< 士師記 8 >

1 以法蓮人對基甸說:「你去與米甸人爭戰,沒有招我們同去,為甚麼這樣待我們呢?」他們就與基甸大大地爭吵。
And the men of Effraym seiden to hym, What is this thing, which thou woldist do, that thou clepidist not vs, whanne thou yedist to batel ayens Madian? And thei chidden strongli, and almest diden violence.
2 基甸對他們說:「我所行的豈能比你們所行的呢?以法蓮拾取剩下的葡萄不強過亞比以謝所摘的葡萄嗎?
To whiche he answeride, `What sotheli siche thing myyte Y do, what maner thing ye diden? Whethir a reisyn of Effraym is not betere than the vindagis of Abiezer?
3 上帝已將米甸人的兩個首領俄立和西伊伯交在你們手中;我所行的豈能比你們所行的呢?」基甸說了這話,以法蓮人的怒氣就消了。
And the Lord bitook in to youre hondis the princes of Madian, Oreb and Zeb. What sich thing myyte Y do, what maner thing ye diden? And whanne he hadde spoke this thing, the spirit of hem restide, bi which thei bolneden ayens hym.
4 基甸和跟隨他的三百人到約旦河過渡,雖然疲乏,還是追趕。
And whanne Gedeon hadde come to Jordan, he passide it with thre hundrid men, that weren with hym; and for weerynesse thei myyten not pursue hem that fledden.
5 基甸對疏割人說:「求你們拿餅來給跟隨我的人吃,因為他們疲乏了;我們追趕米甸人的兩個王西巴和撒慕拿。」
And he seide to the men of Socoth, Y biseche, yyue ye looues to the puple, which is with me; for thei failiden greetli, that we moun pursue Zebee and Salmana, kyngis of Madian.
6 疏割人的首領回答說:「西巴和撒慕拿已經在你手裏,你使我們將餅給你的軍兵嗎?」
The princes of Socoth answeriden in scorne, In hap the pawmes of the hondis of Zebee and of Salmana ben in thin hond, and therfor thou axist, that we yyue looues to thin oost.
7 基甸說:「耶和華將西巴和撒慕拿交在我手之後,我就用野地的荊條和枳棘打傷你們。」
To whiche he seide, Therfor, whanne the Lord schal bitake Zebee and Salmana in to myn hondis, and whanne Y schal turne ayen ouercomere in pees, Y schal to-reende youre fleischis with the thornes and breris of deseert.
8 基甸從那裏上到毗努伊勒,對那裏的人也是這樣說;毗努伊勒人也與疏割人回答他的話一樣。
And he stiede fro thennus, and cam in to Phanuel; and he spak lijk thingis to men of that place, to whom also thei answeriden, as the men of Socoth hadden answerid.
9 他向毗努伊勒人說:「我平平安安回來的時候,我必拆毀這樓。」
And so he seide to hem, Whanne Y schal turne ayen ouercomere in pees, Y schal distrie this tour.
10 那時西巴和撒慕拿,並跟隨他們的軍隊都在加各,約有一萬五千人,就是東方人全軍所剩下的;已經被殺約有十二萬拿刀的。
Forsothe Zebee and Salmana restiden with al her oost; for fiftene thousynde men leften of alle the cumpenyes of the `puplis of the eest, whanne an hundrid and twenti thousynde of `fiyteris and of men drawynge out swerd weren slayn.
11 基甸就由挪巴和約比哈東邊,從住帳棚人的路上去,殺敗了米甸人的軍兵,因為他們坦然無懼。
And Gedeon stiede bi the weye of hem that dwelliden in tabernaclis at the eest coost of Nobe and of Lethoa, and smoot the `tentis of enemyes, that weren sikur, and supposiden not ony thing of aduersite.
12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑;基甸追趕他們,捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿,驚散全軍。
And Zebee and Salmana fledden, whiche Gedeon pursuede and took, whanne al `the oost of hem was disturblid.
13 約阿施的兒子基甸由希列斯坡從陣上回來,
And he turnede ayen fro batel bifor the `risyng of the sunne,
14 捉住疏割的一個少年人,問他:「疏割的首領長老是誰?」他就將首領長老七十七個人的名字寫出來。
and took a child of the men of Socoth; and he axide hym the names of the princes and eldere men of Socoth; and he descryuede seuene and seuenti men in noumbre.
15 基甸到了疏割,對那裏的人說:「你們從前譏誚我說:『西巴和撒慕拿已經在你手裏,你使我們將餅給跟隨你的疲乏人嗎?』現在西巴和撒慕拿在這裏。」
And he cam to Socoth, and seide to hem, Lo Zebee and Salmana! of whiche ye vpbreideden me, and seiden, In hap the hondis of Zebee and of Salmana ben in thin hondis, and therfor thou axist, that we yyue looues to men, that ben weeri and failiden.
16 於是捉住那城內的長老,用野地的荊條和枳棘責打 疏割人;
Therfor Gedeon took the eldere men of the citee, and thornes and breris of deseert, and he to-rente with tho, and al to-brak the men of Socoth; also he destriede the tour of Phanuel,
17 又拆了毗努伊勒的樓,殺了那城裏的人。
whanne the dwelleris of the citee weren slayn.
