< 瑪拉基書 1 >

1 耶和華藉瑪拉基傳給以色列的默示。
The birthun of the word of the Lord to Israel, in the hond of Malachie, the profete.
2 耶和華說:「我曾愛你們。」你們卻說:「你在何事上愛我們呢?」耶和華說:「以掃不是雅各的哥哥嗎?我卻愛雅各,
Y louyde you, seith the Lord, and ye seiden, In what thing louydist thou vs? Whether Esau was not the brother of Jacob, seith the Lord, and Y louyde Jacob,
3 惡以掃,使他的山嶺荒涼,把他的地業交給曠野的野狗。」
forsothe Y hatide Esau? And Y haue put Seir the hillis of hym in to wildirnesse, and his eritage in to dragouns of desert.
4 以東人說:「我們現在雖被毀壞,卻要重建荒廢之處。」萬軍之耶和華如此說:「任他們建造,我必拆毀;人必稱他們的地為『罪惡之境』;稱他們的民為『耶和華永遠惱怒之民』。」
That if Idumee seith, We ben distried, but we schulen turne ayen, and bilde tho thingis that ben distried; the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, These schulen bilde, and Y schal distrie; and thei schulen be clepid termes of wickidnesse, and a puple to whom the Lord is wroth, til in to with outen ende.
5 你們必親眼看見,也必說:「願耶和華在以色列境界之外被尊為大!」
And youre iyen schulen se, and ye schulen seie, The Lord be magnefied on the terme of Israel.
6 「藐視我名的祭司啊,萬軍之耶和華對你們說:兒子尊敬父親,僕人敬畏主人;我既為父親,尊敬我的在哪裏呢?我既為主人,敬畏我的在哪裏呢?你們卻說:『我們在何事上藐視你的名呢?』
The sone onourith the fader, and the seruaunt schal drede his lord; therfor if Y am fadir, wher is myn onour? and if Y am lord, where is my drede? seith the Lord of oostis. A! ye prestis, to you that dispisen my name; and ye seiden, Wherynne han we dispisid thi name?
7 你們將污穢的食物獻在我的壇上,且說:『我們在何事上污穢你呢?』因你們說,耶和華的桌子是可藐視的。
Ye offren on myn auter vncleene breed, and ye seien, Wherynne han we defoulid thee? In that thing that ye seien, The boord of the Lord is dispisid.
8 你們將瞎眼的獻為祭物,這不為惡嗎?將瘸腿的、有病的獻上,這不為惡嗎?你獻給你的省長,他豈喜悅你,豈能看你的情面嗎?這是萬軍之耶和華說的。
If ye offren a blynd beest to be sacrifisid, whether it is not yuel? And if ye offren a crokid and sike beeste, whether it is not yuel? Offre thou it to thi duyk, if it schal plese hym, ether if he schal resseyue thi face, seith the Lord of oostis.
9 「現在我勸你們懇求上帝,他好施恩與我們。這妄獻的事,既由你們經手,他豈能看你們的情面嗎?這是萬軍之耶和華說的。
And now biseche ye the cheer of the Lord, that he haue merci on you; for of youre hond this thing is doon, if in ony maner he resseiue youre faces, seith the Lord of oostis.
10 甚願你們中間有一人關上殿門,免得你們徒然在我壇上燒火。萬軍之耶和華說:我不喜悅你們,也不從你們手中收納供物。
Who is `in you that closith doris, and brenneth myn auter `of his owne wille, ethir freli? Wille is not to me in you, seith the Lord of oostis; and Y schal not resseyue a yifte of youre hond.
11 萬軍之耶和華說:從日出之地到日落之處,我的名在外邦中必尊為大。在各處,人必奉我的名燒香,獻潔淨的供物,因為我的名在外邦中必尊為大。
For fro rysyng of the sunne til to goyng doun, my name is greet in hethene men; and in ech place a cleene offring is sacrifisid, and offrid to my name; for my name is greet in hethene men, seith the Lord of oostis.
12 你們卻褻瀆我的名,說:『耶和華的桌子是污穢的,其上的食物是可藐視的。』
And ye han defoulid it in that that ye seien, The boord of the Lord is defoulid, and that that is put aboue is `worthi to be dispisid, with fier that deuourith it.
13 你們又說:『這些事何等煩瑣!』並嗤之以鼻。這是萬軍之耶和華說的。你們把搶奪的、瘸腿的、有病的拿來獻上為祭。我豈能從你們手中收納呢?這是耶和華說的。
And ye seiden, Lo! of trauel; and ye han blowe it a wei, seith the Lord of oostis. And ye brouyten in of raueyns a crokid thlng and sijk, and brouyten in a yifte; whether Y schal resseyue it of youre hond? seith the Lord.
14 行詭詐的在群中有公羊,他許願卻用有殘疾的獻給主,這人是可咒詛的。因為我是大君王,我的名在外邦中是可畏的。這是萬軍之耶和華說的。
Cursid is the gileful, that hath in his floc a male beeste, and `he makynge a vow offrith a feble to the Lord; for Y am a greet kyng, seith the Lord of oostis, and my name is dredeful `in folkis.

< 瑪拉基書 1 >