< 士師記 7 >

1 耶路‧巴力就是基甸,他和一切跟隨的人早晨起來,在哈律泉旁安營。米甸營在他們北邊的平原,靠近摩利岡。
Therfor Jerobaal, which also Gedeon, roos bi nyyt, and al the puple with hym, and cam to the welle which is clepid Arad. Sotheli the tentis of Madian weren in the valey, at the north coost of the hiy hil.
2 耶和華對基甸說:「跟隨你的人過多,我不能將米甸人交在他們手中,免得以色列人向我誇大,說:『是我們自己的手救了我們。』
And the Lord seide to Gedeon, Myche puple is with thee, and Madian schal not be bitakun in to the hondis `ther of, lest Israel haue glorie ayens me, and seie, Y am delyuerid bi my strengthis.
3 現在你要向這些人宣告說:『凡懼怕膽怯的,可以離開基列山回去。』」於是有二萬二千人回去,只剩下一萬。
Speke thou to the puple, and preche thou, while alle men heren, He that is ferdful `in herte, and dredeful `with outforth, turne ayen. And thei yeden awei fro the hil of Galaad, and two and twenti thousynde of men turniden ayen fro the puple; and oneli ten thousynde dwelliden.
4 耶和華對基甸說:「人還是過多;你要帶他們下到水旁,我好在那裏為你試試他們。我指點誰說:『這人可以同你去』,他就可以同你去;我指點誰說:『這人不可同你去』,他就不可同你去。」
And the Lord seide to Gedeon, Yet the puple is myche; lede thou hem to the watris, and there Y schal preue hem, and he go, of whom Y schal seye, that he go; turne he ayen, whom Y schal forbede to go.
5 基甸就帶他們下到水旁。耶和華對基甸說:「凡用舌頭舔水,像狗舔的,要使他單站在一處;凡跪下喝水的,也要使他單站在一處。」
And whanne the puple hadde go doun to watris, the Lord seide to Gedeon, Thou schalt departe hem bi hem silf, that lapen watris with hond and tunge, as doggis ben wont to lape; sotheli thei, that drynken with knees bowid, schulen be in the tothir part.
6 於是用手捧着舔水的有三百人,其餘的都跪下喝水。
And so the noumbre of hem, that lapiden watris bi hond castynge to the mouth, was thre hundrid men; forsothe al the tothir multitude drank knelynge.
7 耶和華對基甸說:「我要用這舔水的三百人拯救你們,將米甸人交在你手中;其餘的人都可以各歸各處去。」
And the Lord seide to Gedeon, In thre hundrid men, that lapiden watris, Y schal delyuere you, and Y schal bitake Madian in thin hond; but al the tothir multitude turne ayen in to her place.
8 這三百人就帶着食物和角;其餘的以色列人,基甸都打發他們各歸各的帳棚,只留下這三百人。米甸營在他下邊的平原裏。
And so whanne thei hadden take meetis and trumpis for the noumbre, he comaundide al the tothir multitude to go to her tabernaclis; and he, with thre hundrid men, yaf hym silf to batel. Sothely the tentis of Madian weren bynethe in the valey.
9 當那夜,耶和華吩咐基甸說:「起來,下到米甸營裏去,因我已將他們交在你手中。
In the same nyyt the Lord seyde to hym, Ryse thou, and go doun in to `the castels of Madian, for Y haue bitake hem in thin hond;
10 倘若你怕下去,就帶你的僕人普拉下到那營裏去。
sotheli if thou dredist to go aloon, Phara, thi child, go doun with thee.
11 你必聽見他們所說的,然後你就有膽量下去攻營。」於是基甸帶着僕人普拉下到營旁。
And whanne thou schalt here what thei speken, thanne thin hondis schulen be coumfortid, and thou schalt do down sikerere to the tentis of enemyes. Therfor he yede doun, and Phara, his child, in to the part of tentis, where the watchis of armed men weren.
12 米甸人、亞瑪力人,和一切東方人都布散在平原,如同蝗蟲那樣多。他們的駱駝無數,多如海邊的沙。
Forsothe Madian, and Amalech, and alle the puplis of the eest layen spred in the valey, as the multitude of locustis; sotheli the camelis weren vnnoumbrable, as grauel that liggith in the `brenke of the see.
