< 民數記 31 >

1 耶和華吩咐摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moyses, and seide,
2 「你要在米甸人身上報以色列人的仇,後來要歸到你列祖那裏。」
Venge thou firste the sones of Israel of Madianytis, and so thou schalt be gaderid to thi puple.
3 摩西吩咐百姓說:「要從你們中間叫人帶兵器出去攻擊米甸,好在米甸人身上為耶和華報仇。
And anoon Moises seide, Arme ye men of you to batel, that moun take of Madianytis the veniaunce of the Lord.
4 從以色列眾支派中,每支派要打發一千人去打仗。」
Of ech lynage be chosun a thousynde men of Israel, that schulen be sent to batel.
5 於是從以色列千萬人中,每支派交出一千人,共一萬二千人,帶着兵器預備打仗。
And of ech lynage thei yauen a thousynde, that is twelue thousynde of men, redi to batel;
6 摩西就打發每支派的一千人去打仗,並打發祭司以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈同去;非尼哈手裏拿着聖所的器皿和吹大聲的號筒。
whiche Moises sente with Fynees, the sone of Eleazar, preest. And he bitook to hem hooli vesselis, and trumpis to make sown.
7 他們就照耶和華所吩咐摩西的,與米甸人打仗,殺了所有的男丁。
And whanne thei hadden fouyt ayens Madianytis, and hadden ouercome, thei killiden alle the malis,
8 在所殺的人中,殺了米甸的五王,就是以未、利金、蘇珥、戶珥、利巴,又用刀殺了比珥的兒子巴蘭。
and `the kyngis of hem, Euy, and Reem, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebe, fyue princes of `the folc of hem. Also thei killiden bi swerd Balaam, the sone of Beor.
9 以色列人擄了米甸人的婦女孩子,並將他們的牲畜、羊群,和所有的財物都奪了來,當作擄物,
And thei token the wymmen of hem, and the litle children, and alle beestis, and al purtenaunce of howshold; what euer thei myyten haue, thei spuyleden;
10 又用火焚燒他們所住的城邑和所有的營寨,
flawme brente as wel citees, as litle townes and castels.
11 把一切所奪的、所擄的,連人帶牲畜都帶了去,
And they token pray, and alle thingis whiche thei hadden take, as wel of men as of beestis, and thei brouyten to Moyses,
12 將所擄的人,所奪的牲畜、財物,都帶到摩押平原,在約旦河邊與耶利哥相對的營盤,交給摩西和祭司以利亞撒,並以色列的會眾。
and to Eleazar, preest, and to al the multitude of the sones of Israel. Forsothe thei baren othere `thingis perteynynge to vss, to the castels in the feldi places of Moab bisidis Jordan, ayens Jericho.
13 摩西和祭司以利亞撒,並會眾一切的首領,都出到營外迎接他們。
Moises and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the synagoge, yeden out in to the comyng of hem, with out the castels, `that is, of the tabernacle.
14 摩西向打仗回來的軍長,就是千夫長、百夫長,發怒,
And Moises was wrooth to the princes of the oost, to tribunes, and centuriouns, that camen fro batel;
15 對他們說:「你們要存留這一切婦女的活命嗎?
and he seide, Whi reserueden ye wymmen?
16 這些婦女因巴蘭的計謀,叫以色列人在毗珥的事上得罪耶和華,以致耶和華的會眾遭遇瘟疫。
whether it be not these that disseyueden the sones of Israel, at the suggestioun of Balaam, and maden you to do trespas ayens the Lord, on the synne of Phegor, wherfor also the puple was slayn?
17 所以,你們要把一切的男孩和所有已嫁的女子都殺了。
And therfor sle ye alle men, what euer thing is of male kynde, and litle children; and strangle ye the wymmen that knew men fleischli;
18 但女孩子中,凡沒有出嫁的,你們都可以存留她的活命。
forsothe reserue ye to you damesels, and alle wymmen virgyns,
19 你們要在營外駐紮七日;凡殺了人的,和一切摸了被殺的,並你們所擄來的人口,第三日,第七日,都要潔淨自己,
and dwelle ye with out the castels in seuene daies. He that sleeth a man, ether touchith a slayn man, schal be clensid in the thridde and the seuenthe dai;
20 也要因一切的衣服、皮物、山羊毛織的物,和各樣的木器,潔淨自己。」
and of al the pray, whether it is clooth, ether vessel, and ony thing maad redi in to thingis perteynynge to vss, of the skynnys and heeris of geet, and `of tre, it schal be clensid.
21 祭司以利亞撒對打仗回來的兵丁說:「耶和華所吩咐摩西律法中的條例乃是這樣:
And Eleazar, preest, spak thus to the men of the oost that fouyten, This is the comaundement of the lawe, which the Lord comaundide to Moises,
22 金、銀、銅、鐵、錫、鉛,
The gold, and siluer, and bras, and yrun, and tiyn, and leed, and al thing that may passe by flawme, schal be purgid bi fier;
23 凡能見火的,你們要叫它經火就為潔淨,然而還要用除污穢的水潔淨它;凡不能見火的,你們要叫它過水。
sotheli what euer thing may not suffre fier, schal be halewid bi the watir of clensyng.
24 第七日,你們要洗衣服,就為潔淨,然後可以進營。」
And ye schulen waische youre clothis in the seuenthe dai, and ye schulen be clensid; and aftirward ye schulen entre in to the castels `of the tabernacle.
