< 詩篇 111 >

1 你們要讚美耶和華! 我要在正直人的大會中,並公會中, 一心稱謝耶和華。
Alleluya. Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; in the counsel and congregacioun of iust men.
2 耶和華的作為本為大; 凡喜愛的都必考察。
The werkis of the Lord ben greete; souyt out in to alle hise willis.
3 他所行的是尊榮和威嚴; 他的公義存到永遠。
His werk is knoulechyng and grete doyng; and his riytfulnesse dwellith in to the world of world.
4 他行了奇事,使人記念; 耶和華有恩惠,有憐憫。
The Lord merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, hath maad a mynde of hise merueilis;
5 他賜糧食給敬畏他的人; 他必永遠記念他的約。
he hath youe meete to men dredynge hym. He schal be myndeful of his testament in to the world;
6 他向百姓顯出大能的作為, 把外邦的地賜給他們為業。
he schal telle to his puple the vertu of hise werkis.
7 他手所行的是誠實公平; 他的訓詞都是確實的,
That he yyue to hem the eritage of folkis; the werkis of hise hondis ben treuthe and doom.
8 是永永遠遠堅定的, 是按誠實正直設立的。
Alle hise comaundementis ben feithful, confermed in to the world of world; maad in treuthe and equite.
9 他向百姓施行救贖, 命定他的約,直到永遠; 他的名聖而可畏。
The Lord sente redempcioun to hys puple; he comaundide his testament with outen ende. His name is hooli and dreedful;
10 敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端; 凡遵行他命令的是聰明人。 耶和華是永遠當讚美的!
the bigynnyng of wisdom is the drede of the Lord. Good vndirstondyng is to alle that doen it; his preising dwellith in to the world of world.

< 詩篇 111 >