< 詩篇 77 >

1 亞薩的詩,照耶杜頓的作法,交與伶長。 我要向上帝發聲呼求; 我向上帝發聲,他必留心聽我。
`To the ouercomere on Yditum, `the salm of Asaph. With my vois Y criede to the Lord; with my vois to God, and he yaf tent to me.
2 我在患難之日尋求主; 我在夜間不住地舉手禱告; 我的心不肯受安慰。
In the dai of my tribulacioun Y souyte God with myn hondis; in the nyyt `to fore hym, and Y am not disseyued. Mi soule forsook to be coumfortid;
3 我想念上帝,就煩燥不安; 我沉吟悲傷,心便發昏。 (細拉)
Y was myndeful of God, and Y delitide, and Y was exercisid; and my spirit failide.
4 你叫我不能閉眼; 我煩亂不安,甚至不能說話。
Myn iyen bifore took wakyngis; Y was disturblid, and Y spak not.
5 我追想古時之日, 上古之年。
I thouyte elde daies; and Y hadde in mynde euerlastinge yeeris.
6 我想起我夜間的歌曲,捫心自問; 我心裏也仔細省察。
And Y thouyte in the nyyt with myn herte; and Y was exercisid, and Y clensid my spirit.
7 難道主要永遠丟棄我, 不再施恩嗎?
Whether God schal caste awei with outen ende; ether schal he not lei to, that he be more plesid yit?
8 難道他的慈愛永遠窮盡, 他的應許世世廢棄嗎?
Ethir schal he kitte awei his merci into the ende; fro generacioun in to generacioun?
9 難道上帝忘記開恩, 因發怒就止住他的慈悲嗎? (細拉)
Ethir schal God foryete to do mercy; ethir schal he withholde his mercies in his ire?
10 我便說:這是我的懦弱, 但我要追念至高者顯出右手之年代。
And Y seide, Now Y bigan; this is the chaunging of the riythond of `the hiye God.
11 我要提說耶和華所行的; 我要記念你古時的奇事。
I hadde mynde on the werkis of the Lord; for Y schal haue mynde fro the bigynnyng of thi merueilis.
12 我也要思想你的經營, 默念你的作為。
And Y schal thenke in alle thi werkis; and Y schal be occupied in thi fyndyngis.
13 上帝啊,你的作為是潔淨的; 有何神大如上帝呢?
God, thi weie was in the hooli; what God is greet as oure God?
14 你是行奇事的上帝; 你曾在列邦中彰顯你的能力。
thou art God, that doist merueilis. Thou madist thi vertu knowun among puplis;
15 你曾用你的膀臂贖了你的民, 就是雅各和約瑟的子孫。 (細拉)
thou ayenbouytist in thi arm thi puple, the sones of Jacob and of Joseph.
16 上帝啊,諸水見你, 一見就都驚惶; 深淵也都戰抖。
God, watris sien thee, watris sien thee, and dredden; and depthis of watris weren disturblid.
17 雲中倒出水來; 天空發出響聲; 你的箭也飛行四方。
The multitude of the soun of watris; cloudis yauen vois.
18 你的雷聲在旋風中; 電光照亮世界; 大地戰抖震動。
For whi thin arewis passen; the vois of thi thundir was in a wheel. Thi liytnyngis schyneden to the world; the erthe was moued, and tremblid.
19 你的道在海中; 你的路在大水中; 你的腳蹤無人知道。
Thi weie in the see, and thi pathis in many watris; and thi steppis schulen not be knowun.
20 你曾藉摩西和亞倫的手引導你的百姓, 好像羊群一般。
Thou leddist forth thi puple as scheep; in the hond of Moyses and of Aaron.

< 詩篇 77 >