< 詩篇 33 >

1 義人哪,你們應當靠耶和華歡樂; 正直人的讚美是合宜的。
Ye iust men, haue fulli ioye in the Lord; presyng togidere bicometh riytful men.
2 你們應當彈琴稱謝耶和華, 用十弦瑟歌頌他。
Knouleche ye to the Lord in an harpe; synge ye to hym in a sautre of ten strengis.
3 應當向他唱新歌, 彈得巧妙,聲音洪亮。
Synge ye to hym a newe song; seie ye wel salm to hym in criyng.
4 因為耶和華的言語正直; 凡他所做的盡都誠實。
For the word of the Lord is riytful; and alle hise werkis ben in feithfulnesse.
5 他喜愛仁義公平; 遍地滿了耶和華的慈愛。
He loueth merci and doom; the erthe is ful of the merci of the Lord.
6 諸天藉耶和華的命而造; 萬象藉他口中的氣而成。
Heuenes ben maad stidfast bi the word of the Lord; and `al the vertu of tho bi the spirit of his mouth.
7 他聚集海水如壘, 收藏深洋在庫房。
And he gaderith togidere the watris of the see as in a bowge; and settith depe watris in tresours.
8 願全地都敬畏耶和華! 願世上的居民都懼怕他!
Al erthe drede the Lord; sotheli alle men enhabitynge the world ben mouyd of hym.
9 因為他說有,就有, 命立,就立。
For he seide, and thingis weren maad; he comaundide, and thingis weren maad of nouyt.
10 耶和華使列國的籌算歸於無有, 使眾民的思念無有功效。
The Lord distrieth the counsels of folkis, forsothe he repreueth the thouytis of puplis; and he repreueth the counsels of prynces.
11 耶和華的籌算永遠立定; 他心中的思念萬代常存。
But the counsel of the Lord dwellith with outen ende; the thouytis of his herte dwellen in generacioun and into generacioun.
12 以耶和華為上帝的,那國是有福的! 他所揀選為自己產業的,那民是有福的!
Blessid is the folk, whose Lord is his God; the puple which he chees into eritage to hym silf.
13 耶和華從天上觀看; 他看見一切的世人。
The Lord bihelde fro heuene; he siy alle the sones of men.
14 從他的居所往外察看地上一切的居民-
Fro his dwellyng place maad redi bifor; he bihelde on alle men, that enhabiten the erthe.
15 他是那造成他們眾人心的, 留意他們一切作為的。
Which made syngulerli the soules of hem; which vndurstondith all the werkis of hem.
16 君王不能因兵多得勝; 勇士不能因力大得救。
A kyng is not sauyd bi myche vertu; and a giaunt schal not be sauyd in the mychilnesse of his vertu.
17 靠馬得救是枉然的; 馬也不能因力大救人。
An hors is false to helthe; forsothe he schal not be sauyd in the habundaunce, `ether plentee, of his vertu.
18 耶和華的眼目看顧敬畏他的人 和仰望他慈愛的人,
Lo! the iyen of the Lord ben on men dredynge hym; and in hem that hopen on his merci.
19 要救他們的命脫離死亡, 並使他們在饑荒中存活。
That he delyuere her soules fro deth; and feede hem in hungur.
20 我們的心向來等候耶和華; 他是我們的幫助,我們的盾牌。
Oure soule suffreth the Lord; for he is oure helpere and defendere.
21 我們的心必靠他歡喜, 因為我們向來倚靠他的聖名。
For oure herte schal be glad in him; and we schulen haue hope in his hooli name.
22 耶和華啊,求你照着我們所仰望你的, 向我們施行慈愛!
Lord, thi merci be maad on vs; as we hopiden in thee.

< 詩篇 33 >