< 民數記 8 >

1 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to Aaron,
2 「你告訴亞倫說:點燈的時候,七盞燈都要向燈臺前面發光。」
and thou schalt seie to hym, Whanne thou hast sett seuene launternes, the candilstike be reisid in the south part; therfor comaunde thou this, that the lanternes biholde euene ayens the north to the boord of looues of `settyng forth, tho schulen schyne ayenus that part which the candilstike biholdith.
3 亞倫便這樣行。他點燈臺上的燈,使燈向前發光,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
And Aaron dide, and puttide lanternes on the candilstike, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
4 這燈臺的做法是用金子錘出來的,連座帶花都是錘出來的。摩西製造燈臺,是照耶和華所指示的樣式。
Sotheli this was the makyng of the candilstike; it was of gold betun out with hameris, as wel the myddil stok as alle thingis that camen forth of euer eithir side of the yeerdis; bi the saumple `whych the Lord schewide to Moises, so he wrouyte the candilstike.
5 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moises,
6 「你從以色列人中選出利未人來,潔淨他們。
and seide, Take thou Leuytis fro the myddis of the sones of Israel;
7 潔淨他們當這樣行:用除罪水彈在他們身上,又叫他們用剃頭刀刮全身,洗衣服,潔淨自己。
and thou schalt clense hem bi this custom. Be thei spreynt with watir of clensyng, and schaue thei alle the heeris of her fleisch. And whanne thei han waische her clothis and ben clensid, take thei an oxe of drooues,
8 然後叫他們取一隻公牛犢,並同獻的素祭,就是調油的細麵;你要另取一隻公牛犢作贖罪祭。
and the fletyng sacrifice therof, flour spreynt to gidere with oile; forsothe thou schalt take another oxe of the drooue for synne;
9 將利未人奉到會幕前,招聚以色列全會眾。
and thou schalt present the Leuytis bifor the tabernacle of boond of pees, whanne al the multitude of the sones of Israel is clepid togidere.
10 將利未人奉到耶和華面前,以色列人要按手在他們頭上。
And whanne the Leuytis ben bifor the Lord, the sones of Israel schulen sette her hondis on hem;
11 亞倫也將他們奉到耶和華面前,為以色列人當作搖祭,使他們好辦耶和華的事。
and Aaron schal offre the Leuytis in the siyt of the Lord, a yifte of the sones of Israel, that thei serue in the seruice `of hym.
12 利未人要按手在那兩隻牛的頭上;你要將一隻作贖罪祭,一隻作燔祭,獻給耶和華,為利未人贖罪。
Also the Leuytis schulen sette her hondis on the heedis of the oxun, of whiche oxun thou schalt make oon for synne, and the tother in to brent sacrifice of the Lord, that thou preye for hem.
13 你也要使利未人站在亞倫和他兒子面前,將他們當作搖祭奉給耶和華。
And thou schalt ordeyne the Leuytis in the siyt of Aaron, and of hise sones, and thou schalt sacre hem offrid to the Lord;
14 「這樣,你從以色列人中將利未人分別出來,利未人便要歸我。
and thou schalt departe hem fro the myddis of the sones of Israel, that thei be myne.
15 此後利未人要進去辦會幕的事,你要潔淨他們,將他們當作搖祭奉上;
And aftirward entre thei in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, that thei serue me; and so thou schalt clense and schalt halewe hem, in to an offryng of the Lord, for bi fre yifte thei ben youun to me of the sones of Israel.
16 因為他們是從以色列人中全然給我的,我揀選他們歸我,是代替以色列人中一切頭生的。
Y haue take hem for the firste gendrid thingis that openen ech wombe in Israel;
17 以色列人中一切頭生的,連人帶牲畜,都是我的。我在埃及地擊殺一切頭生的那天,將他們分別為聖歸我。
for alle the firste gendrid thingis of the sones of Israel ben myne, as wel of men as of beestis, fro the dai in which Y smoot ech firste gendrid thing in the loond of Egipt, Y halewide hem to me.
18 我揀選利未人代替以色列人中一切頭生的。
And Y took the Leuytis for alle the firste gendrid children of the sones of Israel;
19 我從以色列人中將利未人當作賞賜給亞倫和他的兒子,在會幕中辦以色列人的事,又為以色列人贖罪,免得他們挨近聖所,有災殃臨到他們中間。」
and Y yaf hem bi fre yifte to Aaron and hise sones, fro the myddis of the puple, that thei serue me for Israel, in the tabernacle of boond of pees, and that thei preie for hem, lest veniaunce be in the puple, if thei ben hardi to neiye to the seyntuarye.
20 摩西、亞倫,並以色列全會眾便向利未人如此行。凡耶和華指着利未人所吩咐摩西的,以色列人就向他們這樣行。
And Moises and Aaron, and al the multitude of the sones of Israel, diden on the Leuitis tho thingis that the Lord comaundide to Moyses.
21 於是利未人潔淨自己,除了罪,洗了衣服;亞倫將他們當作搖祭奉到耶和華面前,又為他們贖罪,潔淨他們。
And thei weren clensid, and thei waischiden her clothis; and Aaron reiside hem in the siyt of the Lord, and preiede for hem,
22 然後利未人進去,在亞倫和他兒子面前,在會幕中辦事。耶和華指着利未人怎樣吩咐摩西,以色列人就怎樣向他們行了。
that thei schulen be clensid, and schulden entre to her offices in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, bifor Aaron and hise sones; as the Lord comaundide to Moises of the Leuytis, so it was don.
23 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, This is lawe of Leuytis;
24 「利未人是這樣:從二十五歲以外,他們要前來任職,辦會幕的事。
fro fyue and twentithe yeer and aboue thei schulen entre, for to mynystre in the tabernacle of boond of pees;
25 到了五十歲要停工退任,不再辦事,
and whanne thei han fillid the fiftithe yeer of age, thei schulen ceesse to serue.
26 只要在會幕裏,和他們的弟兄一同伺候,謹守所吩咐的,不再辦事了。至於所吩咐利未人的,你要這樣向他們行。」
And thei schulen be the mynystris of her bretheren in the tabernacle of boond of pees, that thei kepe tho thingis that ben bitakun to hem; sothely thei schulen not do tho werkis; thus thou schalt dispose Leuytis in her kepyngis.

< 民數記 8 >