< 民數記 31 >

1 耶和華吩咐摩西說:
Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
2 「你要在米甸人身上報以色列人的仇,後來要歸到你列祖那裏。」
“Take vengeance on the Midianites for what they did to the Israelites. After doing that, you will die and be gathered to your people.”
3 摩西吩咐百姓說:「要從你們中間叫人帶兵器出去攻擊米甸,好在米甸人身上為耶和華報仇。
So Moses spoke to the people. He said, “Arm some of your men for war so they may go against Midian and carry out Yahweh's vengeance on it.
4 從以色列眾支派中,每支派要打發一千人去打仗。」
Every tribe throughout Israel must send a thousand soldiers to war.”
5 於是從以色列千萬人中,每支派交出一千人,共一萬二千人,帶着兵器預備打仗。
So out of Israel's thousands of men, one thousand was provided from each tribe, twelve thousand men armed for war.
6 摩西就打發每支派的一千人去打仗,並打發祭司以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈同去;非尼哈手裏拿着聖所的器皿和吹大聲的號筒。
Then Moses sent them to battle, a thousand from every tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest, and with some articles from the holy place and the trumpets in his possession for sounding signals.
7 他們就照耶和華所吩咐摩西的,與米甸人打仗,殺了所有的男丁。
They fought against Midian, as Yahweh had commanded Moses. They killed every man.
8 在所殺的人中,殺了米甸的五王,就是以未、利金、蘇珥、戶珥、利巴,又用刀殺了比珥的兒子巴蘭。
They killed the kings of Midian with the rest of their dead: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor, with the sword.
9 以色列人擄了米甸人的婦女孩子,並將他們的牲畜、羊群,和所有的財物都奪了來,當作擄物,
The army of Israel took captive the women of Midian, their children, all their cattle, all their flocks, and all their goods. They took these as plunder.
10 又用火焚燒他們所住的城邑和所有的營寨,
They burned all their cities where they lived and all their camps.
11 把一切所奪的、所擄的,連人帶牲畜都帶了去,
They took all the plunder and prisoners, both people and animals.
12 將所擄的人,所奪的牲畜、財物,都帶到摩押平原,在約旦河邊與耶利哥相對的營盤,交給摩西和祭司以利亞撒,並以色列的會眾。
They brought the prisoners, the plunder, and the captured things to Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to the community of the people of Israel. They brought these to the camp in the plains of Moab, by the Jordan near Jericho.
13 摩西和祭司以利亞撒,並會眾一切的首領,都出到營外迎接他們。
Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp.
14 摩西向打仗回來的軍長,就是千夫長、百夫長,發怒,
But Moses was angry with the officers of the army, the commanders of thousands and the captains of hundreds, who came from battle.
15 對他們說:「你們要存留這一切婦女的活命嗎?
Moses said to them, “Have you let all the women live?
16 這些婦女因巴蘭的計謀,叫以色列人在毗珥的事上得罪耶和華,以致耶和華的會眾遭遇瘟疫。
Look, these women caused the people of Israel, through Balaam's advice, to commit sin against Yahweh in the matter of Peor, when the plague spread among Yahweh's community.
17 所以,你們要把一切的男孩和所有已嫁的女子都殺了。
Now then, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has ever slept with a man.
18 但女孩子中,凡沒有出嫁的,你們都可以存留她的活命。
But take for yourselves all the young girls who have never slept with a man.
19 你們要在營外駐紮七日;凡殺了人的,和一切摸了被殺的,並你們所擄來的人口,第三日,第七日,都要潔淨自己,
You must camp outside the camp of Israel for seven days. All of you who have killed anyone and or have touched any dead person—you must purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day—you and your prisoners.
20 也要因一切的衣服、皮物、山羊毛織的物,和各樣的木器,潔淨自己。」
You must purify every garment and everything made of animal hide and goats' hair, and everything made of wood.”
21 祭司以利亞撒對打仗回來的兵丁說:「耶和華所吩咐摩西律法中的條例乃是這樣:
Eleazar the priest said to the soldiers who had gone to war, “This is a decreed law that Yahweh has given to Moses:
22 金、銀、銅、鐵、錫、鉛,
The gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, and lead,
23 凡能見火的,你們要叫它經火就為潔淨,然而還要用除污穢的水潔淨它;凡不能見火的,你們要叫它過水。
and everything that resists fire, you must put it through the fire, and it will become clean. You must then purify those things with the water of cleansing. Whatever cannot go through the fire you must cleanse with that water.
24 第七日,你們要洗衣服,就為潔淨,然後可以進營。」
You must wash your clothes on the seventh day, and then you will become clean. Afterward you may come into Israel's camp.”
