< 民數記 15 >
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
2 「你曉諭以色列人說:你們到了我所賜給你們居住的地,
Speak to [the] people of Israel and you will say to them that you will go into [the] land of dwelling places your which I [am] about to give to you.
3 若願意從牛群羊群中取牛羊作火祭,獻給耶和華,無論是燔祭是平安祭,為要還特許的願,或是作甘心祭,或是逢你們節期獻的,都要奉給耶和華為馨香之祭。
And you will make a fire offering to Yahweh a burnt offering or a sacrifice to fulfill a vow or a freewill offering or at appointed feasts your to make an odor of soothing to Yahweh from the herd or from the flock.
4 那獻供物的就要將細麵伊法十分之一,並油一欣四分之一,調和作素祭,獻給耶和華。
And he will bring near the [one who] brings near offering his to Yahweh a grain offering fine flour one tenth [of an ephah] mixed with [the] fourth of hin oil.
5 無論是燔祭是平安祭,你要為每隻綿羊羔,一同預備奠祭的酒一欣四分之一。
And wine for the drink offering fourth of hin you will offer with the burnt offering or for the sacrifice for the lamb one.
6 為公綿羊預備細麵伊法十分之二,並油一欣三分之一,調和作素祭,
Or for the ram you will offer a grain offering fine flour two tenths [of an ephah] mixed with oil third of hin.
7 又用酒一欣三分之一作奠祭,獻給耶和華為馨香之祭。
And wine for the drink offering third of hin you will bring near an odor of soothing to Yahweh.
8 你預備公牛作燔祭,或是作平安祭,為要還特許的願,或是作平安祭,獻給耶和華,
And if you will offer a young one of cattle a burnt offering or a sacrifice to fulfill a vow or peace offerings to Yahweh.
9 就要把細麵伊法十分之三,並油半欣,調和作素祭,和公牛一同獻上,
And he will bring near with [the] young one of cattle a grain offering fine flour three tenths [of an ephah] mixed with oil half of hin.
And wine you will bring near for the drink offering half of hin a fire offering of an odor of soothing to Yahweh.
11 「獻公牛、公綿羊、綿羊羔、山羊羔,每隻都要這樣辦理。
Thus it will be done for the bull one or for the ram one or for the small livestock among the lambs or among the kids.
According to the number which you will offer thus you will do for the one according to number their.
13 凡本地人將馨香的火祭獻給耶和華,都要這樣辦理。
Every native-born he will do thus these [things] to bring near a fire offering of an odor of soothing to Yahweh.
14 若有外人和你們同居,或有人世世代代住在你們中間,願意將馨香的火祭獻給耶和華,你們怎樣辦理,他也要照樣辦理。
And if he will sojourn with you a sojourner or [one] who [is] among midst of you to generations your and he will offer a fire offering of an odor of soothing to Yahweh just as you do so he will do.
15 至於會眾,你們和同居的外人都歸一例,作為你們世世代代永遠的定例,在耶和華面前,你們怎樣,寄居的也要怎樣。
The assembly a statute one [will belong] to you and to the sojourner who sojourns a statute of perpetuity to generations your as you as the sojourner it will be before Yahweh.
16 你們並與你們同居的外人當有一樣的條例,一樣的典章。」
A law one and judgment one it will belong to you and to the sojourner who sojourns with you.
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
18 「你曉諭以色列人說:你們到了我所領你們進去的那地,
Speak to [the] people of Israel and you will say to them when come you into the land where I [am] about to bring you there.
And it will be when eat you from [the] food of the land you will offer up a contribution to Yahweh.
20 你們要用初熟的麥子磨麵,做餅當舉祭奉獻;你們舉上,好像舉禾場的舉祭一樣。
[the] first of Dough your a cake you will offer up a contribution like a contribution of [the] threshing floor so you will offer up it.
21 你們世世代代要用初熟的麥子磨麵,當舉祭獻給耶和華。
Some of [the] first of dough your you will give to Yahweh a contribution to generations your.
22 「你們有錯誤的時候,不守耶和華所曉諭摩西的這一切命令,
And if you will err and not you will observe all the commandments these which he has spoken Yahweh to Moses.
23 就是耶和華藉摩西一切所吩咐你們的,自那日以至你們的世世代代,
All that he has commanded Yahweh to you by [the] hand of Moses from the day when he commanded Yahweh and onwards to generations your.