25 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
And the Lord seide to Moises, Take ye the summe of tho thingis that ben takun, fro man `til to beeste,
26 「你和祭司以利亞撒,並會眾的各族長,要計算所擄來的人口和牲畜的總數。
thou, and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the comyn puple.
27 把所擄來的分作兩半:一半歸與出去打仗的精兵,一半歸與全會眾。
And thou schalt departe euenli the prey bytwixe hem that fouyten and yeden out to batel, and bitwixe al the multitude.
28 又要從出去打仗所得的人口、牛、驢、羊群中,每五百取一,作為貢物奉給耶和華。
And thou schalt departe a part to the Lord, of hem that fouyten, and weren in batel, `o soule of fiue hundrid, as wel of men, as of oxun, and of assis, and of scheep.
29 從他們一半之中,要取出來交給祭司以利亞撒,作為耶和華的舉祭。
And thou schalt yyue `that part to Eleazar, preest, for tho ben the firste fruytis of the Lord.
30 從以色列人的一半之中,就是從人口、牛、驢、羊群、各樣牲畜中,每五十取一,交給看守耶和華帳幕的利未人。」
Also of the myddil part of the sones of Israel, thou schalt take the fiftithe heed of men, and of oxun, and of assis, and of scheep, and of alle lyuynge beestis; and thou schalt yyue tho to the dekenes, that waken in the kepyngis of the tabernacle of the Lord.
31 於是摩西和祭司以利亞撒照耶和華所吩咐摩西的行了。
And Moyses and Eleazar diden, as the Lord comaundide.
32 除了兵丁所奪的財物以外,所擄來的:羊六十七萬五千隻;
Forsothe the prey which the oost hadde take, was sixe hundrid fyue and seuenti thousynde of scheep,
33 牛七萬二千隻;
of oxun two and seuenti thousynde,
34 驢六萬一千匹;
of assis sixti thousynde and a thousynde;
35 女人共三萬二千口,都是沒有出嫁的。
the soules of persones of femal kynde, that knewen not fleischli men, two and thretti thousynde.
36 出去打仗之人的分,就是他們所得的那一半,共計羊三十三萬七千五百隻,
And the myddil part was youun to hem that weren in the batel, of scheep thre hundrid seuene and thretti thousynde and fyue hundrid;
37 從其中歸耶和華為貢物的,有六百七十五隻;
of whiche sixe hundrid fyue and seuenti scheep weren noumbrid in to the part of the Lord;
38 牛三萬六千隻,從其中歸耶和華為貢物的,有七十二隻;
and of sixe and thretti thousynde oxun,
39 驢三萬零五百匹,從其中歸耶和華為貢物的,有六十一匹;
two and seuenti oxun, and of thretti thousynde assis and fyue hundryd, oon and sixti assis;
40 人一萬六千口,從其中歸耶和華的,有三十二口。
of sixtene thousynde persoones of men, twei and thretti persoones bifelden in to the `part of the Lord.
41 摩西把貢物,就是歸與耶和華的舉祭,交給祭司以利亞撒,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
And Moises bitook the noumbre of the firste fruytis of the Lord to Eleazar, preest, as it was comaundid to hym,
42 以色列人所得的那一半,就是摩西從打仗的人取來分給他們的。(
of the myddil part of the sones of Israel, which he departide to hem that weren in batel.
43 會眾的那一半有:羊三十三萬七千五百隻;
And of the myddil part that bifelde to the tother multitude, that is, of thre hundrid seuene and thretti thousynde scheep and fyue hundrid,
44 牛三萬六千隻;
and of sixe and thretti thousynde oxun,
45 驢三萬零五百匹;
and of thretti thousynde assis and fyue hundrid, and of sixtene thousynde wymmen,
46 人一萬六千口。)
Moyses took the fyftithe heed,
47 無論是人口是牲畜,摩西每五十取一,交給看守耶和華帳幕的利未人,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
and yaf to the dekenes, that wakiden in the tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord comaundide.
48 帶領千軍的各軍長,就是千夫長、百夫長,都近前來見摩西,
And whanne the princes of the oost, and the tribunes and centuriouns hadden neiyed to Moises,
49 對他說:「僕人權下的兵已經計算總數,並不短少一人。
thei seiden, We thi seruauntis han teld the noumbre of fiyters, whiche we hadden vndur oure hoond, and sotheli not oon failide;
50 如今我們將各人所得的金器,就是腳鍊子、鐲子、打印的戒指、耳環、手釧,都送來為耶和華的供物,好在耶和華面前為我們的生命贖罪。」
for which cause we offren `in the fre yiftis of the Lord, alle bi vs silf, that that we myyten fynde of gold in the pray, girdelis for `the myddil of wymmen, and bies of the armes, and ryngis, and ournementis of the arm nyy the hond, and bies of the neckis of wymmen, that thou preye the Lord for vs.
51 摩西和祭司以利亞撒就收了他們的金子,都是打成的器皿。
And Moises and Eleazar, preest, token al the gold in dyuerse spices,
52 千夫長、百夫長所獻給耶和華為舉祭的金子共有一萬六千七百五十舍客勒。
`ether kyndis, bi the weiyte of the seyntuarye, sixtene thousynde seuene hundrid and fifti siclis, of the tribunes, and centuriouns.
53 各兵丁都為自己奪了財物。
For that that ech man rauyschide in the prey, was his owne;
54 摩西和祭司以利亞撒收了千夫長、百夫長的金子,就帶進會幕,在耶和華面前作為以色列人的紀念。
and thei baren the gold taken in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, in to the mynde of the sones of Israel, bifor the Lord.

< 民數記 31 >