25 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
26 「你和祭司以利亞撒,並會眾的各族長,要計算所擄來的人口和牲畜的總數。
“Count all the plundered things that were taken, both people and animals. You, Eleazar the priest, and the leaders of the community's ancestor's clans
27 把所擄來的分作兩半:一半歸與出去打仗的精兵,一半歸與全會眾。
must divide the plunder into two parts. Divide it between the soldiers who went out to battle and all the rest of the community.
28 又要從出去打仗所得的人口、牛、驢、羊群中,每五百取一,作為貢物奉給耶和華。
Then levy a tax to be given to me from the soldiers who went out to battle. This tax must be one out of every five hundred, whether persons, cattle, donkeys, sheep, or goats.
29 從他們一半之中,要取出來交給祭司以利亞撒,作為耶和華的舉祭。
Take this tax from their half and give it to Eleazar the priest for an offering to be presented to me.
30 從以色列人的一半之中,就是從人口、牛、驢、羊群、各樣牲畜中,每五十取一,交給看守耶和華帳幕的利未人。」
Also from the people of Israel's half, you must take one out of every fifty—from the persons, cattle, donkeys, sheep, and goats. Give these to the Levites who take care of my tabernacle.”
31 於是摩西和祭司以利亞撒照耶和華所吩咐摩西的行了。
So Moses and Eleazar the priest did as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
32 除了兵丁所奪的財物以外,所擄來的:羊六十七萬五千隻;
Now the plunder that remained of what the soldiers had taken was 675,000 sheep,
33 牛七萬二千隻;
seventy-two thousand oxen,
34 驢六萬一千匹;
sixty-one thousand donkeys,
35 女人共三萬二千口,都是沒有出嫁的。
and thirty-two thousand women who had never slept with any man.
36 出去打仗之人的分,就是他們所得的那一半,共計羊三十三萬七千五百隻,
The half that was kept for the soldiers numbered 337,000 sheep.
37 從其中歸耶和華為貢物的,有六百七十五隻;
Yahweh's part of the sheep was 675.
38 牛三萬六千隻,從其中歸耶和華為貢物的,有七十二隻;
The oxen were thirty-six thousand which Yahweh's tax was seventy-two.
39 驢三萬零五百匹,從其中歸耶和華為貢物的,有六十一匹;
The donkeys were 30,500 from which Yahweh's part was sixty-one.
40 人一萬六千口,從其中歸耶和華的,有三十二口。
The persons were sixteen thousand women of whom Yahweh's tax was thirty-two.
41 摩西把貢物,就是歸與耶和華的舉祭,交給祭司以利亞撒,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
Moses took the tax that was to be an offering presented to Yahweh. He gave it to Eleazar the priest, as Yahweh commanded Moses.
42 以色列人所得的那一半,就是摩西從打仗的人取來分給他們的。(
As for the people of Israel's half that Moses had taken from the soldiers who had gone to war—
43 會眾的那一半有:羊三十三萬七千五百隻;
the community's half was 337,500 sheep,
44 牛三萬六千隻;
thirty-six thousand oxen,
45 驢三萬零五百匹;
30,500 donkeys,
46 人一萬六千口。)
and sixteen thousand women.
47 無論是人口是牲畜,摩西每五十取一,交給看守耶和華帳幕的利未人,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
From the people of Israel's half, Moses took one out of every fifty, both of people and animals. He gave them to the Levites who kept care of Yahweh's tabernacle, as Yahweh had commanded him to do.
48 帶領千軍的各軍長,就是千夫長、百夫長,都近前來見摩西,
Then the officers of the army, the commanders over thousands and the captains over hundreds, came to Moses.
49 對他說:「僕人權下的兵已經計算總數,並不短少一人。
They said to him, “Your servants have counted the soldiers who are under our command, and not one man is missing.
50 如今我們將各人所得的金器,就是腳鍊子、鐲子、打印的戒指、耳環、手釧,都送來為耶和華的供物,好在耶和華面前為我們的生命贖罪。」
We have brought Yahweh's offering, what each man found, articles of gold, armlets and bracelets, signet rings, earrings, and necklaces, to make atonement for ourselves before Yahweh.”
51 摩西和祭司以利亞撒就收了他們的金子,都是打成的器皿。
Moses and Eleazar the priest received from them the gold and all the articles of craftsmanship.
52 千夫長、百夫長所獻給耶和華為舉祭的金子共有一萬六千七百五十舍客勒。
All the gold of the offering that they gave to Yahweh—the offerings from the commanders of thousands and from the captains of hundreds—weighed 16,750 shekels.
53 各兵丁都為自己奪了財物。
Each soldier had taken plunder, each man for himself.
54 摩西和祭司以利亞撒收了千夫長、百夫長的金子,就帶進會幕,在耶和華面前作為以色列人的紀念。
Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold from the commanders of thousands and captains of hundreds. They took it into the tent of meeting as a reminder of the people of Israel for Yahweh.

< 民數記 31 >