24 若有誤行,是會眾所不知道的,後來全會眾就要將一隻公牛犢作燔祭,並照典章把素祭和奠祭一同獻給耶和華為馨香之祭,又獻一隻公山羊作贖罪祭。
And it will be if away from [the] eyes of the congregation it was done to inadvertence and they will offer all the congregation a young bull a young one of cattle one to a burnt offering to an odor of soothing to Yahweh and grain offering its and drink offering its according to the ordinance and a male goat of goats one to a sin offering.
25 祭司要為以色列全會眾贖罪,他們就必蒙赦免,因為這是錯誤。他們又因自己的錯誤,把供物,就是向耶和華獻的火祭和贖罪祭,一並奉到耶和華面前。
And he will make atonement the priest on all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel and it will be forgiven to them for [was] inadvertence it and they they have brought offering their a fire offering to Yahweh and sin offering their before Yahweh on inadvertence their.
26 以色列全會眾和寄居在他們中間的外人就必蒙赦免,因為這罪是百姓誤犯的。
And it will be forgiven to all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel and to the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them for to all the people by inadvertence.
27 「若有一個人誤犯了罪,他就要獻一歲的母山羊作贖罪祭。
And if a person one it will sin by inadvertence and it will bring near a female goat a daughter of year its to a sin offering.
28 那誤行的人犯罪的時候,祭司要在耶和華面前為他贖罪,他就必蒙赦免。
And he will make atonement the priest on the person who has gone astray by sin by inadvertence before Yahweh to make atonement on him and it will be forgiven to him.
29 以色列中的本地人和寄居在他們中間的外人,若誤行了甚麼事,必歸一樣的條例。
The native-born among [the] people of Israel and to the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them a law one it will belong to you for the [one who] acts by inadvertence.
30 但那擅敢行事的,無論是本地人是寄居的,他褻瀆了耶和華,必從民中剪除。
And the person who it will act - with a hand raised one of the native-born and one of the sojourner[s] Yahweh he [is] blaspheming and it will be cut off the person that from [the] midst people its.
31 因他藐視耶和華的言語,違背耶和華的命令,那人總要剪除;他的罪孽要歸到他身上。」
For [the] word of Yahweh he has despised and commandment his he has broken certainly - it will be cut off the person that iniquity its [will be] on it.
32 以色列人在曠野的時候,遇見一個人在安息日撿柴。
And they were [the] people of Israel in the wilderness and they found a man gathering wood on [the] day of the sabbath.
33 遇見他撿柴的人,就把他帶到摩西、亞倫並全會眾那裏,
And they brought near him the [ones who] found him gathering wood to Moses and to Aaron and to all the congregation.
And they left him in custody for not it had been decided what? will it be done to him.
35 耶和華吩咐摩西說:「總要把那人治死;全會眾要在營外用石頭把他打死。」
And he said Yahweh to Moses certainly he will be put to death the man it will stone him with stones all the congregation from [the] outside of the camp.
36 於是全會眾將他帶到營外,用石頭打死他,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
And they brought out him all the congregation to from [the] outside of the camp and they stoned him with stones and he died just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
And he said Yahweh to Moses saying.
38 「你吩咐以色列人,叫他們世世代代在衣服邊上做繸子,又在底邊的繸子上釘一根藍細帶子。
Speak to [the] people of Israel and you will say to them and they will make for themselves tassel[s] on [the] corners of clothes their to generations their and they will put on [the] tassel[s] of the corner a cord of violet stuff.
39 你們佩帶這繸子,好叫你們看見就記念遵行耶和華一切的命令,不隨從自己的心意、眼目行邪淫,像你們素常一樣;
And it will become for you tassel[s] and you will see it and you will remember all [the] commandments of Yahweh and you will observe them and not you will go about after own heart your and after own eyes your which you [are] acting as prostitutes after them.
40 使你們記念遵行我一切的命令,成為聖潔,歸與你們的上帝。
So that you may remember and you will observe all commandments my and you will be holy to God your.
41 「我是耶和華-你們的上帝,曾把你們從埃及地領出來,要作你們的上帝。我是耶和華-你們的上帝。」
I [am] Yahweh God your who I brought out you from [the] land of Egypt to become for you God I [am] Yahweh God your.