< 利未記 27 >

1 耶和華對摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel,
2 「你曉諭以色列人說:人還特許的願,被許的人要按你所估的價值歸給耶和華。
and thou schalt seye to hem, A man that makith avow, and bihetith his soule to God, schal yyue the priys vndur valu, ether preisyng.
3 你估定的,從二十歲到六十歲的男人,要按聖所的平,估定價銀五十舍客勒。
If it is a male, fro the twentithe yeer `til to the sixtithe yeer, he schal yyue fifti siclis of siluer, at the mesure of seyntuarie, if it is a womman,
4 若是女人,你要估定三十舍客勒。
sche schal yyue thretti siclis;
5 若是從五歲到二十歲,男子你要估定二十舍客勒,女子估定十舍客勒。
forsothe fro the fifthe yeer `til to the twentithe yeer, a male schal yyue twenti cyclis, a womman schal yyue ten ciclis;
6 若是從一月到五歲,男子你要估定五舍客勒,女子估定三舍客勒。
fro o monethe `til to the fifthe yeer, fyue ciclis schulen be youun for a male, thre ciclis for a womman;
7 若是從六十歲以上,男人你要估定十五舍客勒,女人估定十舍客勒。
a male of sixti yeer and ouer schal yyue fiftene ciclis, a womman schal yyue ten cyclis.
8 他若貧窮,不能照你所估定的價,就要把他帶到祭司面前,祭司要按許願人的力量估定他的價。
If it is a pore man, and may not yelde the valu, he schal stonde bifor the preest, and as myche as the preest preisith, and seeth that the pore man may yelde, so myche he schal yyue.
9 「所許的若是牲畜,就是人獻給耶和華為供物的,凡這一類獻給耶和華的,都要成為聖。
Forsothe if ony man avowith a beeste, that may be offrid to the Lord, it schal be hooli,
10 人不可改換,也不可更換,或是好的換壞的,或是壞的換好的。若以牲畜更換牲畜,所許的與所換的都要成為聖。
and schal not mow be chaungid, that is, nethir a betere for `an yuel, nether `a worse for a good; and if he chaungith it, bothe that, that is chaungid, and that, for which it is chaungid, schal be halewid to the Lord.
11 若牲畜不潔淨,是不可獻給耶和華為供物的,就要把牲畜安置在祭司面前。
Sotheli if ony man avowith an vncleene beeste, that may not be offrid to the Lord, it schal be brouyt bifor the preest,
12 祭司就要估定價值;牲畜是好是壞,祭司怎樣估定,就要以怎樣為是。
and the preest schal deme whether it is good ether yuel, and schal sette the prijs;
13 他若一定要贖回,就要在你所估定的價值以外加上五分之一。
which prijs if he that offrith wole yyue, he schal adde the fifthe part ouer the valu.
14 「人將房屋分別為聖,歸給耶和華,祭司就要估定價值。房屋是好是壞,祭司怎樣估定,就要以怎樣為定。
If a man avowith his hows, and halewith it to the Lord, the preest schal biholde, `whether it is good ether yuel, and bi the prijs, which is ordeyned of hym, it schal be seld;
15 將房屋分別為聖的人,若要贖回房屋,就必在你所估定的價值以外加上五分之一,房屋仍舊歸他。
sotheli if he that avowide wole ayen-bie it, he schal yyue the fifthe part of the valu aboue, and he schal haue the hows.
16 「人若將承受為業的幾分地分別為聖,歸給耶和華,你要按這地撒種多少估定價值,若撒大麥一賀梅珥,要估價五十舍客勒。
That if he avowith the feeld of his possessioun, and halewith to the Lord, the prijs schal be demed bi the mesure of seed; if the feeld is sowun with thritti buyschels of barli, it schal be seeld for fifti siclys of siluer.
17 他若從禧年將地分別為聖,就要以你所估定的價為定。
If he auowith the feeld anoon for the yeer of the iubilee bigynnynge, as myche as it may be worth, bi so myche it schal be preisid;
18 倘若他在禧年以後將地分別為聖,祭司就要按着未到禧年所剩的年數推算價值,也要從你所估的減去價值。
but if it be after `sum part of tyme, the preest schal rykene the money bi the noumbre of yeeris that ben residue `til to the iubilee, and it schal be withdrawun of the prijs.
