< 民數記 19 >

1 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:
And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron,
2 「耶和華命定律法中的一條律例乃是這樣說:你要吩咐以色列人,把一隻沒有殘疾、未曾負軛、純紅的母牛牽到你這裏來,
and seide, This is the religioun of sacrifice, which the Lord ordeynede. Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, that thei brynge to thee a reed cow of hool age, in which is no wem, nether sche hath bore yok.
3 交給祭司以利亞撒;他必牽到營外,人就把牛宰在他面前。
And ye schulen bitake hir to Eleazar, preest, which schal offre `the cow, led out of the tentis, in the siyt of alle men.
4 祭司以利亞撒要用指頭蘸這牛的血,向會幕前面彈七次。
And he schal dippe his fyngur in the blood therof, and schal sprynge seuene sithis ayens the yatis of the tabernacle.
5 人要在他眼前把這母牛焚燒;牛的皮、肉、血、糞都要焚燒。
And he schal brenne that cow, while alle men sien; and he schal yyue as wel the skyn and fleischis therof as the blood and dung to flawme.
6 祭司要把香柏木、牛膝草、朱紅色線都丟在燒牛的火中。
Also the preest schal `sende a tre of cedre, and ysope, and reed threed died twies, into the flawme that deuourith the cow.
7 祭司必不潔淨到晚上,要洗衣服,用水洗身,然後可以進營。
And thanne at the laste, whanne hise clothis `and bodi ben waischun, he schal entre in to the tentis, and he schal be defoulid `til to euentid.
8 燒牛的人必不潔淨到晚上,也要洗衣服,用水洗身。
But also he that brente the cow, schal waische hise clothis, and bodi, and he schal be vncleene `til to euentid.
9 必有一個潔淨的人收起母牛的灰,存在營外潔淨的地方,為以色列會眾調做除污穢的水。這本是除罪的。
Forsothe a cleene man schal gadere the aischis of the cow, and schal schede out tho with out the tentis, in a place moost cleene, that tho be to the multitude of the sones of Israel in to keping, and in to watir of spryngyng; for the cow is brent for synne.
10 收起母牛灰的人必不潔淨到晚上,要洗衣服。這要給以色列人和寄居在他們中間的外人作為永遠的定例。」
And whanne he that bar the aischis of the cow, hath waische hise clothis, he schal be vncleene `til to euentid. And the sones of Israel, and comelyngis that dwellen among hem, schulen haue this hooli bi euerlastynge lawe.
11 「摸了人死屍的,就必七天不潔淨。
He that touchith a deed bodi of man, and is vncleene for this bi seuene daies,
12 那人到第三天要用這除污穢的水潔淨自己,第七天就潔淨了。他若在第三天不潔淨自己,第七天就不潔淨了。
schal be spreynt of this watir in the thridde, and in the seuenthe dai; and so he schal be clensid. If he is not spreynt in the thridde dai, he schal not mow be clensid in the seuenthe dai.
13 凡摸了人死屍、不潔淨自己的,就玷污了耶和華的帳幕,這人必從以色列中剪除;因為那除污穢的水沒有灑在他身上,他就為不潔淨,污穢還在他身上。
Ech that touchith the deed bodi bi it silf of mannus soule, and is not spreynt with this medlyng, defoulith the `tabernacle of the Lord, and he schal perische fro Israel; for he is not spreynt with the wateris of clensyng, he schal be vncleene, and his filthe schal dwelle on hym.
14 「人死在帳棚裏的條例乃是這樣:凡進那帳棚的,和一切在帳棚裏的,都必七天不潔淨。
This is the lawe of a man that dieth in the tabernacle; alle that entren in to his tente, and alle vessels that ben there, schulen be defoulid bi seuene daies.
15 凡敞口的器皿,就是沒有紮上蓋的,也是不潔淨。
A vessel that hath not an hilyng, nethir a byndyng aboue, schal be vncleene.
16 無論何人在田野裏摸了被刀殺的,或是屍首,或是人的骨頭,或是墳墓,就要七天不潔淨。
If ony man touchith the deed bodi of man slayn in the feeld, ether deed bi hym silf, ether a boon, ether the sepulcre `of hym, he schal be vncleene bi seuene daies.
17 要為這不潔淨的人拿些燒成的除罪灰放在器皿裏,倒上活水。
And thei schulen take `of the aischis of the brennyng, and of the synne, and thei schulen sende quyk watris in to a vessel on tho aischis;
18 必當有一個潔淨的人拿牛膝草蘸在這水中,把水灑在帳棚上,和一切器皿並帳棚內的眾人身上,又灑在摸了骨頭,或摸了被殺的,或摸了自死的,或摸了墳墓的那人身上。
in whiche whanne `a cleene man hath dippid ysope, he schal spreynge therof the tente, and al the purtenaunce of howshold, and men defoulid bi sich defoulyng.
19 第三天和第七天,潔淨的人要灑水在不潔淨的人身上,第七天就使他成為潔淨。那人要洗衣服,用水洗澡,到晚上就潔淨了。
And in this maner a cleene man schal clense an vncleene, in the thridde and in the seuenthe dai; and he schal be clensid in the seuenthe dai. And he schal waische hym silf, and hise clothis, and he schal be vncleene `til to euentid.
20 「但那污穢而不潔淨自己的,要將他從會中剪除,因為他玷污了耶和華的聖所。除污穢的水沒有灑在他身上,他是不潔淨的。
If ony man is not clensid bi this custom, the soule of hym schal perische fro the myddis of the chirche; for he defoulith the `seyntuarie of the Lord, and is not spreynt with the watir of clensyng.
21 這要給你們作為永遠的定例。並且那灑除污穢水的人要洗衣服。凡摸除污穢水的,必不潔淨到晚上。
This comaundement schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge. Also he that schal sprenge the watris schal waische his clothis; ech man that touchith the watris of clensyng, schal be vncleene `til to euentid.
22 不潔淨人所摸的一切物就不潔淨;摸了這物的人必不潔淨到晚上。」
What euer thing an vncleene man touchith, he schal make it vncleene; and a soule that touchith ony of these thingis `defoulid so, schal be vncleene `til to euentid.

< 民數記 19 >