< 箴言 13 >

1 智慧子聽父親的教訓; 褻慢人不聽責備。
A wise son accepts his father's discipline, but a mocker doesn't listen to correction.
2 人因口所結的果子,必享美福; 奸詐人必遭強暴。
You'll be rewarded for saying good things, but dishonest people want violence.
3 謹守口的,得保生命; 大張嘴的,必致敗亡。
Watch what you say and save your life—saying too much leads to disaster.
4 懶惰人羨慕,卻無所得; 殷勤人必得豐裕。
Lazy people want a lot, but get nothing; if you work hard you'll be well rewarded.
5 義人恨惡謊言; 惡人有臭名,且致慚愧。
Good people hate lies, but the wicked cause a stink and bring disgrace.
6 行為正直的,有公義保守; 犯罪的,被邪惡傾覆。
Goodness protects those who live right, but sin overcomes the wicked.
7 假作富足的,卻一無所有; 裝作窮乏的,卻廣有財物。
Some pretend to be rich, but don't have anything, while others pretend to be poor and are very rich.
8 人的資財是他生命的贖價; 窮乏人卻聽不見威嚇的話。
The rich can pay a ransom to save their lives, but the poor aren't troubled in this way.
9 義人的光明亮; 惡人的燈要熄滅。
The life of good people shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
10 驕傲只啟爭競; 聽勸言的,卻有智慧。
Pride only causes conflict; but those who take advice are wise.
11 不勞而得之財必然消耗; 勤勞積蓄的,必見加增。
Wealth gained by fraud quickly disappears, but those who gather bit by bit prosper.
12 所盼望的遲延未得,令人心憂; 所願意的臨到,卻是生命樹。
Hope that's delayed makes you feel sick, but a wish that comes true revives you.
13 藐視訓言的,自取滅亡; 敬畏誡命的,必得善報。
If you despise words of advice, you'll pay for it; but if you respect what you're told, you'll be rewarded.
14 智慧人的法則是生命的泉源, 可以使人離開死亡的網羅。
The teaching of the wise is like a fountain of life, so you can avoid the snares of death.
15 美好的聰明使人蒙恩; 奸詐人的道路崎嶇難行。
Good sense earns appreciation, but the way of the unfaithful is hard.
16 凡通達人都憑知識行事; 愚昧人張揚自己的愚昧。
All wise people act intelligently, but stupid people demonstrate their stupidity.
17 奸惡的使者必陷在禍患裏; 忠信的使臣乃醫人的良藥。
A bad messenger creates trouble, but a faithful representative brings healing.
18 棄絕管教的,必致貧受辱; 領受責備的,必得尊榮。
Poverty and disgrace come to those who ignore instruction, but those who accept correction are honored.
19 所欲的成就,心覺甘甜; 遠離惡事,為愚昧人所憎惡。
It's nice to see a wish come true, but stupid people hate to turn away from evil to achieve this.
20 與智慧人同行的,必得智慧; 和愚昧人作伴的,必受虧損。
Being friends with wise people will make you wise, but being friends with stupid people will only cause you problems.
21 禍患追趕罪人; 義人必得善報。
Tragedy chases after the sinner, but prosperity rewards the good.
22 善人給子孫遺留產業; 罪人為義人積存資財。
Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth is saved for those who live right.
23 窮人耕種多得糧食, 但因不義,有消滅的。
The unploughed ground of the poor could produce a lot of food, but it's stolen through injustice.
24 不忍用杖打兒子的,是恨惡他; 疼愛兒子的,隨時管教。
People who don't discipline their children hate them. Those who love their children carefully discipline them.
25 義人吃得飽足; 惡人肚腹缺糧。
The good eat until they're full; but the belly of the wicked is empty.

< 箴言 13 >