< 詩篇 35 >

1 大衛的詩。 耶和華啊,與我相爭的,求你與他們相爭! 與我相戰的,求你與他們相戰!
`To Dauid. Lord, deme thou hem, that anoien me; ouercome thou hem, that fiyten ayens me.
2 拿着大小的盾牌, 起來幫助我。
Take thou armeris and scheeld; and rise vp into help to me.
3 抽出槍來,擋住那追趕我的; 求你對我的靈魂說:我是拯救你的。
Schede out the swerd, and close togidere ayens hem that pursuen me; seie thou to my soule, Y am thin helthe.
4 願那尋索我命的,蒙羞受辱! 願那謀害我的,退後羞愧!
Thei that seken my lijf; be schent, and aschamed. Thei that thenken yuels to me; be turned awei bacward, and be schent.
5 願他們像風前的糠, 有耶和華的使者趕逐他們。
Be thei maad as dust bifor the face of the wynd; and the aungel of the Lord make hem streit.
6 願他們的道路又暗又滑, 有耶和華的使者追趕他們。
Her weie be maad derknesse, and slydirnesse; and the aungel of the Lord pursue hem.
7 因他們無故地為我暗設網羅, 無故地挖坑,要害我的性命。
For with out cause thei hidden to me the deth of her snare; in veyn thei dispisiden my soule.
8 願災禍忽然臨到他身上! 願他暗設的網纏住自己! 願他落在其中遭災禍!
The snare which he knoweth not come to hym, and the takyng which he hidde take hym; and fall he in to the snare in that thing.
9 我的心必靠耶和華快樂, 靠他的救恩高興。
But my soule schal fulli haue ioye in the Lord; and schal delite on his helthe.
10 我的骨頭都要說: 耶和華啊,誰能像你 救護困苦人脫離那比他強壯的, 救護困苦窮乏人脫離那搶奪他的?
Alle my boonys schulen seie, Lord, who is lijk thee? Thou delyuerist a pore man fro the hond of his strengere; a nedi man and pore fro hem that diuersely rauischen hym.
11 凶惡的見證人起來, 盤問我所不知道的事。
Wickid witnessis risynge axiden me thingis, whiche Y knewe not.
12 他們向我以惡報善, 使我的靈魂孤苦。
Thei yeldiden to me yuels for goodis; bareynnesse to my soule.
13 至於我,當他們有病的時候, 我便穿麻衣,禁食,刻苦己心; 我所求的都歸到自己的懷中。
But whanne thei weren diseseful to me; Y was clothid in an heire. I mekide my soule in fastyng; and my preier schal be turned `with ynne my bosum.
14 我這樣行,好像他是我的朋友,我的弟兄; 我屈身悲哀,如同人為母親哀痛。
I pleside so as oure neiybore, as oure brother; Y was `maad meke so as morenynge and sorewful.
15 我在患難中,他們卻歡喜,大家聚集。 我所不認識的那些下流人聚集攻擊我; 他們不住地把我撕裂。
And thei weren glad, and camen togidere ayens me; turmentis weren gaderid on me, and Y knew not.
16 他們如同席上好嬉笑的狂妄人向我咬牙。
Thei weren scaterid, and not compunct, thei temptiden me, thei scornyden me with mowyng; thei gnastiden on me with her teeth.
17 主啊,你看着不理要到幾時呢? 求你救我的靈魂脫離他們的殘害! 救我的生命脫離少壯獅子!
Lord, whanne thou schalt biholde, restore thou my soule fro the wickidnesse of hem; `restore thou myn oon aloone fro liouns.
18 我在大會中要稱謝你, 在眾民中要讚美你。
I schal knowleche to thee in a greet chirche; Y schal herie thee in a sad puple.
19 求你不容那無理與我為仇的向我誇耀! 不容那無故恨我的向我擠眼!
Thei that ben aduersaries wickidli to me, haue not ioye on me; that haten me with out cause, and bikenen with iyen.
20 因為他們不說和平話, 倒想出詭詐的言語害地上的安靜人。
For sotheli thei spaken pesibli to me; and thei spekynge in wrathfulnesse of erthe thouyten giles.
21 他們大大張口攻擊我,說: 阿哈,阿哈,我們的眼已經看見了!
And thei maden large her mouth on me; thei seiden, Wel, wel! oure iyen han sien.
22 耶和華啊,你已經看見了,求你不要閉口! 主啊,求你不要遠離我!
Lord, thou hast seen, be thou not stille; Lord, departe thou not fro me.
23 我的上帝我的主啊,求你奮興醒起, 判清我的事,伸明我的冤!
Rise vp, and yyue tent to my doom; my God and my Lord, biholde in to my cause.
24 耶和華-我的上帝啊,求你按你的公義判斷我, 不容他們向我誇耀!
Mi Lord God, deme thou me bi thi riytfulnesse; and haue thei not ioye on me.
25 不容他們心裏說:阿哈,遂我們的心願了! 不容他們說:我們已經把他吞了!
Seie thei not in her hertis, Wel, wel, to oure soule; nether seie thei, We schulen deuoure hym.
26 願那喜歡我遭難的一同抱愧蒙羞! 願那向我妄自尊大的披慚愧,蒙羞辱!
Shame thei, and drede thei togidere; that thanken for myn yuels. Be thei clothid with schame and drede; that speken yuele thingis on me.
27 願那喜悅我冤屈得伸的歡呼快樂; 願他們常說:當尊耶和華為大! 耶和華喜悅他的僕人平安。
Haue thei ful ioie, and be thei glad that wolen my riytfulnesse; and seie thei euere, The Lord be magnyfied, whiche wolen the pees of his seruaunt.
28 我的舌頭要終日論說你的公義, 時常讚美你。
And my tunge schal bithenke thi riytfulnesse; al day thin heriyng.

< 詩篇 35 >