< 民數記 26 >

1 瘟疫之後,耶和華曉諭摩西和祭司亞倫的兒子以利亞撒說:
Aftir that the blood of gilti men was sched out, the Lord seide to Moises and to Eleasar,
2 「你們要將以色列全會眾,按他們的宗族,凡以色列中從二十歲以外、能出去打仗的,計算總數。」
preest, sone of Aaron, Noumbre ye al the summe of the sones of Israel, fro twenti yeer and aboue, bi her housis, and kynredis, alle men that mowen go forth to batels.
3 摩西和祭司以利亞撒在摩押平原與耶利哥相對的約旦河邊向以色列人說:
And so Moises and Eleasar, preest, spaken in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayens Jerico, to hem that weren of twenti yeer and aboue,
4 「將你們中間從二十歲以外的計算總數」;是照耶和華吩咐出埃及地的摩西和以色列人的話。
as the Lord comaundide; of whiche this is the noumbre.
5 以色列的長子是呂便。呂便的眾子:屬哈諾的,有哈諾族;屬法路的,有法路族;
Ruben, the firste gendrid of Israel; the sone of hym was Enoch, of whom was the meynee of Enochitis; and Phallu, of whom the meynee of Phalluytis; and Esrom,
6 屬希斯倫的,有希斯倫族;屬迦米的,有迦米族;
of whom the meynee of Esromytis; and Charmy, of whom the meynee of Charmytis.
7 這就是呂便的各族;其中被數的,共有四萬三千七百三十名。
Thes weren the meynees of the generacioun of Ruben, of whiche meynees the noumbre was foundun thre and fourti thousand seuene hundrid and thretti.
8 法路的兒子是以利押。
The sone of Phallu was Heliab;
9 以利押的眾子是尼母利、大坍、亞比蘭。這大坍、亞比蘭,就是從會中選召的,與可拉一黨同向耶和華爭鬧的時候也向摩西、亞倫爭鬧;
the sones of hym weren Namuel, and Dathan and Abiron. `These weren Dathan and Abiron, prynces of the puple, that riseden ayens Moises and Aaron, in the rebelte of Chore, whanne thei rebelliden ayens the Lord;
10 地便開口吞了他們,和可拉、可拉的黨類一同死亡。那時火燒滅了二百五十個人;他們就作了警戒。
and the erthe openyde his mouth, and deuouride Chore, while ful many men dieden, whanne the fier brente two hundrid men and fifti; and a greet myracle was maad,
11 然而可拉的眾子沒有死亡。
that whanne Chore perischide, hise sones perischiden not.
12 按着家族,西緬的眾子:屬尼母利的,有尼母利族;屬雅憫的,有雅憫族;屬雅斤的,有雅斤族;
The sones of Symeon bi her kynredis; Namuel, of hym was the meynee of Namuelitis; Jamyn, of hym was the meynee of Jamynytis; Jachin, of hym was the meynee of Jachynytis;
13 屬謝拉的,有謝拉族;屬掃羅的,有掃羅族。
Zare, of hym the meynee of Zarenytis; Saul, of hym the meynee of Saulitis.
14 這就是西緬的各族,共有二萬二千二百名。
These weren the meynees of Symeon, of whiche all the noumbre was two and twenti thousynde and two hundrid.
15 按着家族,迦得的眾子:屬洗分的,有洗分族;屬哈基的,有哈基族;屬書尼的,有書尼族;
The sones of Gad bi her kynredis; Sephon, of hym the meynee of Sephonytis; Aggi, of hym the meynee of Aggitis; Sumy, of hym the meynee of Sumytis;
16 屬阿斯尼的,有阿斯尼族;屬以利的,有以利族;
Ozny, of hym the meynee of Oznytis; Heri, of hym the meynee of Hereytis;
17 屬亞律的,有亞律族;屬亞列利的,有亞列利族。
Arod, of hym the meynee of Aroditis; Ariel, of hym the meynee of Arielitis.
18 這就是迦得子孫的各族,照他們中間被數的,共有四萬零五百名。
These weren the meynees of Gad, of whiche al the noumbre was fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
19 猶大的兒子是珥和俄南。這珥和俄南死在迦南地。
The sones of Juda weren Her and Onan, whiche bothe weren deed in the lond of Canaan.
20 按着家族,猶大其餘的眾子:屬示拉的,有示拉族;屬法勒斯的,有法勒斯族;屬謝拉的,有謝拉族。
And the sones of Juda weren bi her kynredis; Sela, of whom the meynee of Selaitis; Phares, of whom the meynee of Pharesitis; Zare, of whom the meynee of Zareitis.
21 法勒斯的兒子:屬希斯崙的,有希斯崙族;屬哈母勒的,有哈母勒族。
Sotheli the sones of Phares weren Esrom, of whom the meynee of Esromytis; and Amul, of whom the meynee of Amulitis.
22 這就是猶大的各族,照他們中間被數的,共有七萬六千五百名。
These weren the meynees of Juda, of whiche al the noumbre was seuenty thousynde and fyue hundrid.
