< 詩篇 143 >

1 大衛的詩。 耶和華啊,求你聽我的禱告, 留心聽我的懇求, 憑你的信實和公義應允我。
The salm of Dauid. Lord, here thou my preier, with eeris perseyue thou my biseching; in thi treuthe here thou me, in thi riytwisnesse.
2 求你不要審問僕人; 因為在你面前,凡活着的人沒有一個是義的。
And entre thou not in to dom with thi seruaunt; for ech man lyuynge schal not be maad iust in thi siyt.
3 原來仇敵逼迫我, 將我打倒在地, 使我住在幽暗之處, 像死了許久的人一樣。
For the enemy pursuede my soule; he made lowe my lijf in erthe. He hath set me in derk placis, as the deed men of the world,
4 所以,我的靈在我裏面發昏; 我的心在我裏面悽慘。
and my spirit was angwischid on me; myn herte was disturblid in me.
5 我追想古時之日, 思想你的一切作為, 默念你手的工作。
I was myndeful of elde daies, Y bithouyte in alle thi werkis; Y bithouyte in the dedis of thin hondis.
6 我向你舉手; 我的心渴想你, 如乾旱之地盼雨一樣。 (細拉)
I helde forth myn hondis to thee; my soule as erthe with out water to thee.
7 耶和華啊,求你速速應允我! 我心神耗盡! 不要向我掩面, 免得我像那些下坑的人一樣。
Lord, here thou me swiftli; my spirit failide. Turne thou not a wei thi face fro me; and Y schal be lijk to hem that gon doun in to the lake.
8 求你使我清晨得聽你慈愛之言, 因我倚靠你; 求你使我知道當行的路, 因我的心仰望你。
Make thou erli thi merci herd to me; for Y hopide in thee. Make thou knowun to me the weie in which Y schal go; for Y reiside my soule to thee.
9 耶和華啊,求你救我脫離我的仇敵! 我往你那裏藏身。
Delyuere thou me fro myn enemyes, Lord, Y fledde to thee;
10 求你指教我遵行你的旨意, 因你是我的上帝。 你的靈本為善; 求你引我到平坦之地。
teche thou me to do thi wille, for thou art my God. Thi good spirit schal lede me forth in to a riytful lond;
11 耶和華啊,求你為你的名將我救活, 憑你的公義,將我從患難中領出來,
Lord, for thi name thou schalt quikene me in thin equite. Thou schalt lede my soule out of tribulacioun;
12 憑你的慈愛剪除我的仇敵, 滅絕一切苦待我的人, 因我是你的僕人。
and in thi merci thou schalt scatere alle myn enemyes. And thou schalt leese alle them, that troublen my soule; for Y am thi seruaunt.

< 詩篇 143 >