< 箴言 6 >
My son! If you have been guarantor for your friend, Have struck your hand for a stranger,
Have been snared with sayings of your mouth, Have been captured with sayings of your mouth,
3 我兒,你既落在朋友手中, 就當這樣行才可救自己: 你要自卑,去懇求你的朋友。
Do this now, my son, and be delivered, For you have come into the hand of your friend. Go, trample on yourself, and strengthen your friend,
Do not give sleep to your eyes, And slumber to your eyelids,
5 要救自己,如鹿脫離獵戶的手, 如鳥脫離捕鳥人的手。
Be delivered as a roe from the hand, And as a bird from the hand of a fowler.
Go to the ant, O slothful one, See her ways and be wise;
Which has no captain, overseer, and ruler,
She prepares her bread in summer, She has gathered her food in harvest.
Until when, O slothful one, do you lie? When do you arise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, A little clasping of the hands to rest,
11 你的貧窮就必如強盜速來, 你的缺乏彷彿拿兵器的人來到。
And your poverty has come as a traveler, And your want as an armed man.
A man of worthlessness, a man of iniquity, Walking [with] perverseness of mouth,
Winking with his eyes, speaking with his feet, Directing with his fingers,
Contrariness [is] in his heart, devising evil at all times, He sends forth contentions.
15 所以,災難必忽然臨到他身; 他必頃刻敗壞,無法可治。
Therefore his calamity comes suddenly, He is broken instantly—and no healing.
16 耶和華所恨惡的有六樣, 連他心所憎惡的共有七樣:
These six has YHWH hated, Indeed, seven [are] abominations to His soul:
17 就是高傲的眼, 撒謊的舌, 流無辜人血的手,
High eyes, False tongues, And hands shedding innocent blood,
A heart devising thoughts of vanity, Feet hastening to run to evil,
A false witness [who] breathes out lies, And one sending forth contentions between brothers.
20 我兒,要謹守你父親的誡命; 不可離棄你母親的法則,
Keep, my son, the command of your father, And do not leave the law of your mother.
Bind them on your heart continually, Tie them on your neck.
22 你行走,它必引導你; 你躺臥,它必保守你; 你睡醒,它必與你談論。
In your going up and down, it leads you, In your lying down, it watches over you, And you have awoken—it talks [with] you.
23 因為誡命是燈,法則是光, 訓誨的責備是生命的道,
For the command [is] a lamp, And the Law a light, And a way of life [are] reproofs of instruction,
To preserve you from an evil woman, From the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
25 你心中不要戀慕她的美色, 也不要被她眼皮勾引。
Do not desire her beauty in your heart, And do not let her take you with her eyelids.
26 因為,妓女能使人只剩一塊餅; 淫婦獵取人寶貴的生命。
For a harlot consumes to a cake of bread, And an adulteress hunts the precious soul.
Does a man take fire into his bosom, And are his garments not burned?
Does a man walk on the hot coals, And are his feet not scorched?
29 親近鄰舍之妻的,也是如此; 凡挨近她的,不免受罰。
So [is] he who has gone in to the wife of his neighbor, None who touches her is innocent.
They do not despise the thief, When he steals to fill his soul when he is hungry,
31 若被找着,他必賠還七倍, 必將家中所有的盡都償還。
And being found he repays sevenfold, He gives all the substance of his house.
32 與婦人行淫的,便是無知; 行這事的,必喪掉生命。
He who commits adultery [with] a woman lacks heart, He who does it is destroying his soul.
He finds a stroke and shame, And his reproach is not wiped away,
34 因為人的嫉恨成了烈怒, 報仇的時候決不留情。
For jealousy [is] the fury of a man, And he does not spare in a day of vengeance.
35 甚麼贖價,他都不顧; 你雖送許多禮物,他也不肯干休。
He does not accept the appearance of any atonement, Indeed, he does not consent, Though you multiply bribes!