23 按着家族,以薩迦的眾子:屬陀拉的,有陀拉族;屬普瓦的,有普瓦族;
The sones of Isachar bi her kynredis; Thola, of whom the meynee of Tholaitis; Phua, of whom the meynee of Phuitis;
24 屬雅述的,有雅述族;屬伸崙的,有伸崙族。
Jasub, of whom the meynee of Jasubitis; Semran, of whom the meynee of Semranytis.
25 這就是以薩迦的各族,照他們中間被數的,共有六萬四千三百名。
These weren the kynredis of Isachar, of whiche the noumbre was foure and sixti thousynd and three hundrid.
26 按着家族,西布倫的眾子:屬西烈的,有西烈族;屬以倫的,有以倫族;屬雅利的,有雅利族。
The sones of Zabulon bi her kinredis; Sarad, of whom the meynee of Sareditis; Helon, of whom the meynee of Helonytis; Jalel, of whom the meynee of Jalelitis.
27 這就是西布倫的各族,照他們中間被數的,共有六萬零五百名。
These weren the kynredis of Zabulon, of whiche the noumbre was sixti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
28 按着家族,約瑟的兒子有瑪拿西、以法蓮。
The sones of Joseph bi her kynredis weren Manasses and Effraym.
29 瑪拿西的眾子:屬瑪吉的,有瑪吉族;瑪吉生基列;屬基列的,有基列族。
Of Manasses was borun Machir, of whom the meynee of Machiritis. Machir gendride Galaad, of whom the meynee of Galaditis.
30 基列的眾子:屬伊以謝的,有伊以謝族;屬希勒的,有希勒族;
Galaad hadde sones; Hizezer, of whom the meynee of Hizezeritis; and Helech, of whom the meynee of Helechitis;
31 屬亞斯烈的,有亞斯烈族;屬示劍的,有示劍族;
and Ariel, of whom the meynee of Arielitis; and Sechem, of whom the meynee of Sechemytis;
32 屬示米大的,有示米大族;屬希弗的,有希弗族。
and Semyda, of whom the meynee of Semydaitis; and Epher, of whom the meynee of Epheritis.
33 希弗的兒子:西羅非哈沒兒子,只有女兒。西羅非哈女兒的名字就是瑪拉、挪阿、曷拉、密迦、得撒。
Forsothe Epher was the fadir of Salphath, that hadde not sones, but oneli douytris; of whiche these weren the names; Maala, and Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa.
34 這就是瑪拿西的各族;他們中間被數的,共有五萬二千七百名。
These weren the meynees of Manasse, and the noumbre of hem was two and fifty thousynde and seuene hundrid.
35 按着家族,以法蓮的眾子:屬書提拉的,有書提拉族;屬比結的,有比結族;屬他罕的,有他罕族。
Forsothe the sones of Effraym bi her kynredis weren these; Suthala, of whom the meynee of Suthalaitis; Bether, of whom the meynee of Betherytis; Tehen, of whom the meynee of Thehenytis.
36 書提拉的眾子:屬以蘭的,有以蘭族。
Forsothe the sone of Suthala was Heram, of whom the meynee of Heramytis.
37 這就是以法蓮子孫的各族,照他們中間被數的,共有三萬二千五百名。按着家族,這都是約瑟的子孫。
These weren the kynredis `of the sones of Effraym, of whiche the noumbre was two and thretti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
38 按着家族,便雅憫的眾子:屬比拉的,有比拉族;屬亞實別的,有亞實別族;屬亞希蘭的,有亞希蘭族;
These weren the sones of Joseph, bi her meynees. The sones of Beniamyn in her kynredis; Bale, of whom the meynee of Baleytis; Azbel, of whom the meynee of Azbelitis; Ahiram, of whom the meynee of Ahiramitis;
39 屬書反的,有書反族;屬戶反的,有戶反族。
Suphan, of whom the meynee of Suphanitis; Huphan, of whom the meynee of Huphanitis.
40 比拉的眾子是亞勒、乃幔。屬 亞勒 的,有亞勒族;屬乃幔的,有乃幔族。
The sones of Bale, Hered and Noeman; of Hered, the meyne of Hereditis; of Noeman, the meynee of Noemanitis.
41 按着家族,這就是便雅憫的子孫,其中被數的,共有四萬五千六百名。
Thes weren the sones of Beniamyn bi her kynredis, of whiche the noumbre was fyue and fourti thousynde and sixe hundrid.
42 按着家族,但的眾子:屬書含的,有書含族。按着家族,這就是但的各族。
The sones of Dan bi her kynredis; Suphan, of whom the meynee of Suphanytis. These weren the kynredis of Dan bi her meynees;
43 照其中被數的,書含所有的各族,共有六萬四千四百名。
alle weren Suphanytis, of whiche the noumbre was foure and sixti thousynde and foure hundrid.
