< 利未記 11 >

1 耶和華對摩西、亞倫說:
And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, and seide,
2 「你們曉諭以色列人說,在地上一切走獸中可吃的乃是這些:
Seie ye to the sones of Israel, Kepe ye alle thingis whiche Y wroot to you, that Y be youre God. These ben the beestis, whiche ye schulen ete, of alle lyuynge beestis of erthe;
3 凡蹄分兩瓣、倒嚼的走獸,你們都可以吃。
ye schulen ete `al thing among beestis that hath a clee departid, and chewith code;
4 但那倒嚼或分蹄之中不可吃的乃是:駱駝-因為倒嚼不分蹄,就與你們不潔淨;
sotheli what euer thing chewith code, and hath a clee, but departith not it, as a camel and othere beestis doon, ye schulen not ete it, and ye schulen arette among vnclene thingis.
5 沙番-因為倒嚼不分蹄,就與你們不潔淨;
A cirogrille, which chewith code, and departith not the clee, is vnclene; and an hare,
6 觠子-因為倒嚼不分蹄,就與你們不潔淨;
for also he chewith code, but departith not the clee;
7 豬-因為蹄分兩瓣,卻不倒嚼,就與你們不潔淨。
and a swiyn, that chewith not code, thouy he departith the clee.
8 這些獸的肉,你們不可吃;死的,你們不可摸,都與你們不潔淨。
Ye schulen not ete the fleischis of these, nether ye schulen touche the deed bodies, for tho ben vnclene to you.
9 「水中可吃的乃是這些:凡在水裏、海裏、河裏、有翅有鱗的,都可以吃。
Also these thingis ben that ben gendrid in watris, and is leueful to ete;
10 凡在海裏、河裏,並一切水裏游動的活物,無翅無鱗的,你們都當以為可憎。
ye schulen ete al thing that hath fynnes and scalis, as wel in the see, as in floodis and stondynge watris; sotheli what euer thing of tho that ben moued and lyuen in watris, hath not fynnes and scalis, schal be abhominable, and wlatsum to you;
11 這些無翅無鱗、以為可憎的,你們不可吃牠的肉;死的也當以為可憎。
ye schulen not ete the fleischis of tho, and ye schulen eschewe the bodies deed bi hem silf.
12 凡水裏無翅無鱗的,你們都當以為可憎。
Alle thingis in watris that han not fynnes and scalis, schulen be pollutid,
13 「雀鳥中你們當以為可憎、不可吃的乃是:鵰、狗頭鵰、紅頭鵰、
These thingis ben of foulis whiche ye schulen not ete, and schulen be eschewid of you; an egle, and a grippe, aliete, and a kyte, and a vultur by his kynde;
14 鷂鷹、小鷹與其類;
and al of `rauyns kynde bi his licnesse;
15 烏鴉與其類;
a strucioun,
16 鴕鳥、夜鷹、魚鷹、鷹與其類;
and nyyt crowe, a lare, and an hauke bi his kinde;
17 鴞鳥、鸕鶿、貓頭鷹、
an owle, and dippere, and ibis;
18 角鴟、鵜鶘、禿鵰、
a swan and cormoraunt, and a pellican;
19 鸛、鷺鷥與其類;戴鵀與蝙蝠。
a fawcun, a iay bi his kynde; a leepwynke, and a reremows.
20 「凡有翅膀用四足爬行的物,你們都當以為可憎。
Al thing of foulis that goith on foure feet, schal be abhomynable to you;
21 只是有翅膀用四足爬行的物中,有足有腿,在地上蹦跳的,你們還可以吃。
sotheli what euer thing goith on foure feet, but hath lengere hipis bihynde, bi whiche it skippith on the erthe, ye schulen ete;
22 其中有蝗蟲、螞蚱、蟋蟀與其類;蚱蜢與其類;這些你們都可以吃。
as is a bruke in his kynde, and acatus, and opymacus, and a locuste, alle bi her kynde.
23 但是有翅膀有四足的爬物,你們都當以為可憎。
Forsothe what euer thing of briddis hath foure feet oneli, it schal be abhomynable to you;
24 「這些都能使你們不潔淨。凡摸了死的,必不潔淨到晚上。
and who euer touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be defoulid, and `schal be vnclene `til to euentid;
25 凡拿了死的,必不潔淨到晚上,並要洗衣服。
and if it is nede, that he bere ony deed thing of these, he schal waische his clothis, and he schal be vnclene til to the goyng doun of the sunne.
26 凡走獸分蹄不成兩瓣、也不倒嚼的,是與你們不潔淨;凡摸了的就不潔淨。
Sotheli ech beeste that hath a clee, but departith not it, nether chewith code, schal be vnclene; and what euer thing touchith it, schal be defoulid.
27 凡四足的走獸,用掌行走的,是與你們不潔淨;摸其屍的,必不潔淨到晚上。
That that goith on hondis, of alle beestis that gon on foure feet, schal be vnclene; he, that touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be defoulid `til to euentid;
28 拿其屍的,必不潔淨到晚上,並要洗衣服。這些是與你們不潔淨的。
and he, that berith siche deed bodies, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be vnclene `til to euentid; for alle these thingis ben vnclene to you.
