< 那鴻書 3 >

1 禍哉!這流人血的城, 充滿謊詐和強暴- 搶奪的事總不止息。
Wo to the citee of bloodis, al of leesyng, ful of to-reendyng; raueyn shal not go awei fro thee.
2 鞭聲響亮,車輪轟轟, 馬匹踢跳,車輛奔騰,
Vois of scourge, and vois of bire of wheel, and of hors makynge noise, and of foure horsid carte brennynge, and of kniyt stiynge vp,
3 馬兵爭先,刀劍發光, 槍矛閃爍,被殺的甚多, 屍首成了大堆, 屍骸無數,人碰着而跌倒,
and of schynynge swerd, and glesenynge spere, and of slayn multitude, and of greuouse fallyng, nether ther is eende of careyns. And thei schulen falle togidere in her bodies,
4 都因那美貌的妓女多有淫行, 慣行邪術,藉淫行誘惑列國, 用邪術誘惑多族。
for the multitude of fornicaciouns of the hoore fair and plesaunt, and hauynge witchecraftis; which seelde folkis in her fornicaciouns, and meynees in her enchauntementis, ether sorceries.
5 萬軍之耶和華說:我與你為敵; 我必揭起你的衣襟,蒙在你臉上, 使列國看見你的赤體, 使列邦觀看你的醜陋。
Lo! Y to thee, seith the Lord God of oostis; and Y schal schewe thi schameful thingis in thi face; and Y schal schewe to folkis thi nakidnesse, and to rewmes thin yuel fame.
6 我必將可憎污穢之物拋在你身上, 辱沒你,為眾目所觀。
And Y schal cast out on thee thin abhomynaciouns, and Y schal punysche thee with dispitis, and Y schal putte thee in to ensaumple.
7 凡看見你的,都必逃跑離開你, 說:尼尼微荒涼了!有誰為你悲傷呢? 我何處尋得安慰你的人呢?
And it schal be, ech man that schal se thee, schal skippe awei fro thee, and schal seie, Nynyue is distried. Who schal moue heed on thee? wherof schal Y seke to thee a coumfortour?
8 你豈比挪亞們強呢? 挪亞們坐落在眾河之間,周圍有水; 海作她的濠溝, 又作她的城牆。
Whether thou art betere than Alisaundre of puplis, that dwellith in floodis? Watris ben in cumpas therof, whos richessis is the see, watris ben wallis therof.
9 古實和埃及是她無窮的力量; 弗人和路比族是她的幫手。
Ethiope is strengthe therof, and Egipt, and there is noon ende; Affrik and Libie weren in help therof.
10 但她被遷移,被擄去; 她的嬰孩在各市口上也被摔死。 人為她的尊貴人拈鬮; 她所有的大人都被鍊子鎖着。
But and it in `passyng ouer is led in to caitifte; the litle children therof ben hurtlid doun in the heed of alle weies. And on the noble men therof thei kesten lot, and alle grete men therof ben set togidere in gyues.
11 你也必喝醉,必被埋藏, 並因仇敵的緣故尋求避難所。
And thou therfor schalt be drunkun, and schalt be dispisid, and thou schalt seke helpe of enemye.
12 你一切保障必像無花果樹上初熟的無花果, 若一搖撼就落在想吃之人的口中。
Al thi strengthis as a fige tree, with hise figis vnripe; if thei schulen be schakun, thei schulen falle in to the mouth of the etere.
13 你地上的人民如同婦女; 你國中的關口向仇敵敞開; 你的門閂被火焚燒。
Lo! thi puple ben wymmen in the myddil of thee; the yatis of thi lond schulen be schewid to openyng to thin enemyes; fier schal deuoure thin herris.
14 你要打水預備受困; 要堅固你的保障, 踹土和泥,修補磚窯。
Drawe vp to thee water for asegyng, bilde thi strengthis; entre in fen, and trede, thou vndurgoynge holde a tiel stoon.
15 在那裏,火必燒滅你; 刀必殺戮你, 吞滅你如同蝻子。 任你加增人數多如蝻子, 多如蝗蟲吧!
There fier schal ete thee, thou schalt perische bi swerd, it schal deuoure thee, as bruke doith; be thou gaderid togidere as a bruke, be thou multiplied as a locuste.
16 你增添商賈,多過天上的星; 蝻子吃盡而去。
Thou madist thi marchaundises mo than ben sterris of heuene; a bruke is spred abrood, and flei awei.
17 你的首領多如蝗蟲; 你的軍長彷彿成群的螞蚱, 天涼的時候齊落在籬笆上, 日頭一出便都飛去, 人不知道落在何處。
Thi keperis ben as locustis, and thi litle children ben as locustis of locustis, whiche sitten togidere in heggis in the dai of coold; the sun is risun, and thei fledden awei, and the place of hem is not knowun, where thei weren.
18 亞述王啊,你的牧人睡覺; 你的貴冑安歇; 你的人民散在山間,無人招聚。
Thi scheepherdis napten, thou kyng Assur, thi princes schulen be biried; thi puple ofte was hid in hillis, and ther is not that schal gadere.
19 你的損傷無法醫治; 你的傷痕極其重大。 凡聽你信息的必都因此向你拍掌。 你所行的惡誰沒有時常遭遇呢?
Thi sorewe is not priuy, thi wounde is worst; alle men that herden thin heryng, pressiden togidere hond on thee, for on whom passide not thi malice euermore?

< 那鴻書 3 >