< 詩篇 137 >

1 我們曾在巴比倫的河邊坐下, 一追想錫安就哭了。
On the floodis of Babiloyne there we saten, and wepten; while we bithouyten on Syon.
2 我們把琴掛在那裏的柳樹上;
In salewis in the myddil therof; we hangiden vp oure orguns.
3 因為在那裏,擄掠我們的要我們唱歌, 搶奪我們的要我們作樂,說: 給我們唱一首錫安歌吧!
For thei that ledden vs prisoners; axiden vs there the wordis of songis. And thei that ledden awei vs seiden; Synge ye to vs an ympne of the songis of Syon.
4 我們怎能在外邦唱耶和華的歌呢?
Hou schulen we singe a songe of the Lord; in an alien lond?
5 耶路撒冷啊,我若忘記你, 情願我的右手忘記技巧!
If Y foryete thee, Jerusalem; my riyt hond be youun to foryeting.
6 我若不記念你, 若不看耶路撒冷過於我所最喜樂的, 情願我的舌頭貼於上膛!
Mi tunge cleue to my chekis; if Y bithenke not on thee. If Y purposide not of thee, Jerusalem; in the bigynnyng of my gladnesse.
7 耶路撒冷遭難的日子, 以東人說:拆毀!拆毀! 直拆到根基! 耶和華啊,求你記念這仇!
Lord, haue thou mynde on the sones of Edom; for the dai of Jerusalem. Whiche seien, Anyntische ye, anyntische ye; `til to the foundement ther ynne.
8 將要被滅的巴比倫城啊, 報復你像你待我們的,那人便為有福!
Thou wretchid douyter of Babiloyne; he is blessid, that `schal yelde to thee thi yelding, which thou yeldidist to vs.
9 拿你的嬰孩摔在磐石上的, 那人便為有福!
He is blessid, that schal holde; and hurtle doun hise litle children at a stoon.

< 詩篇 137 >