< 詩篇 120 >
1 上行(或譯登階,下同)之詩。 我在急難中求告耶和華, 他就應允我。
A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. I called out to the Lord for help in all my troubles, and he answered me.
2 耶和華啊,求你救我脫離說謊的嘴唇和詭詐的舌頭!
Lord, please save me from liars and cheats!
3 詭詐的舌頭啊,要給你甚麼呢? 要拿甚麼加給你呢?
What will the Lord do to you, you liars? How will he punish you?
With the sharp arrows of a warrior and burning coals made from a broom tree.
I'm sorry for myself, because I live as a foreigner in Meshech, or among the tent-dwellers of Kedar.
I have lived for far too long among people who hate peace.
I want peace, but when I talk of peace, they want war.