29 「地上爬物與你們不潔淨的乃是這些:鼬鼠、鼫鼠、蜥蜴與其類;
Also these thingis schulen be arettid among defoulid thingis, of these that ben moued on erthe; a wesele, and mows, and a cocodrille, `alle bi her kynde;
30 壁虎、龍子、守宮、蛇醫、蝘蜓。
mygal, camelion, and stellio, and lacerta, and a maldewerp.
31 這些爬物都是與你們不潔淨的。在牠死了以後,凡摸了的,必不潔淨到晚上。
Alle these ben vnclene; he that touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be vnclene `til to euentid;
32 其中死了的,掉在甚麼東西上,這東西就不潔淨,無論是木器、衣服、皮子、口袋,不拘是做甚麼工用的器皿,須要放在水中,必不潔淨到晚上,到晚上才潔淨了。
and that thing schal be defoulid, on which ony thing of her bodies deed bi hem silf fallith, as wel a vessel of tree, and a cloth, as skynnes `and heiris; and in what euer thing werk is maad, it schal be dippid in watir, and tho thingis schulen be defoulid `til to euentid, and so aftirward tho schulen be clensid.
33 若有死了掉在瓦器裏的,其中不拘有甚麼,就不潔淨,你們要把這瓦器打破了。
Sotheli a vessel of erthe, in which ony thing of these fallith with ynne, schal be defoulid, and therfor it schal be brokun.
34 其中一切可吃的食物,沾水的就不潔淨,並且那樣器皿中一切可喝的,也必不潔淨。
Ech mete, which ye schulen ete, schal be vnclene, if water is sched thereon; and ech fletynge thing, which is drunkun of ech vessel, `where ynne vnclene thingis bifelden, schal be vnclene;
35 其中已死的,若有一點掉在甚麼物件上,那物件就不潔淨,不拘是爐子,是鍋臺,就要打碎,都不潔淨,也必與你們不潔淨。
and what euer thing of siche deed bodies bi hem silf felde theronne, it schal be vnclene, whether furneisis, ethir vessels of thre feet, tho schulen be destried, and schulen be vnclene.
36 但是泉源或是聚水的池子仍是潔淨;惟挨了那死的,就不潔淨。
Sotheli wellis and cisternes, and al the congregacioun of watris, schal be clene. He that touchith her bodi deed bi it silf, schal be defoulid.
37 若是死的,有一點掉在要種的子粒上,子粒仍是潔淨;
If it fallith on seed, it schal not defoule the seed;
38 若水已經澆在子粒上,那死的有一點掉在上頭,這子粒就與你們不潔淨。
sotheli if ony man schedith seed with watir, and aftirward the watir is touchid with deed bodies bi hem silf, it schal be defoulid anoon.
39 「你們可吃的走獸若是死了,有人摸牠,必不潔淨到晚上;
If a beeste is deed, which it is leueful to you to ete, he that touchith the deed bodi therof schal be vnclene `til to euentid; and he that etith therof ony thing,
40 有人吃那死了的走獸,必不潔淨到晚上,並要洗衣服;拿了死走獸的,必不潔淨到晚上,並要洗衣服。
ethir berith, schal waische his clothis, and schal be vnclene `til to euentid.
41 「凡地上的爬物是可憎的,都不可吃。
Al thing that crepith on erthe, schal be abhomynable, nether schal be takun in to mete.
42 凡用肚子行走的和用四足行走的,或是有許多足的,就是一切爬在地上的,你們都不可吃,因為是可憎的。
`What euer thing goith on the brest and foure feet, and hath many feet, ethir drawun bi the erthe, ye schulen not ete, for it is abhomynable.
43 你們不可因甚麼爬物使自己成為可憎的,也不可因這些使自己不潔淨,以致染了污穢。
Nyle ye defoule youre soulis, nether touche ye ony thing of tho, lest ye ben vnclene;
44 我是耶和華-你們的上帝;所以你們要成為聖潔,因為我是聖潔的。你們也不可在地上的爬物污穢自己。
for Y am youre Lord God; be ye hooli, for Y am hooli. Defoule ye not youre soulis in ech crepynge `beeste which is moued on erthe; for Y am the Lord,
45 我是把你們從埃及地領出來的耶和華,要作你們的上帝;所以你們要聖潔,因為我是聖潔的。」
that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde be to you in to God; ye schulen be hooli, for Y am hooli.
46 這是走獸、飛鳥,和水中游動的活物,並地上爬物的條例。
This is the lawe of lyuynge beestes, and of foulis, and of ech lyuynge soule which is moued in watir, and crepith in erthe;
47 要把潔淨的和不潔淨的,可吃的與不可吃的活物,都分別出來。
that ye knowe differences of clene thing and vnclene, and that ye wite what ye schulen ete, and what ye owen forsake.

< 利未記 11 >