< 箴言 5 >

1 我兒,要留心我智慧的話語, 側耳聽我聰明的言詞,
Mi sone, perseyue thou my wisdom, and bowe doun thin eere to my prudence; that thou kepe thi thouytis,
2 為要使你謹守謀略, 嘴唇保存知識。
and thi lippis kepe teching. Yyue thou not tent to the falsnesse of a womman;
3 因為淫婦的嘴滴下蜂蜜; 她的口比油更滑,
for the lippis of an hoore ben an hony coomb droppinge, and hir throte is clerere than oile;
4 至終卻苦似茵蔯, 快如兩刃的刀。
but the last thingis ben bittir as wormod, and hir tunge is scharp as a swerd keruynge on ech side.
5 她的腳下入死地; 她腳步踏住陰間, (Sheol h7585)
Hir feet gon doun in to deeth; and hir steppis persen to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
6 以致她找不着生命平坦的道。 她的路變遷不定, 自己還不知道。
Tho goon not bi the path of lijf; hir steppis ben vncerteyn, and moun not be souyt out.
7 眾子啊,現在要聽從我; 不可離棄我口中的話。
Now therfor, my sone, here thou me, and go not awei fro the wordis of my mouth.
8 你所行的道要離她遠, 不可就近她的房門,
Make fer thi weie fro hir, and neiye thou not to the doris of hir hous.
9 恐怕將你的尊榮給別人, 將你的歲月給殘忍的人;
Yyue thou not thin onour to aliens, and thi yeeris to the cruel;
10 恐怕外人滿得你的力量, 你勞碌得來的,歸入外人的家;
lest perauenture straungeris be fillid with thi strengthis, and lest thi trauels be in an alien hous;
11 終久,你皮肉和身體消毀, 你就悲歎,
and thou biweile in the laste daies, whanne thou hast wastid thi fleschis, and thi bodi; and thou seie,
12 說:我怎麼恨惡訓誨, 心中藐視責備,
Whi wlatide Y teching, and myn herte assentide not to blamyngis;
13 也不聽從我師傅的話, 又不側耳聽那教訓我的人?
nether Y herde the voys of men techinge me, and Y bowide not doun myn eere to maistris?
14 我在聖會裏, 幾乎落在諸般惡中。
Almest Y was in al yuel, in the myddis of the chirche, and of the synagoge.
15 你要喝自己池中的水, 飲自己井裏的活水。
Drinke thou watir of thi cisterne, and the floodis of thi pit.
16 你的泉源豈可漲溢在外? 你的河水豈可流在街上?
Thi wellis be stremed forth; and departe thi watris in stretis.
17 惟獨歸你一人, 不可與外人同用。
Haue thou aloone `tho watris; and aliens be not thi parceneris.
18 要使你的泉源蒙福; 要喜悅你幼年所娶的妻。
Thi veyne be blessid; and be thou glad with the womman of thi yong wexynge age.
19 她如可愛的麀鹿,可喜的母鹿; 願她的胸懷使你時時知足, 她的愛情使你常常戀慕。
An hynde moost dereworthe; and an hert calf moost acceptable. Hir teetis fille thee in al tyme; and delite thou contynueli in the loue of hir.
20 我兒,你為何戀慕淫婦? 為何抱外女的胸懷?
Mi sone, whi art thou disseyued of an alien womman; and art fostrid in the bosum of an othere?
21 因為,人所行的道都在耶和華眼前; 他也修平人一切的路。
The Lord seeth the weie of a man; and biholdith alle hise steppis.
22 惡人必被自己的罪孽捉住; 他必被自己的罪惡如繩索纏繞。
The wickidnessis of a wyckid man taken hym; and he is boundun with the roopis of hise synnes.
23 他因不受訓誨就必死亡; 又因愚昧過甚,必走差了路。
He schal die, for he hadde not lernyng; and he schal be disseyued in the mychilnesse of his fooli.

< 箴言 5 >