< 箴言 3 >

1 我兒,不要忘記我的法則; 你心要謹守我的誡命;
Mi sone, foryete thou not my lawe; and thyn herte kepe my comaundementis.
2 因為它必將長久的日子, 生命的年數與平安,加給你。
For tho schulen sette to thee the lengthe of daies, and the yeeris of lijf, and pees.
3 不可使慈愛、誠實離開你, 要繫在你頸項上,刻在你心版上。
Merci and treuthe forsake thee not; bynde thou tho to thi throte, and write in the tablis of thin herte.
4 這樣,你必在上帝和世人眼前 蒙恩寵,有聰明。
And thou schalt fynde grace, and good teching bifore God and men.
5 你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可倚靠自己的聰明,
Haue thou trist in the Lord, of al thin herte; and triste thou not to thi prudence.
6 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他, 他必指引你的路。
In alle thi weies thenke thou on hym, and he schal dresse thi goyngis.
7 不要自以為有智慧; 要敬畏耶和華,遠離惡事。
Be thou not wijs anentis thi silf; drede thou God, and go awei fro yuel.
8 這便醫治你的肚臍, 滋潤你的百骨。
For whi helthe schal be in thi nawle, and moisting of thi boonys.
9 你要以財物 和一切初熟的土產尊榮耶和華。
Onoure thou the Lord of thi catel, and of the beste of alle thi fruytis yyue thou to pore men;
10 這樣,你的倉房必充滿有餘; 你的酒醡有新酒盈溢。
and thi bernes schulen be fillid with abundaunce, and pressours schulen flowe with wiyn.
11 我兒,你不可輕看耶和華的管教, 也不可厭煩他的責備;
My sone, caste thou not awei the teching of the Lord; and faile thou not, whanne thou art chastisid of him.
12 因為耶和華所愛的,他必責備, 正如父親責備所喜愛的兒子。
For the Lord chastisith hym, whom he loueth; and as a fadir in the sone he plesith hym.
13 得智慧,得聰明的, 這人便為有福。
Blessid is the man that fyndith wisdom, and which flowith with prudence.
14 因為得智慧勝過得銀子, 其利益強如精金,
The geting therof is betere than the marchaundie of gold and of siluer; the fruytis therof ben the firste and clenneste.
15 比珍珠寶貴; 你一切所喜愛的,都不足與比較。
It is preciousere than alle richessis; and alle thingis that ben desirid, moun not be comparisound to this.
16 她右手有長壽, 左手有富貴。
Lengthe of daies is in the riythalf therof, and richessis and glorie ben in the lifthalf therof.
17 她的道是安樂; 她的路全是平安。
The weies therof ben feire weies, and alle the pathis therof ben pesible.
18 她與持守她的作生命樹; 持定她的,俱各有福。
It is a tre of lijf to hem that taken it; and he that holdith it, is blessid.
19 耶和華以智慧立地, 以聰明定天,
The Lord foundide the erthe bi wisdom; he stablischide heuenes bi prudence.
20 以知識使深淵裂開, 使天空滴下甘露。
The depthis of watris braken out bi his wisdom; and cloudis wexen togidere bi dewe.
21 我兒,要謹守真智慧和謀略, 不可使她離開你的眼目。
My sone, these thingis flete not awey fro thin iyen; kepe thou my lawe, and my counsel;
22 這樣,她必作你的生命, 頸項的美飾。
and lijf schal be to thi soule, and grace `schal be to thi chekis.
23 你就坦然行路, 不致碰腳。
Thanne thou schalt go tristili in thi weie; and thi foot schal not snapere.
24 你躺下,必不懼怕; 你躺臥,睡得香甜。
If thou schalt slepe, thou schalt not drede; thou schalt reste, and thi sleep schal be soft.
25 忽然來的驚恐,不要害怕; 惡人遭毀滅,也不要恐懼。
Drede thou not bi sudeyne feer, and the powers of wickid men fallynge in on thee.
26 因為耶和華是你所倚靠的; 他必保守你的腳不陷入網羅。
For the Lord schal be at thi side; and he schal kepe thi foot, that thou be not takun.
27 你手若有行善的力量,不可推辭, 就當向那應得的人施行。
Nil thou forbede to do wel him that mai; if thou maist, and do thou wel.
28 你那裏若有現成的,不可對鄰舍說: 去吧,明天再來,我必給你。
Seie thou not to thi frend, Go, and turne thou ayen, and to morewe Y schal yyue to thee; whanne thou maist yyue anoon.
29 你的鄰舍既在你附近安居, 你不可設計害他。
Ymagyne thou not yuel to thi freend, whanne he hath trist in thee.
30 人未曾加害與你, 不可無故與他相爭。
Stryue thou not ayens a man with out cause, whanne he doith noon yuel to thee.
31 不可嫉妒強暴的人, 也不可選擇他所行的路。
Sue thou not an vniust man, sue thou not hise weies.
32 因為,乖僻人為耶和華所憎惡; 正直人為他所親密。
For ech disseyuer is abhomynacioun of the Lord; and his speking is with simple men.
33 耶和華咒詛惡人的家庭, 賜福與義人的居所。
Nedinesse is sent of the Lord in the hous of a wickid man; but the dwelling places of iust men schulen be blessid.
34 他譏誚那好譏誚的人, 賜恩給謙卑的人。
He schal scorne scorneris; and he schal yyue grace to mylde men.
35 智慧人必承受尊榮; 愚昧人高升也成為羞辱。
Wise men schulen haue glorie; enhaunsing of foolis is schenschipe.

< 箴言 3 >