< 詩篇 48 >

1 可拉後裔的詩歌。 耶和華本為大! 在我們上帝的城中, 在他的聖山上,該受大讚美。
The song of salm, of the sones of Chore. The Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; in the citee of oure God, in the hooli hil of hym.
2 錫安山-大君王的城, 在北面居高華美, 為全地所喜悅。
It is foundid in the ful out ioiyng of al erthe; the hil of Syon; the sidis of the north, the citee of the greet kyng.
3 上帝在其宮中, 自顯為避難所。
God schal be knowun in the housis therof; whanne he schal take it.
4 看哪,眾王會合, 一同經過。
For lo! the kyngis of erthe weren gaderid togidere; thei camen into o place.
5 他們見了這城就驚奇喪膽, 急忙逃跑。
Thei seynge so wondriden; thei weren disturblid, thei weren mouyd togidere, tremblyng took hem.
6 他們在那裏被戰兢疼痛抓住, 好像產難的婦人一樣。
There sorewis as of a womman trauelynge of child;
7 上帝啊,你用東風打破他施的船隻。
in a greet spirit thou schalt al to-breke the schippis of Tharsis.
8 我們在萬軍之耶和華的城中 -就是我們上帝的城中-所看見的, 正如我們所聽見的。 上帝必堅立這城,直到永遠。 (細拉)
As we herden, so we sien, in the citee of the Lord of vertues, in the citee of oure God; God hath foundid that citee with outen ende.
9 上帝啊,我們在你的殿中想念你的慈愛。
God, we han resseyued thi mercy; in the myddis of thi temple.
10 上帝啊,你受的讚美正與你的名相稱,直到地極! 你的右手滿了公義。
Aftir thi name, God, so thin heriyng is spred abrood in to the endis of erthe; thi riyt hond is ful of riytfulnesse.
11 因你的判斷,錫安山應當歡喜, 猶大的城邑應當快樂。
The hil of Sion be glad, and the douytris of Judee be fulli ioiful; for thi domes, Lord.
12 你們當周遊錫安, 四圍旋繞,數點城樓,
Cumpasse ye Syon, and biclippe ye it; telle ye in the touris therof.
13 細看她的外郭, 察看她的宮殿, 為要傳說到後代。
Sette ye youre hertis in the vertu of him; and departe ye the housis of hym, that ye telle out in an other generacioun.
14 因為這上帝永永遠遠為我們的上帝; 他必作我們引路的,直到死時。
For this is God, oure God, in to withouten ende, and in to the world of world; he schal gouerne vs in to worldis.

< 詩篇 48 >