< 詩篇 132 >

1 上行之詩。 耶和華啊,求你記念大衛所受的一切苦難!
The song of greces. Lord, haue thou mynde on Dauid; and of al his myldenesse.
2 他怎樣向耶和華起誓, 向雅各的大能者許願,
As he swoor to the Lord; he made a vowe to God of Jacob.
3 說:我必不進我的帳幕, 也不上我的床榻;
I schal not entre in to the tabernacle of myn hous; Y schal not stie in to the bed of mi restyng.
4 我不容我的眼睛睡覺, 也不容我的眼目打盹;
I schal not yyue sleep to myn iyen; and napping to myn iye liddis.
5 直等我為耶和華尋得所在, 為雅各的大能者尋得居所。
And rest to my templis, til Y fynde a place to the Lord; a tabernacle to God of Jacob.
6 我們聽說約櫃在以法他, 我們在基列‧耶琳就尋見了。
Lo! we herden that arke of testament in Effrata, `that is, in Silo; we founden it in the feeldis of the wode.
7 我們要進他的居所, 在他腳凳前下拜。
We schulen entre in to the tabernacle of hym; we schulen worschipe in the place, where hise feet stoden.
8 耶和華啊,求你興起, 和你有能力的約櫃同入安息之所!
Lord, rise thou in to thi reste; thou and the ark of thin halewing.
9 願你的祭司披上公義! 願你的聖民歡呼!
Thi prestis be clothid with riytfulnesse; and thi seyntis make ful out ioye.
10 求你因你僕人大衛的緣故, 不要厭棄你的受膏者!
For Dauid, thi seruaunt; turne thou not awei the face of thi crist.
11 耶和華向大衛、憑誠實起了誓, 必不反覆,說: 我要使你所生的 坐在你的寶座上。
The Lord swoor treuthe to Dauid, and he schal not make hym veyn; of the fruyt of thi wombe Y schal sette on thi seete.
12 你的眾子若守我的約 和我所教訓他們的法度, 他們的子孫必永遠坐在你的寶座上。
If thi sones schulen kepe my testament; and my witnessingis, these whiche Y schal teche hem. And the sones of hem til in to the world; thei schulen sette on thi seete.
13 因為耶和華揀選了錫安, 願意當作自己的居所,
For the Lord chees Sion; he chees it in to dwelling to hym silf.
14 說:這是我永遠安息之所; 我要住在這裏, 因為是我所願意的。
This is my reste in to the world of world; Y schal dwelle here, for Y chees it.
15 我要使其中的糧食豐滿, 使其中的窮人飽足。
I blessynge schal blesse the widewe of it; Y schal fille with looues the pore men of it.
16 我要使祭司披上救恩, 聖民大聲歡呼!
I schal clothe with heelthe the preestis therof; and the hooli men therof schulen make ful out ioye in ful reioisinge.
17 我要叫大衛的角在那裏發生; 我為我的受膏者預備明燈。
Thidir Y schal bringe forth the horn of Dauid; Y made redi a lanterne to my crist.
18 我要使他的仇敵披上羞恥; 但他的冠冕要在頭上發光。
I schal clothe hise enemyes with schame; but myn halewing schal floure out on hym.

< 詩篇 132 >