44 按着家族,亞設的眾子:屬音拿的,有音拿族;屬亦施韋的,有亦施韋族;屬比利亞的,有比利亞族。
The sones of Aser bi her kynredis; Jemma, of whom the meynee of Jemmaytis; Jesuy, of whom the meynee of Jesuytis; Brie, of whom the meynee of Brieitis.
45 比利亞的眾子:屬希別的,有希別族;屬瑪結的,有瑪結族。
The sones of Brie; Haber, of whom the meynee of Haberitis; and Melchiel, of whom the meynee of Melchielitis.
46 亞設的女兒名叫西拉。
Sotheli the name of `the douytir of Azer was Zara.
47 這就是亞設子孫的各族,照他們中間被數的,共有五萬三千四百名。
These weren the kynredis of the sones of Aser, and the noumbre of hem was foure and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid.
48 按着家族,拿弗他利的眾子:屬雅薛的,有雅薛族;屬沽尼的,有沽尼族;
The sones of Neptalym bi her kynredis; Jesehel, of whom the meynee of Jeselitis; Guny, of whom the meynee of Gunytis;
49 屬耶色的,有耶色族;屬示冷的,有示冷族。
Jeser, of whom the meynee of Jeserytis; Sellem, of whom the meynee of Sellemytis.
50 按着家族,這就是拿弗他利的各族;他們中間被數的,共有四萬五千四百名。
Thes weren the kynredis of the sones of Neptalym bi her meynees, of whiche the noumbre was fyue and fourti thousynde and foure hundrid.
51 以色列人中被數的,共有六十萬零一千七百三十名。
This is the summe of the sones of Israel, that weren noumbrid, sixe hundrid thousynde and a thousynde seuene hundrid and thretti.
52 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide,
53 「你要按着人名的數目將地分給這些人為業。
The lond schal be departid to these, bi the noumbre of names in to her possessiouns;
54 人多的,你要把產業多分給他們;人少的,你要把產業少分給他們;要照被數的人數,把產業分給各人。
thou schalt yyue the grettere part to mo men, and the lesse part to fewere men; possessioun schal be youun to alle bi hem silf, as thei ben noumbrid now;
55 雖是這樣,還要拈鬮分地。他們要按着祖宗各支派的名字承受為業。
so oneli that lot departe the lond to lynagis and meynees.
56 要按着所拈的鬮,看人數多,人數少,把產業分給他們。」
What euer thing bifallith bi lot, ethir mo ether fewere men take this.
57 利未人,按着他們的各族被數的:屬革順的,有革順族;屬哥轄的,有哥轄族;屬米拉利的,有米拉利族。
Also this is the noumbre of the sones of Leuy bi her meynees; Gerson, of whom the meynee of Gersonytis; Caath, of whom the meynee of Caathitis; Merary, of whom the meynee of Meraritis.
58 利未的各族有立尼族、希伯倫族、瑪利族、母示族、可拉族。哥轄生暗蘭。
These weren the meynees of Leuy; the meynee of Lobny, the meynee of Ebron, the meynee of Mooli, the meynee of Musi, the meynee of Chori. And sotheli Caath gendride Amram,
59 暗蘭的妻名叫約基別,是利未女子,生在埃及。她給暗蘭生了亞倫、摩西,並他們的姊姊米利暗。
which hadde a wijf, Jocabeth, douyter of Leuy, which douyter was borun to hym in Egipt. This Jocabeth gendride to hir hosebonde `Amram sones, Aaron, and Moyses, and Marie, `the sister of hem.
60 亞倫生拿答、亞比戶、以利亞撒、以他瑪。
Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar weren bigetun of Aaron;
61 拿答、亞比戶在耶和華面前獻凡火的時候就死了。
of whiche Nadab and Abyu weren deed, whanne thei hadden offrid alien fier bifor the Lord.
62 利未人中,凡一個月以外、被數的男丁,共有二萬三千。他們本來沒有數在以色列人中;因為在以色列人中,沒有分給他們產業。
And alle that weren noumbrid weren thre and twenti thousynde of male kynde, fro o monethe and aboue, whiche weren not noumbrid among the sones of Israel, nether possessioun was youun to hem with othir men.
63 這些就是被摩西和祭司以利亞撒所數的;他們在摩押平原與耶利哥相對的約旦河邊數點以色列人。
This is the noumbre of the sones of Israel, that weren discryued of Moises and Eleasar, preest, in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayen Jerico;
64 但被數的人中,沒有一個是摩西和祭司亞倫從前在西奈的曠野所數的以色列人,
among whiche noon of hem was that weren noumbrid bifor of Moises and Aaron, in the deseert of Synay;
65 因為耶和華論到他們說:「他們必要死在曠野。」所以,除了耶孚尼的兒子迦勒和嫩的兒子約書亞以外,連一個人也沒有存留。
for the Lord bifore seide, that alle schulden die in `the wildirnesse; and noon of hem dwellide, no but Caleph, `the sone of Jephone, and Josue, the sone of Nun.

< 民數記 26 >