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1 提阿非羅大人哪,有好些人提筆作書,述說在我們中間所成就的事,是照傳道的人從起初親眼看見又傳給我們的。
As you know, many others have attempted to put down in writing the things that have been fulfilled that involve us.
They based their accounts on evidence from the earliest eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word,
3 這些事我既從起頭都詳細考察了,就定意要按着次序寫給你,
and so I also decided that since I have followed these things very carefully from the beginning, it would be a good idea to write out an accurate account of all that happened.
4 使你知道所學之道都是確實的。
I have done this dear Theophilus so you can be certain that what you were taught is completely reliable.
5 當猶太王希律的時候,亞比雅班裏有一個祭司,名叫撒迦利亞;他妻子是亞倫的後人,名叫伊利莎白。
During the time when Herod was king of Judea, there was a priest called Zechariah, who came from the Abijah priestly division. He was married to Elizabeth, who was also descended from Aaron the priest.
6 他們二人在上帝面前都是義人,遵行主的一切誡命禮儀,沒有可指摘的,
They both did what was right before God, being careful to follow all the Lord's commandments and regulations.
7 只是沒有孩子;因為伊利莎白不生育,兩個人又年紀老邁了。
They had no children because Elizabeth wasn't able to have any, and they were both growing old.
8 撒迦利亞按班次在上帝面前供祭司的職分,
While Zechariah was serving as a priest before God, on behalf of his priestly division,
9 照祭司的規矩掣籤,得進主殿燒香。
he was chosen by lot according to priestly custom to enter the Temple of the Lord and burn incense.
10 燒香的時候,眾百姓在外面禱告。
During the time of offering incense a large crowd of people were praying outside.
11 有主的使者站在香壇的右邊,向他顯現。
An angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah, standing to the right of the altar of incense.
12 撒迦利亞看見,就驚慌害怕。
When Zechariah saw the angel, he was startled and became terrified.
13 天使對他說:「撒迦利亞,不要害怕,因為你的祈禱已經被聽見了。你的妻子伊利莎白要給你生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫約翰。
But the angel told him, “Don't be afraid, Zechariah. Your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call him John.
14 你必歡喜快樂;有許多人因他出世,也必喜樂。
He will bring you joy and gladness, and many will celebrate his birth.
15 他在主面前將要為大,淡酒濃酒都不喝,從母腹裏就被聖靈充滿了。
He will be great in the sight of the Lord. He will refuse to drink wine or other alcoholic drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he's born.
16 他要使許多以色列人回轉,歸於主-他們的上帝。
He will turn many Israelites back to the Lord their God.
17 他必有以利亞的心志能力,行在主的前面,叫為父的心轉向兒女,叫悖逆的人轉從義人的智慧,又為主預備合用的百姓。」
He will go ahead of the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the fathers back to thinking about their children, and to turn those who are rebellious back to a right understanding—to prepare a people ready for the Lord.”
18 撒迦利亞對天使說:「我憑着甚麼可知道這事呢?我已經老了,我的妻子也年紀老邁了。」
“How can I be sure about this?” Zechariah asked the angel. “I'm an old man, and my wife is getting old too.”
19 天使回答說:「我是站在上帝面前的加百列,奉差而來對你說話,將這好信息報給你。
“I am Gabriel,” the angel replied. “I stand in God's presence, and I was sent to speak to you and give you this good news.
20 到了時候,這話必然應驗;只因你不信,你必啞巴,不能說話,直到這事成就的日子。」
But since you didn't believe what I told you, you'll become dumb, unable to speak, until the appointed time when my words come true.”
21 百姓等候撒迦利亞,詫異他許久在殿裏。
Outside the people were waiting for Zechariah, wondering why he was taking so long in the Temple.
22 及至他出來,不能和他們說話,他們就知道他在殿裏見了異象;因為他直向他們打手式,竟成了啞巴。
When eventually he came out, he wasn't able to speak to them. They realized he'd seen a vision in the Temple, for though he could make gestures, he was completely dumb.
23 他供職的日子已滿,就回家去了。
After he'd finished his time of service, he went back home.
24 這些日子以後,他的妻子伊利莎白懷了孕,就隱藏了五個月,
Some time later his wife Elizabeth became pregnant. She stayed at home for five months.
