< 詩篇 21 >
1 大衛的詩,交與伶長。 耶和華啊,王必因你的能力歡喜; 因你的救恩,他的快樂何其大!
Yahweh, ([I], your king am glad/the king is glad) because you have caused me/him to be strong. (I rejoice/he rejoices) greatly because you have rescued me/him [from my/his enemies].
2 他心裏所願的,你已經賜給他; 他嘴唇所求的,你未嘗不應允。 (細拉)
You have given me/him the things that I/he [SYN] desired and you have not refused to do what I requested you to do.
In answer to my/his prayer, you enabled me/him to succeed and prosper. You placed a gold crown on my/his head.
4 他向你求壽,你便賜給他, 就是日子長久,直到永遠。
I/He asked you to enable me/him to live [for a long time], and that is what you gave me/him, a very long [HYP] life.
5 他因你的救恩大有榮耀; 你又將尊榮威嚴加在他身上。
(I am/He is) greatly honored because you have helped me/him to defeat my/his enemies; you have made me/him famous.
6 你使他有洪福,直到永遠, 又使他在你面前歡喜快樂。
You will bless me/him forever, and you have caused me/him to be joyful in your presence.
Yahweh, you are God Almighty, and (I trust/the king trusts) in you. Because you faithfully love me/him, disastrous things will never happen to me/him.
8 你的手要搜出你的一切仇敵; 你的右手要搜出那些恨你的人。
You will enable me/him to capture [MTY] all my/his enemies and all those who hate me/him.
9 你發怒的時候,要使他們如在炎熱的火爐中。 耶和華要在他的震怒中吞滅他們; 那火要把他們燒盡了。
When you appear, you will throw them into a fiery furnace. Because you are angry [with them], you will get rid of them; the fire will burn them up.
10 你必從世上滅絕他們的子孫, 從人間滅絕他們的後裔。
You will remove their children from this earth; their descendants will all disappear.
11 因為他們有意加害於你; 他們想出計謀,卻不能做成。
They planned to harm you, but what they plan will never succeed.
You will cause them to run away [IDM] by shooting arrows at them.
13 耶和華啊,願你因自己的能力顯為至高! 這樣,我們就唱詩,歌頌你的大能。
Yahweh, show us that you are very strong! When you do that, while we sing we will praise you because you are very powerful.