19 將地分別為聖的人若定要把地贖回,他便要在你所估的價值以外加上五分之一,地就准定歸他。
That if he that avowide wole ayenbie the feeld, he schal adde the fyuethe part of the money preisid, and he schal welde it;
20 他若不贖回那地,或是將地賣給別人,就再不能贖了。
but if he nyle ayenbie, but it is seeld to ony othir man, he that avowide schal `no more mowe ayenbie it;
21 但到了禧年,那地從買主手下出來的時候,就要歸耶和華為聖,和永獻的地一樣,要歸祭司為業。
for whanne the dai of iubilee cometh, it schal be halewid to the Lord, and the possessioun halewid perteyneth to the riyt of preestis.
22 他若將所買的一塊地,不是承受為業的,分別為聖歸給耶和華,
If the feeld is bouyt, and is not of the possessioun of grettere men,
23 祭司就要將你所估的價值給他推算到禧年。當日,他要以你所估的價銀為聖,歸給耶和華。
and is halewid to the Lord, the preest schal determyne the prijs bi the noumbre of yeeris `til to the iubilee, and he that avowide the feeld schal yyue the prijs to the Lord;
24 到了禧年,那地要歸賣主,就是那承受為業的原主。
forsothe in the iubilee it schal turne ayen to the formere lord that seelde it, and `haue he in to the eritage of his possessioun.
25 凡你所估定的價銀都要按着聖所的平:二十季拉為一舍客勒。
`Ech preisyng schal be peisid bi the sicle of seyntuarie; a sicle hath twenti halpens.
26 「惟獨牲畜中頭生的,無論是牛是羊,既歸耶和華,誰也不可再分別為聖,因為這是耶和華的。
No man may halewe and avowe the firste gendrid thingis that perteynen to the Lord, whether it is oxe, whether scheep, tho ben the Lordis part.
27 若是不潔淨的牲畜生的,就要按你所估定的價值加上五分之一贖回;若不贖回,就要按你所估定的價值賣了。
That if the beeste is vncleene, he that offride schal ayenbie by his valu, and he schal adde the fyuethe part of prijs; if he nyle ayenbie, it schal be seeld to another man, as myche euer as it is `set at valu.
28 「但一切永獻的,就是人從他所有永獻給耶和華的,無論是人,是牲畜,是他承受為業的地,都不可賣,也不可贖。凡永獻的是歸給耶和華為至聖。
Al thing which is halewid to the Lord, whether it is man, whether beeste, whether feeld, it schal not be seeld, nether it schal mow be ayenbouyt; whateuer thing is halewid onys, it schal be hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis to the Lord,
29 凡從人中當滅的都不可贖,必被治死。」
and ech halewyng which is offrid of man, schal not be ayenbouyt, but it schal die bi deeth.
30 「地上所有的,無論是地上的種子是樹上的果子,十分之一是耶和華的,是歸給耶和華為聖的。
Alle the tithis of erthe, whether of fruytis, whether of applis of trees, ben the Lordis part, and ben halewid to hym;
31 人若要贖這十分之一的甚麼物,就要加上五分之一。
sotheli if ony man wole ayenbie hise tithis, he schal adde the fyuethe part of tho; of alle tithis,
32 凡牛群羊群中,一切從杖下經過的,每第十隻要歸給耶和華為聖。
of scheep, and of oxen, and of geet, that passen vndur the `yerde of scheepherde, whateuer thing cometh to the tenthe part, it schal be halewid to the Lord;
33 不可問是好是壞,也不可更換;若定要更換,所更換的與本來的牲畜都要成為聖,不可贖回。」
it schal not be chosun, nether good, nether yuel; nethir it schal be chaungid for another; if ony man chaungith, bothe that, that is chaungid, and that, for which it is chaungid, schal be halewid to the Lord, and it schal not be ayenbouyt.
34 這就是耶和華在西奈山為以色列人所吩咐摩西的命令。
These ben the comaundementis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises, and to the sones of Israel, in the hil of Synay.

< 利未記 27 >