25 說:「主在眷顧我的日子,這樣看待我,要把我在人間的羞恥除掉。」
“The Lord has done this for me,” she said, “now that he's taken away my disgrace in the eyes of others.”
26 到了第六個月,天使加百列奉上帝的差遣往加利利的一座城去(這城名叫拿撒勒),
In the sixth month of her pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel to a young girl called Mary who lived in the town of Nazareth in Galilee.
27 到一個童女那裏,是已經許配大衛家的一個人,名叫約瑟。童女的名字叫馬利亞;
She was engaged to a man named Joseph.
28 天使進去,對她說:「蒙大恩的女子,我問你安,主和你同在了!」
The angel greeted her. “You are very privileged,” he told her. “The Lord is with you.”
29 馬利亞因這話就很驚慌,又反覆思想這樣問安是甚麼意思。
Mary was very puzzled at what he said, and wondered what this greeting meant.
30 天使對她說:「馬利亞,不要怕!你在上帝面前已經蒙恩了。
“Don't worry, Mary,” the angel went on, “for God has shown his graciousness to you.
31 你要懷孕生子,可以給他起名叫耶穌。
You will become pregnant and give birth to a son. You shall call him Jesus.
32 他要為大,稱為至高者的兒子;主上帝要把他祖大衛的位給他。
He will be very great, and he will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,
33 他要作雅各家的王,直到永遠;他的國也沒有窮盡。」 (aiōn g165)
and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never come to an end.” (aiōn g165)
34 馬利亞對天使說:「我沒有出嫁,怎麼有這事呢?」
“How is this possible?” Mary asked. “I'm still a virgin.”
35 天使回答說:「聖靈要臨到你身上,至高者的能力要蔭庇你,因此所要生的聖者必稱為上帝的兒子 。
He replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you. The baby who is to be born is holy, and will be called the Son of God.
36 況且你的親戚伊利莎白,在年老的時候也懷了男胎,就是那素來稱為不生育的,現在有孕六個月了。
And Elizabeth, your relative, even she is pregnant in her old age. The woman that people said couldn't have children is already six months pregnant.
37 因為,出於上帝的話,沒有一句不帶能力的。」
Nothing is impossible for God.”
38 馬利亞說:「我是主的使女,情願照你的話成就在我身上。」天使就離開她去了。
“Here I am, ready to be the Lord's servant,” said Mary. “May it happen to me just as you said.” Then the angel left her.
39 那時候,馬利亞起身,急忙往山地裏去,來到猶大的一座城;
A little while later, Mary got herself ready and hurried up into the hills of Judea, to the town where
40 進了撒迦利亞的家,問伊利莎白安。
Zechariah's house was. She called out to Elizabeth as she went in.
41 伊利莎白一聽馬利亞問安,所懷的胎就在腹裏跳動。伊利莎白且被聖靈充滿,
As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's voice, the baby jumped for joy inside her. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,
42 高聲喊着說:「你在婦女中是有福的!你所懷的胎也是有福的!
and cried out in a loud voice, “How blessed you are among women, and how blessed will be the child born to you!
43 我主的母到我這裏來,這是從哪裏得的呢?
Why am I so honored that the mother of my Lord should visit me?
44 因為你問安的聲音一入我耳,我腹裏的胎就歡喜跳動。
As soon as I heard you call out in greeting, my baby jumped for joy inside me.
45 這相信的女子是有福的!因為主對她所說的話都要應驗。」
How fortunate you are, because you are convinced that the Lord will do what he has promised you!”
46 馬利亞說: 我心尊主為大;
Mary replied, “How I praise the Lord!
47 我靈以上帝我的救主為樂;
I am so happy with God my Savior,
48 因為他顧念他使女的卑微; 從今以後, 萬代要稱我有福。
because he decided that I, his servant, was worthy of his consideration, despite my humble background. From now on every generation will say I was blessed.
49 那有權能的,為我成就了大事; 他的名為聖。
God Almighty has done great things for me; his name is holy.
50 他憐憫敬畏他的人, 直到世世代代。
His mercy lasts for generation after generation to those who respect him.
51 他用膀臂施展大能; 那狂傲的人正心裏妄想就被他趕散了。
With his power he has broken to pieces those who arrogantly think they're so clever.
