< 利未記 16 >

1 亞倫的兩個兒子近到耶和華面前死了。死了之後,耶和華曉諭摩西說:
And the Lord spak to Moises, aftir the deeth of the twei sones of Aaron, whanne thei offriden alien fier, and weren slayn, and comaundide to hym,
2 「要告訴你哥哥亞倫,不可隨時進聖所的幔子內、到櫃上的施恩座前,免得他死亡,因為我要從雲中顯現在施恩座上。
and seide, Speke thou to Aaron, thi brother, that he entre not in al tyme in to the seyntuarie, which is with ynne the veil bifor the propiciatorie, bi which the arke is hilid, that he die not; for Y schal appere in a cloude on Goddis answeryng place;
3 亞倫進聖所,要帶一隻公牛犢為贖罪祭,一隻公綿羊為燔祭。
`no but he do these thingis bifore. He schal offer a calf for synne, and a ram in to brent sacrifice;
4 要穿上細麻布聖內袍,把細麻布褲子穿在身上,腰束細麻布帶子,頭戴細麻布冠冕;這都是聖服。他要用水洗身,然後穿戴。
he schal be clothid with a lynnun coote, he schal hide the schamefast membris with pryuy lynnun clothis; he schal be gird with a lynnun girdil, he schal putte a lynnun mytre on his heed; for these clothis ben hooli, with whiche alle he schal be clothid, whanne he is waischun.
5 要從以色列會眾取兩隻公山羊為贖罪祭,一隻公綿羊為燔祭。
And he schal take of al the multitude of the sones of Israel twei kidis for synne, and o ram in to brent sacrifice;
6 「亞倫要把贖罪祭的公牛奉上,為自己和本家贖罪;
and whanne he offrith a calf, and preieth for hym,
7 也要把兩隻公山羊安置在會幕門口、耶和華面前,
and for his hows, he schal make twei `buckis of geet to stonde bifor the Lord, in the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng;
8 為那兩隻羊拈鬮,一鬮歸與耶和華,一鬮歸與阿撒瀉勒。
and he schal sende `on euer eithir, o lot to the Lord, and another lot to the goot that schal be sent out.
9 亞倫要把那拈鬮歸與耶和華的羊獻為贖罪祭,
Whos lot goith out to the Lord, he schal offre it for synne;
10 但那拈鬮歸與阿撒瀉勒的羊要活着安置在耶和華面前,用以贖罪,打發人送到曠野去,歸與阿撒瀉勒。
sotheli whos lot goith out in to goot that schal be sent out, he schal sette hym quyk bifor the Lord, that he sende preyers `on hym, and sende hym out in to wildirnesse.
11 「亞倫要把贖罪祭的公牛牽來宰了,為自己和本家贖罪;
Whanne these thingis ben doon riytfuli, he schal offre the calf, and `he schal preye for hym silf, and for his hows, and schal offre the calf.
12 拿香爐,從耶和華面前的壇上盛滿火炭,又拿一捧搗細的香料,都帶入幔子內,
And whanne he hath take the censeer, which he hath fillid of the coolis of the auter, and `he hath take in hond the `swete smellynge spicery maad into encense, he schal entre ouer the veil in to the hooli thingis;
13 在耶和華面前,把香放在火上,使香的煙雲遮掩法櫃上的施恩座,免得他死亡;
that whanne swete smellynge spiceries ben put on the fier, the cloude and `vapour of tho hile Goddis answeryng place, which is on the witnessyng, and he die not.
14 也要取些公牛的血,用指頭彈在施恩座的東面,又在施恩座的前面彈血七次。
Also he schal take of the `blood of the calf, and he schal sprenge seuensithis with the fyngur ayens `the propiciatorie, `to the eest.
15 「隨後他要宰那為百姓作贖罪祭的公山羊,把羊的血帶入幔子內,彈在施恩座的上面和前面,好像彈公牛的血一樣。
And whanne he hath slayn the `buk of geet, for synne of the puple, he schal brynge in the blood therof with ynne the veil, as it is comaundid of the `blood of the calf, that he sprynge euene ayens Goddis answeryng place,
16 他因以色列人諸般的污穢、過犯,就是他們一切的罪愆,當這樣在聖所行贖罪之禮,並因會幕在他們污穢之中,也要照樣而行。
and he schal clense the seyntuarie fro vnclennessis of the sones of Israel, and fro her trespassyngis, and alle synnes. Bi this custom he schal do in the tabernacle of witnessyng, which is set among hem, in the myddis of partis of the abitacioun `of hem.
17 他進聖所贖罪的時候,會幕裏不可有人,直等到他為自己和本家並以色列全會眾贖了罪出來。
No man be in the tabernacle, whanne the bischop schal entre in to the seyntuarie, that he preye for hym silf, and for his hows, and for al the cumpeny of Israel, til he go out of the tabernacle.
18 他出來,要到耶和華面前的壇那裏,在壇上行贖罪之禮,又要取些公牛的血和公山羊的血,抹在壇上四角的周圍;
Sotheli whanne he hath go out to the auter which is bifor the Lord, preye he for hym silf, and schede he on the hornes therof, bi cumpas, the blood `that is takun of the calf, and of the `buk of geet;
19 也要用指頭把血彈在壇上七次,潔淨了壇,從壇上除掉以色列人諸般的污穢,使壇成聖。」
and sprynge he seuensithis with the fyngur, and clense he, and halewe the autir fro vnclennessis of the sones of Israel.
20 「亞倫為聖所和會幕並壇獻完了贖罪祭,就要把那隻活着的公山羊奉上。
Aftir that he hath clensid the seyntuarie, and tabernacle, and auter, thanne offre he the lyuynge `buc of geet;
21 兩手按在羊頭上,承認以色列人諸般的罪孽過犯,就是他們一切的罪愆,把這罪都歸在羊的頭上,藉着所派之人的手,送到曠野去。
and whanne euer eithir hond is set on the heed therof, knowleche the preest alle the wickidnessis of the sones of Israel, and alle the trespassis and synnes `of hem, whiche the preest schal wische to the heed therof, and schal sende hym out in to deseert bi a man maad redi.
22 要把這羊放在曠野,這羊要擔當他們一切的罪孽,帶到無人之地。
And whanne the `buc of geet hath bore alle the wickidnessis `of hem in to a deseert lond,
23 「亞倫要進會幕,把他進聖所時所穿的細麻布衣服脫下,放在那裏,
and is left `in deseert, Aaron schal turn ayen in to the tabernacle of witnessyng; and whanne the clothis ben put of, in whiche he was clothid bifore, whanne he entrid in to the seyntuarie of God, and ben left there,
24 又要在聖處用水洗身,穿上衣服,出來,把自己的燔祭和百姓的燔祭獻上,為自己和百姓贖罪。
he schal waische his fleisch in the hooli place, and he schal be clothid in his owen clothis, and aftir that he hath go out, and hath offrid the brent sacrifice of hym silf, and of the puple, he schal preye as wel for hym silf, as for the puple;
25 贖罪祭牲的脂油要在壇上焚燒。
and he schal brenne on the auter the innere fatnesse which is offrid for synne.
26 那放羊歸與阿撒瀉勒的人要洗衣服,用水洗身,然後進營。
Sotheli he that leet go the `buk of geet able to be sent out, schal waische hise clothis and bodi with water, and so he schal entre in to the castels.
27 作贖罪祭的公牛和公山羊的血既帶入聖所贖罪,這牛羊就要搬到營外,將皮、肉、糞用火焚燒。
Forsothe thei schulen bere out of the castels the calf and `buk of geet, that weren offrid for synne, and whos blood was brouyt in to the seyntuarie, that the clensyng were fillid; and thei schulen brenne bi fier as well the skynnys, as the fleischis and dung of tho.
28 焚燒的人要洗衣服,用水洗身,然後進營。」
And who euer brenneth tho, schal waische hise clothis and fleisch in watir, and so he schal entre in to the castels.
29 「每逢七月初十日,你們要刻苦己心,無論是本地人,是寄居在你們中間的外人,甚麼工都不可做;這要作你們永遠的定例。
And this schal be to you a lawful thing euerlastynge; in the seuenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, ye schulen turment youre soulis, and ye schulen not do ony werk, nethir a man borun in the lond, nether a comelyng which is a pilgrym among you.
30 因在這日要為你們贖罪,使你們潔淨。你們要在耶和華面前得以潔淨,脫盡一切的罪愆。
The delyueryng fro synne, and the clensyng of you schal be in this dai, ye schulen be clensid bifore the Lord fro alle youre synnes;
31 這日你們要守為聖安息日,要刻苦己心;這為永遠的定例。
for it is sabat of restyng, and ye schulen turment youre soulis bi euerlastynge religioun.
32 那受膏、接續他父親承接聖職的祭司要穿上細麻布的聖衣,行贖罪之禮。
Sotheli the preest schal clense, which is anoyntid, and whos hondis ben halewid, that he be set in preesthod for his fadir; and he schal be clothid in a lynnun stoole, and in hooli clothis,
33 他要在至聖所和會幕與壇行贖罪之禮,並要為眾祭司和會眾的百姓贖罪。
and he schal clense the seyntuarie, and the tabernacle of witnessyng, and the auter, and the preestis, and al the puple.
34 這要作你們永遠的定例-就是因以色列人一切的罪,要一年一次為他們贖罪。」 於是,亞倫照耶和華所吩咐摩西的行了。
And this schal be to you a lawful thing euerlastynge, that ye preye for the sones of Israel, and for alle the synnes `of hem, onys in the yeer. Therfor he dide, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.

< 利未記 16 >