< 箴言 13 >
A wise son accepts his father's discipline, but a mocker doesn't listen to correction.
2 人因口所結的果子,必享美福; 奸詐人必遭強暴。
You'll be rewarded for saying good things, but dishonest people want violence.
Watch what you say and save your life—saying too much leads to disaster.
Lazy people want a lot, but get nothing; if you work hard you'll be well rewarded.
Good people hate lies, but the wicked cause a stink and bring disgrace.
6 行為正直的,有公義保守; 犯罪的,被邪惡傾覆。
Goodness protects those who live right, but sin overcomes the wicked.
7 假作富足的,卻一無所有; 裝作窮乏的,卻廣有財物。
Some pretend to be rich, but don't have anything, while others pretend to be poor and are very rich.
8 人的資財是他生命的贖價; 窮乏人卻聽不見威嚇的話。
The rich can pay a ransom to save their lives, but the poor aren't troubled in this way.
The life of good people shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Pride only causes conflict; but those who take advice are wise.
11 不勞而得之財必然消耗; 勤勞積蓄的,必見加增。
Wealth gained by fraud quickly disappears, but those who gather bit by bit prosper.
12 所盼望的遲延未得,令人心憂; 所願意的臨到,卻是生命樹。
Hope that's delayed makes you feel sick, but a wish that comes true revives you.
13 藐視訓言的,自取滅亡; 敬畏誡命的,必得善報。
If you despise words of advice, you'll pay for it; but if you respect what you're told, you'll be rewarded.
14 智慧人的法則是生命的泉源, 可以使人離開死亡的網羅。
The teaching of the wise is like a fountain of life, so you can avoid the snares of death.
15 美好的聰明使人蒙恩; 奸詐人的道路崎嶇難行。
Good sense earns appreciation, but the way of the unfaithful is hard.
16 凡通達人都憑知識行事; 愚昧人張揚自己的愚昧。
All wise people act intelligently, but stupid people demonstrate their stupidity.
17 奸惡的使者必陷在禍患裏; 忠信的使臣乃醫人的良藥。
A bad messenger creates trouble, but a faithful representative brings healing.
18 棄絕管教的,必致貧受辱; 領受責備的,必得尊榮。
Poverty and disgrace come to those who ignore instruction, but those who accept correction are honored.
19 所欲的成就,心覺甘甜; 遠離惡事,為愚昧人所憎惡。
It's nice to see a wish come true, but stupid people hate to turn away from evil to achieve this.
20 與智慧人同行的,必得智慧; 和愚昧人作伴的,必受虧損。
Being friends with wise people will make you wise, but being friends with stupid people will only cause you problems.
Tragedy chases after the sinner, but prosperity rewards the good.
Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner's wealth is saved for those who live right.
The unploughed ground of the poor could produce a lot of food, but it's stolen through injustice.
24 不忍用杖打兒子的,是恨惡他; 疼愛兒子的,隨時管教。
People who don't discipline their children hate them. Those who love their children carefully discipline them.
The good eat until they're full; but the belly of the wicked is empty.