< 民數記 29 >
1 「七月初一日,你們當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可做,是你們當守為吹角的日子。
'And in the seventh month, in the first of the month, a holy convocation ye have, ye do no servile work; a day of shouting it is to you;
2 你們要將公牛犢一隻,公綿羊一隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔七隻,作為馨香的燔祭獻給耶和華。
and ye have prepared a burnt-offering, for sweet fragrance to Jehovah: one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, seven lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
3 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為一隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公羊要獻伊法十分之二;
and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals for the bullock, two-tenth deals for the ram,
and one-tenth deal for the one lamb, for the seven lambs;
and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering, to make atonement for you;
6 這些是在月朔的燔祭和同獻的素祭,並常獻的燔祭與同獻的素祭,以及照例同獻的奠祭以外,都作為馨香的火祭獻給耶和華。」
apart from the burnt-offering of the month, and its present, and the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations, according to their ordinance, for sweet fragrance, a fire-offering to Jehovah.
7 「七月初十日,你們當有聖會;要刻苦己心,甚麼工都不可做。
'And on the tenth of this seventh month a holy convocation ye have, and ye have humbled your souls; ye do no work;
8 只要將公牛犢一隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的公羊羔七隻,都要沒有殘疾的,作為馨香的燔祭獻給耶和華。
and ye have brought near a burnt-offering to Jehovah, a sweet fragrance, one bullock, a son of the herd, one ram, seven lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones they are for you,
9 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵:為一隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公羊要獻伊法十分之二;
and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals for the bullock, two-tenth deals for the one ram,
a several tenth deal for the one lamb, for the seven lambs,
11 又獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在贖罪祭和常獻的燔祭,與同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。」
one kid of the goats, a sin-offering; apart from the sin-offering of the atonements, and the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations.
12 「七月十五日,你們當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可做,要向耶和華守節七日。
'And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month a holy convocation ye have; ye do no servile work; and ye have celebrated a festival to Jehovah seven days,
13 又要將公牛犢十三隻,公綿羊兩隻,一歲的公羊羔十四隻,都要沒有殘疾的,用火獻給耶和華為馨香的燔祭。
and have brought near a burnt-offering, a fire-offering, a sweet fragrance, to Jehovah; thirteen bullocks, sons of the herd, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year; perfect ones they are;
14 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為那十三隻公牛,每隻要獻伊法十分之三;為那兩隻公羊,每隻要獻伊法十分之二;
and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals to the one bullock, for the thirteen bullocks, two-tenth deals to the one ram, for the two rams,
and a several tenth deal to the one lamb, for the fourteen lambs,
16 並獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭,這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.
17 「第二日要獻公牛犢十二隻,公綿羊兩隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔十四隻;
'And on the second day twelve bullocks, sons of the herd, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
18 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
and their present, and their libations, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the sheep, in their number, according to the ordinance;
19 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations.
20 「第三日要獻公牛十一隻,公羊兩隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔十四隻;
'And on the third day eleven bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
21 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
and their present, and their libations, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;
22 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and its libation.
23 「第四日要獻公牛十隻,公羊兩隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔十四隻;
'And on the fourth day ten bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
24 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
their present, and their libations, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;
25 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering, apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.
26 「第五日要獻公牛九隻,公羊兩隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔十四隻;
'And on the fifth day nine bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
27 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
and their present, and their libations, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;
28 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and its libation.
29 「第六日要獻公牛八隻,公羊兩隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔十四隻;
'And on the sixth day eight bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
30 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
and their present, and their libations, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;
31 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.
32 「第七日要獻公牛七隻,公羊兩隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔十四隻;
'And on the seventh day seven bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
33 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
and their present, and their libations, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;
34 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.
35 「第八日你們當有嚴肅會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可做;
'On the eighth day a restraint ye have, ye do no servile work;
36 只要將公牛一隻,公羊一隻,沒有殘疾、一歲的公羊羔七隻作火祭,獻給耶和華為馨香的燔祭;
and ye have brought near a burnt-offering, a fire-offering, a sweet fragrance, to Jehovah; one bullock, one ram, seven lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
37 並為公牛、公羊,和羊羔,按數照例,獻同獻的素祭和同獻的奠祭。
their present, and their libations, for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;
38 又要獻一隻公山羊為贖罪祭。這是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外。
and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and its libation.
39 「這些祭要在你們的節期獻給耶和華,都在所許的願並甘心所獻的以外,作為你們的燔祭、素祭、奠祭,和平安祭。」
'These ye prepare to Jehovah in your appointed seasons, apart from your vows, and your free-will offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your presents, and for your libations, and for your peace-offerings.'
40 於是,摩西照耶和華所吩咐他的一切話告訴以色列人。
And Moses saith unto the sons of Israel according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses.