< 民數記 2 >

1 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:
And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and seide,
2 「以色列人要各歸自己的纛下,在本族的旗號那裏,對着會幕的四圍安營。
Alle men of the sones of Israel schulen sette tentis bi the cumpenyes, signes, and baneris, and housis of her kynredis, bi the cumpas of the tabernacle of boond of pees.
3 在東邊,向日出之地,照着軍隊安營的是猶大營的纛。有亞米拿達的兒子拿順作猶大人的首領。
At the est Judas schal sette tentis, bi the cumpenyes of his oost; and Naason, the sone of Amynadab, schal be prince of the sones of Juda;
4 他軍隊被數的,共有七萬四千六百名。
and al the summe of fiyteris of his kynrede, foure and seuenty thousynde and sixe hundrid.
5 挨着他安營的是以薩迦支派。有蘇押的兒子拿坦業作以薩迦人的首領。
Men of the lynage of Ysachar settiden tentis bysydis hym, of whiche the prince was Nathanael, the sone of Suar;
6 他軍隊被數的,共有五萬四千四百名。
and al the noumbre of hise fiyteris, foure and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid.
7 又有西布倫支派。希倫的兒子以利押作西布倫人的首領。
Eliab, the sone of Elon, was prince of the lynage of Zabulon;
8 他軍隊被數的,共有五萬七千四百名。
al the oost of fiyteris of his kynrede, seuene and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid.
9 凡屬猶大營、按着軍隊被數的,共有十八萬六千四百名,要作第一隊往前行。
Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Judas, weren an hundrid thousynde `foure scoore thousynde and sixe and foure hundrid; and thei schulen go out the firste bi her cumpanyes.
10 「在南邊,按着軍隊是呂便營的纛。有示丟珥的兒子以利蓿作呂便人的首領。
In the castels of the sones of Ruben, at the south coost, Elisur, the sone of Sedeur, schal be prince; and al the oost of hise fiyteris,
11 他軍隊被數的,共有四萬六千五百名。
that weren noumbrid, sixe and fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
12 挨着他安營的是西緬支派。蘇利沙代的兒子示路蔑作西緬人的首領。
Men of the lynage of Symeon settiden tentis bisidis hym, of whiche the prince was Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai; and al the oost of hise fiyteris,
13 他軍隊被數的,共有五萬九千三百名。
that weren noumbrid, nyne and fifty thousynde and thre hundrid.
14 又有迦得支派。丟珥的兒子以利雅薩作迦得人的首領。
Eliasaph, sone of Duel, was prince in the lynage of Gad; and al the oost of his fiyteris,
15 他軍隊被數的,共有四萬五千六百五十名,
that weren noumbrid, fyue and fourti thousynde sixe hundrid and fifti.
16 凡屬呂便營、按着軍隊被數的,共有十五萬一千四百五十名,要作第二隊往前行。
Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Ruben, an hundrid thousynde fifty thousinde and a thousinde foure hundrid and fifty; thei schulen go forth in the secounde place bi her cumpenyes.
17 「隨後,會幕要往前行,有利未營在諸營中間。他們怎樣安營就怎樣往前行,各按本位,各歸本纛。
Sotheli the tabernacle of witnessyng schal be reisid bi the offices of dekenes, and bi the cumpenyes `of hem; as it schal be reisid, so and it schal be takun doun; alle schulen go forth bi her places and ordris.
18 「在西邊,按着軍隊是以法蓮營的纛。亞米忽的兒子以利沙瑪作以法蓮人的首領。
The castels of the sones of Effraym schulen be at the west coost, of whiche the prince was Elisama, the sone of Amyud;
19 他軍隊被數的,共有四萬零五百名。
and al the oost of his fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
20 挨着他的是瑪拿西支派。比大蓿的兒子迦瑪列作瑪拿西人的首領。
And with hem was the lynage of `the sones of Manasses, of whiche the prince was Gamaliel, the sone of Fadassur;
21 他軍隊被數的,共有三萬二千二百名。
al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, two and thretti thousande and two hundrid.
22 又有便雅憫支派。基多尼的兒子亞比但作便雅憫人的首領。
In the lynage of the sones of Beniamyn the prince was Abidan, the sone of Gedeon;
23 他軍隊被數的,共有三萬五千四百名。
and al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, fyue and thretti thousynde and foure hundrid.
24 凡屬以法蓮營、按着軍隊被數的,共有十萬零八千一百名,要作第三隊往前行。
Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Effraym weren an hundrid thousynde and eiyte thousynde and oon hundrid; thei schulen go forth `the thridde bi her cumpenyes.
25 「在北邊,按着軍隊是但營的纛。亞米沙代的兒子亞希以謝作但人的首領。
At the `part of the north the sones of Dan settiden tentis, of whiche the prince was Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai;
26 他軍隊被數的,共有六萬二千七百名。
al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, two and sixti thousynde and seuene hundrid.
27 挨着他安營的是亞設支派。俄蘭的兒子帕結作亞設人的首領。
Men of the lynage of Aser settiden tentis bisidis hym, of whiche the prince was Fegiel, the sone of Ochran;
28 他軍隊被數的,共有四萬一千五百名。
and al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, fourti thousynde `and a thousynde and fyue hundrid.
29 又有拿弗他利支派。以南的兒子亞希拉作拿弗他利人的首領。
Of the lynage of the sones of Neptalym the prince was Ahira, the sone of Henam; and al the oost of hise fiyteris,
30 他軍隊被數的,共有五萬三千四百名。
thre and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid.
31 凡但營被數的,共有十五萬七千六百名,要歸本纛作末隊往前行。」
Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Dan weren an hundrid thousynde seuene and fifti thousynde and sixe hundrid; thei schulen go forth the laste.
32 這些以色列人,照他們的宗族,按他們的軍隊,在諸營中被數的,共有六十萬零三千五百五十名。
This is the noumbre of the sones of Israel, bi the housis of her kynredis, and bi cumpenyes of the oost departid, sixe hundrid thousynde thre thousynde fyue hundrid and fifti.
33 惟獨利未人沒有數在以色列人中,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
Sotheli the dekenes weren not noumbrid among the sones of Israel; for God comaundide so to Moises.
34 以色列人就這樣行,各人照他們的家室、宗族歸於本纛,安營起行,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
And the sones of Israel diden bi alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide; thei settiden tentis bi her cumpenyes, and yeden forth bi the meynees, and housis of her fadris.

< 民數記 2 >