18 基甸問西巴和撒慕拿說:「你們在他泊山所殺的人是甚麼樣式?」回答說:「他們好像你,各人都有王子的樣式。」
And he seide to Zebee and Salmana, What maner men weren thei, whiche ye killiden in Thabor? Whiche answeriden, Thei weren lijk thee, and oon of hem was as the sone of a kyng.
19 基甸說:「他們是我同母的弟兄,我指着永生的耶和華起誓,你們從前若存留他們的性命,我如今就不殺你們了。」
To whiche he seide, Thei weren my britheren, the sones of my modir; the Lord lyueth, if ye hadden saued hem, Y `nolde sle you.
20 於是對他的長子益帖說:「你起來殺他們。」但益帖因為是童子,害怕,不敢拔刀。
And he seide to Jepther, his firste gendrid sone, Rise thou, and sle hem. Which drow not swerd; for he dredde, for he was yit a child.
21 西巴和撒慕拿說:「你自己起來殺我們吧!因為人如何,力量也是如何。」基甸就起來,殺了西巴和撒慕拿,奪獲他們駱駝項上戴的月牙圈。
And Zebee and Salmana seiden, Ryse thou, and falle on vs; for thou art bi the age and strengthe of man. Gedeon roos, and killide Zebee and Salmana, and took the ournementis, and bellis, with whiche the neckis of kyngis camels ben wont to be maad fair.
22 以色列人對基甸說:「你既救我們脫離米甸人的手,願你和你的兒孫管理我們。」
And alle the men of Israel seiden to Gedeon, Be thou lord of vs, thou, and thi sone, and the sone of thi sone; for thou deliueridist vs fro the hond of Madian.
23 基甸說:「我不管理你們,我的兒子也不管理你們,惟有耶和華管理你們。」
To whiche he seide, Y schal not be lord of you, nethir my sone schal be lord on you, but the Lord schal be lord.
24 基甸又對他們說:「我有一件事求你們:請你們各人將所奪的耳環給我。」(原來仇敵是以實瑪利人,都是戴金耳環的。)
And he seide to hem, Y axe oon axyng of you, yyue ye to me the eere ryngis of youre prey; for Ismaelitis weren wont to haue goldun eere ryngis.
25 他們說:「我們情願給你」,就鋪開一件外衣,各人將所奪的耳環丟在其上。
Whiche answeriden, We schulen yyue moost gladli. And thei spredden forth a mentil on the erthe, and castiden forth therynne `eere ryngis of the prey;
26 基甸所要出來的金耳環重一千七百舍客勒金子。此外還有米甸王所戴的月環、耳墜,和所穿的紫色衣服,並駱駝項上的金鍊子。
and the weiyte of `eere ryngis axid was a thousynde and seuene hundrid siclis of gold, with out ournementis and brochis and cloth of purpur, whiche the kyngis of Madian weren wont to vse, and outakun goldun bies of camels.
27 基甸以此製造了一個以弗得,設立在本城俄弗拉。後來以色列人拜那以弗得行了邪淫;這就作了基甸和他全家的網羅。
And Gedeon made therof ephot, that is, a preestis cloth, `and propir cloth of the hiyeste preest, and he puttide it in his citee Ephra; and al Israel diden fornycacioun, `that is ydolatrye, ther ynne; and it was maad to Gedeon and to al his hows in to fallyng.
28 這樣,米甸人被以色列人制伏了,不敢再抬頭。基甸還在的日子,國中太平四十年。
Forsothe Madian was maad low bifor the sones of Israel, and thei myyten no more reise nollis; but the lond restide fourti yeer, in whiche Gedeon was souereyn.
29 約阿施的兒子耶路‧巴力回去,住在自己家裏。
And so Jerobaal, sone of Joas, yede, and dwellide in his hows;
30 基甸有七十個親生的兒子,因為他有許多的妻。
and he hadde seuenti sones, that yeden out of his thiy, for he hadde many wyues.
31 他的妾住在示劍,也給他生了一個兒子。基甸與他起名叫亞比米勒。
Forsothe a concubyn, `that is, secoundarie wijf, of hym, whom he hadde in Sichem, gendride to hym a sone, Abymelech bi name.
32 約阿施的兒子基甸,年紀老邁而死,葬在亞比以謝族的俄弗拉,在他父親約阿施的墳墓裏。
And Gedeon, sone of Joas, diede in good elde, and was biried in the sepulcre of Joas, his fadir, in Ephra, of the meynee of Ezri.
33 基甸死後,以色列人又去隨從諸巴力行邪淫,以巴力‧比利土為他們的神。
Forsothe aftir that Gedeon was deed, the sones of Israel turneden awey `fro Goddis religioun, and diden fornycacioun, `that is, idolatrie, with Baalym; and thei smytiden boond of pees with Baal, that he schulde be to hem in to God,
34 以色列人不記念耶和華-他們的上帝,就是拯救他們脫離四圍仇敵之手的,
nether thei hadden mynde of her Lord God, that delyuerede hem fro the hond of alle her enemyes `bi cumpas;
35 也不照着耶路‧巴力,就是基甸向他們所施的恩惠厚待他的家。
nether thei diden merci with the hous of Gerobaal Gedeon, bi alle the goodis whiche he `hadde do to Israel.

< 士師記 8 >