< 箴言 11 >

1 詭詐的天平為耶和華所憎惡; 公平的法碼為他所喜悅。
The Lord hates dishonest scales, but accurate weights please him.
2 驕傲來,羞恥也來; 謙遜人卻有智慧。
With pride comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
3 正直人的純正必引導自己; 奸詐人的乖僻必毀滅自己。
Honesty guides the good, but deceit destroys liars.
4 發怒的日子資財無益; 惟有公義能救人脫離死亡。
Wealth won't help you on judgment day, but goodness saves you from death.
5 完全人的義必指引他的路; 但惡人必因自己的惡跌倒。
The goodness of the innocent keeps them on track, but the wicked fall by their own wickedness.
6 正直人的義必拯救自己; 奸詐人必陷在自己的罪孽中。
The goodness of those who live right will save them, but the dishonest are trapped by their own desires.
7 惡人一死,他的指望必滅絕; 罪人的盼望也必滅沒。
When a wicked person dies, their hopes die with them; what the godless look forward to is gone.
8 義人得脫離患難, 有惡人來代替他。
The good are saved from trouble, while the wicked get into trouble.
9 不虔敬的人用口敗壞鄰舍; 義人卻因知識得救。
Godless people mouth off and destroy their neighbors, but the good are saved by wisdom.
10 義人享福,合城喜樂; 惡人滅亡,人都歡呼。
The whole town celebrates when good people are successful; they also shout for joy when the wicked die.
11 城因正直人祝福便高舉, 卻因邪惡人的口就傾覆。
Ethical people are a blessing to a town, but what the wicked say destroys it.
12 藐視鄰舍的,毫無智慧; 明哲人卻靜默不言。
People who run down their neighbors have no sense; someone who's sensible keeps quiet.
13 往來傳舌的,洩漏密事; 心中誠實的,遮隱事情。
A gossip goes around telling secrets, but trustworthy people keep confidences.
14 無智謀,民就敗落; 謀士多,人便安居。
A nation falls without good guidance, but they are saved through much wise counsel.
15 為外人作保的,必受虧損; 恨惡擊掌的,卻得安穩。
You'll get into trouble if you guarantee a stranger's loans—you're far safer if you refuse to make such pledges.
16 恩德的婦女得尊榮; 強暴的男子得資財。
A gracious woman holds on to her honor just as ruthless men hold on to their wealth.
17 仁慈的人善待自己; 殘忍的人擾害己身。
If you're kind, you'll be rewarded; but if you're cruel, you'll hurt yourself.
18 惡人經營,得虛浮的工價; 撒義種的,得實在的果效。
The wicked earn wages that cheat them, but those who sow goodness reap a genuine reward.
19 恆心為義的,必得生命; 追求邪惡的,必致死亡。
Do what's right, and you will live; chase after evil and you will die.
20 心中乖僻的,為耶和華所憎惡; 行事完全的,為他所喜悅。
The Lord hates perverted minds, but is happy with those who live moral lives.
21 惡人雖然連手,必不免受罰; 義人的後裔必得拯救。
You can be certain of this: the wicked won't go unpunished, but the good will be saved.
22 婦女美貌而無見識, 如同金環帶在豬鼻上。
A beautiful woman who lacks good judgment is like a gold ring in a pig's snout.
23 義人的心願盡得好處; 惡人的指望致干忿怒。
Good people want what's best, but what the wicked hope for ends in death.
24 有施散的,卻更增添; 有吝惜過度的,反致窮乏。
If you give generously you receive more, but if you keep back what you should give, you end up poor.
25 好施捨的,必得豐裕; 滋潤人的,必得滋潤。
If you're generous, you'll become rich; give someone a drink of water, and you'll be given one in return.
26 屯糧不賣的,民必咒詛他; 情願出賣的,人必為他祝福。
People curse those who hoard grain; but they bless those who sell.
27 懇切求善的,就求得恩惠; 惟獨求惡的,惡必臨到他身。
If you look to do good, you'll be appreciated; but if you look for evil, you'll find it!
28 倚仗自己財物的,必跌倒; 義人必發旺,如青葉。
If you trust in your riches, you'll fall; but if you do good, you'll flourish like green leaves.
29 擾害己家的,必承受清風; 愚昧人必作慧心人的僕人。
If you cause trouble in your family, you'll inherit nothing but air. Stupid people end up as servants to those who think wisely.
30 義人所結的果子就是生命樹; 有智慧的,必能得人。
The fruit of the good is a tree of life, and the wise person saves people.
31 看哪,義人在世尚且受報, 何況惡人和罪人呢?
If the good are repaid here on earth, how much more will the wicked who sin be repaid!

< 箴言 11 >