52 他叫有權柄的失位, 叫卑賤的升高;
He tears the powerful down from their thrones, and elevates those who are humble.
53 叫飢餓的得飽美食, 叫富足的空手回去。
He fills the hungry with good things to eat, and he sends the rich away empty-handed.
54 他扶助了他的僕人以色列,
He has helped his servant Israel, remembering him in mercy,
55 為要記念亞伯拉罕和他的後裔, 施憐憫直到永遠, 正如從前對我們列祖所說的話。 (aiōn g165)
just as he promised our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants for ever.” (aiōn g165)
56 馬利亞和伊利莎白同住,約有三個月,就回家去了。
Mary stayed with her for three months and then returned home.
57 伊利莎白的產期到了,就生了一個兒子。
The time came for Elizabeth to have her baby and she gave birth to a son.
58 鄰里親族聽見主向她大施憐憫,就和她一同歡樂。
Her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had showed her great kindness, and they celebrated together with her.
59 到了第八日,他們來要給孩子行割禮,並要照他父親的名字叫他撒迦利亞。
Eight days later they came to circumcise the boy. They planned to call him Zechariah after his father.
60 他母親說:「不可!要叫他約翰。」
“No,” Elizabeth said. “He shall be called John.”
61 他們說:「你親族中沒有叫這名字的。」
“But there's nobody among your relatives who has this name,” they told her.
62 他們就向他父親打手式,問他要叫這孩子甚麼名字。
Through gestures they asked Zechariah, the boy's father, what he wanted to call his son.
63 他要了一塊寫字的板,就寫上,說:「他的名字是約翰。」他們便都希奇。
Zechariah motioned for something to write on. To everyone's surprise he wrote, “His name is John.”
64 撒迦利亞的口立時開了,舌頭也舒展了,就說出話來,稱頌上帝。
Immediately he could speak again, and he started praising God.
65 周圍居住的人都懼怕;這一切的事就傳遍了猶太的山地。
All those living nearby were in awe at what had happened, and the news spread throughout the hill country of Judea.
66 凡聽見的人都將這事放在心裏,說:「這個孩子將來怎麼樣呢?因為有主與他同在。」
Everyone who heard the news wondered what it meant. “What will the little boy grow up to be?” they asked, for it was clear he was very special to God.
67 他父親撒迦利亞被聖靈充滿了,就預言說:
Zechariah, his father, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke this prophecy:
68 主-以色列的上帝是應當稱頌的! 因他眷顧他的百姓,為他們施行救贖,
“The Lord, the God of Israel, he is wonderful, for he has come to his people and set them free.
69 在他僕人大衛家中, 為我們興起了拯救的角,
He has given us a great Savior from the line of his servant David,
70 正如主藉着從創世以來聖先知的口所說的話, (aiōn g165)
as he promised through his holy prophets long ago. (aiōn g165)
71 拯救我們脫離仇敵 和一切恨我們之人的手,
He promised to save us from our enemies, from those who hate us.
72 向我們列祖施憐憫, 記念他的聖約-
He was merciful to our fathers, remembering his holy agreement—
73 就是他對我們祖宗亞伯拉罕所起的誓-
the promise that he made to our father Abraham.
74 叫我們既從仇敵手中被救出來,
He gives us freedom from fear and rescues us from our enemies,
75 就可以終身在他面前, 坦然無懼地用聖潔、公義事奉他。
so we can serve him by doing what is good and right for our whole lives.
76 孩子啊!你要稱為至高者的先知; 因為你要行在主的前面, 預備他的道路,
Even though you are only a small child, you will be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go ahead of the Lord to prepare his way,
77 叫他的百姓因罪得赦, 就知道救恩。
providing knowledge of salvation to his people through the forgiveness of their sins.
78 因我們上帝憐憫的心腸, 叫清晨的日光從高天臨到我們,
Through God's caring kindness to us, heaven's dawn will break upon us
79 要照亮坐在黑暗中死蔭裏的人, 把我們的腳引到平安的路上。
to shine on those who live in darkness and under the shadow of death, and to guide us along the path of peace.”
80 那孩子漸漸長大,心靈強健,住在曠野,直到他顯明在以色列人面前的日子。
The boy John grew and became spiritually strong. He lived in the desert until the time came for his public ministry to Israel.

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