
And Y lefte hem aftir the desiris of her herte; thei schulen go in her fyndyngis.
13 甚願我的民肯聽從我, 以色列肯行我的道,
If my puple hadde herde me; if Israel hadde go in my weies.
14 我便速速治服他們的仇敵, 反手攻擊他們的敵人。
For nouyt in hap Y hadde maad low her enemyes; and Y hadde send myn hond on men doynge tribulacioun to hem.
15 恨耶和華的人必來投降, 但他的百姓必永久長存。
The enemyes of the Lord lieden to hym; and her tyme schal be in to worldis.
16 他也必拿上好的麥子給他們吃, 又拿從磐石出的蜂蜜叫他們飽足。
And he fedde hem of the fatnesse of whete; and he fillide hem with hony of the stoon.

< 詩篇 81 >