< 腓利門書 1 >
1 為基督耶穌被囚的保羅,同兄弟提摩太寫信給我們所親愛的同工腓利門,
PAULOS, the bondman of Jeshu Meshiha, and the brother Timotheos, to the beloved Philemon, our fellow-labourer,
2 和妹子亞腓亞並與我們同當兵的亞基布,以及在你家的教會。
and to our beloved Aphia, and to Arkipos our fellowlabourer, 1 and to the church which is in thy house.
3 願恩惠、平安從上帝我們的父和主耶穌基督歸與你們!
Grace be with thee, and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
I give thanks to Aloha at all time, and remember thee in my prayers.
Behold, from (the time) when I heard of thy faith, and the love which thou hast to our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and to all the saints,
6 願你與人所同有的信心顯出功效,使人知道你們各樣善事都是為基督做的。
(I have prayed) that there may be communication of thy faith (in) yielding fruits, in works and in the (manifestation of the) knowledge of all good which thou hast in Jeshu Meshiha.
7 兄弟啊,我為你的愛心,大有快樂,大得安慰,因眾聖徒的心從你得了暢快。
For we have great joy and consolation, that by thy love the bowels of the saints are refreshed.
Wherefore I have great confidence in the Meshiha to command thee those acts which are righteous,
9 然而像我這有年紀的保羅,現在又是為基督耶穌被囚的,寧可憑着愛心求你,
but for love's sake entreating I entreat of thee, I, Paulos, who am the aged as thou knowest, but now also the bondman of Jeshu Meshiha.
And I entreat of thee for my son, whom I have begotten in my bonds, Onesimos,
who once was of no use to thee, but (who will) now to thee, as also to me, be greatly useful;
12 我現在打發他親自回你那裏去;他是我心上的人。
and I have sent him to thee. But thou, as (one) who is my offspring, so receive him.
13 我本來有意將他留下,在我為福音所受的捆鎖中替你伺候我。
For I would have retained him with me, that he might have served me for thy sake in the bonds of the gospel;
14 但不知道你的意思,我就不願意這樣行,叫你的善行不是出於勉強,乃是出於甘心。
but without thy counsel I was not willing to do any thing, that thy goodness might not be as by constraint, but of thy will.
15 他暫時離開你,或者是叫你永遠得着他, (aiōnios )
But, perhaps, for this he passed away for an hour, that thou mayest hold him for ever; (aiōnios )
16 不再是奴僕,乃是高過奴僕,是親愛的兄弟。在我實在是如此,何況在你呢!這也不拘是按肉體說,是按主說。
not henceforth as a servant, but as more than a servant, a beloved brother of mine, and how much more of thine, both in the flesh and in our Lord!
If then thou art with me a partaker, receive him as mine.
And if of any thing he hath deprived thee, or oweth, that reckon unto me.
19 我必償還,這是我-保羅親筆寫的。我並不用對你說,連你自己也是虧欠於我。
I, Paulos, have written with my hands, I will repay thee; for I will not tell thee that thou owest thyself to me.
20 兄弟啊,望你使我在主裏因你得快樂,並望你使我的心在基督裏得暢快。
Yes, my brother, I will be refreshed by thee in our Lord; refresh my bowels in the Meshiha.
21 我寫信給你,深信你必順服,知道你所要行的必過於我所說的。
Because I am confident of thy hearing me, I have written to thee, and I know that more than I have asked thou wilt do.
22 此外你還要給我預備住處;因為我盼望藉着你們的禱告,必蒙恩到你們那裏去。
But at once also prepare me a house of lodging, for I hope through your prayers I shall be given to you.
Epaphra, a captive with me in Jeshu Meshiha,
24 與我同工的馬可、亞里達古、底馬、路加也都問你安。
and Markos, and Aristarkos, and Dema, and Luka, my helpers, ask for your peace.
The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with your spirit, my brethren. Amen.