13 基甸到了,就聽見一人將夢告訴同伴說:「我做了一夢,夢見一個大麥餅滾入米甸營中,到了帳幕,將帳幕撞倒,帳幕就翻轉傾覆了。」
And whanne Gedeon hadde come, a man tolde a dreem to his neiybore, and telde bi this maner that, that he hadde seyn, I siy a dreem, and it semyde to me, that as `o loof of barly bakun vndur the aischis was walewid, and cam doun in to the tentis of Madian; and whanne it hadde come to a tabernacle, it smoot and distriede `that tabernacle, and made euene outirly to the erthe.
14 那同伴說:「這不是別的,乃是以色列人約阿施的兒子基甸的刀;上帝已將米甸和全軍都交在他的手中。」
That man answeride, to whom he spak, This is noon other thing, no but the swerd of Gedeon, `sone of Joas, a man of Israel; for the Lord hath bitake Madian and alle `tentis therof in to the hondis of Gedeon.
15 基甸聽見這夢和夢的講解,就敬拜上帝,回到以色列營中,說:「起來吧!耶和華已將米甸的軍隊交在你們手中了。」
And whanne Gedeon had herd the dreem, and `the interpretyng therof, he worschypide the Lord, and turnede ayen to the tentis of Israel, and seide, Ryse ye; for the Lord hath bitake in to oure hondis the tentis of Madian.
16 於是基甸將三百人分作三隊,把角和空瓶交在各人手裏(瓶內都藏着火把),
And he departide thre hundrid men in to thre partis, and he yaf trumpis in her hondis, and voyde pottis, and laumpis in the myddis of the pottis.
17 吩咐他們說:「你們要看我行事:我到了營的旁邊怎樣行,你們也要怎樣行。
And he seide to hem, Do ye this thing which ye seen me do; Y schal entre in to a part of the tentis, and sue ye that, that Y do.
18 我和一切跟隨我的人吹角的時候,你們也要在營的四圍吹角,喊叫說:『耶和華和基甸的刀!』」
Whanne the trumpe in myn hond schal sowne, sowne ye also `bi the cumpas of tentis, and crye ye togidere, To the Lord and to Gedeon.
19 基甸和跟隨他的一百人,在三更之初才換更的時候,來到營旁,就吹角,打破手中的瓶。
And Gedeon entride, and thre hundrid men that weren with hym, `in to a part of the tentis, whanne the watchis of mydnyyt bigunnen; and whanne the keperis weren reysid, thei bigunnen to sowne with trumpis, and to bete togidere the pottis among hem silf.
20 三隊的人就都吹角,打破瓶子,左手拿着火把,右手拿着角,喊叫說:「耶和華和基甸的刀!」
And whanne thei sowneden in thre places bi cumpas, and hadden broke the pottis, thei helden laumpis in the left hondis, and sownynge trumpis in the riyt hondis; and thei crieden, The swerd of the Lord and of Gedeon; and stoden alle in her place,
21 他們在營的四圍各站各的地方;全營的人都亂竄。三百人吶喊,使他們逃跑。
`bi the cumpas of the tentis of enemyes. And so alle `the tentis weren troblid; and thei crieden, and yelliden, and fledden;
22 三百人就吹角,耶和華使全營的人用刀互相擊殺,逃到西利拉的伯‧哈示他,直逃到靠近他巴的亞伯‧米何拉。
and neuertheles the thre hundrid men contynueden, sownynge with trumpis. And the Lord sente swerd in alle the castels, and thei killiden hem silf bi deeth ech other;
23 以色列人就從拿弗他利、亞設,和瑪拿西全地聚集來追趕米甸人。
and thei fledden `til to Bethsecha, and bi the side, fro Elmonla in to Thebbath. Sotheli men of Israel crieden togidere, of Neptalym, and of Aser, and of alle Manasses, and pursueden Madian; and the Lord yaf victorie to the puple of Israel in that day.
24 基甸打發人走遍以法蓮山地,說:「你們下來攻擊米甸人,爭先把守約旦河的渡口,直到伯‧巴拉。」於是以法蓮的眾人聚集,把守約旦河的渡口,直到伯‧巴拉,
And Gedeon sente messangeris in to al the hil of Effraym, and seide, Come ye doun ayens the comyng of Madian, and ocupie ye the watris `til to Bethbera and Jordan. And al Effraym criede, and bifore ocupide the watris and Jordan `til to Bethbera.
25 捉住了米甸人的兩個首領:一名俄立,一名西伊伯;將俄立殺在俄立磐石上,將西伊伯殺在西伊伯酒醡那裏;又追趕米甸人,將俄立和西伊伯的首級帶過約旦河,到基甸那裏。
And Effraym killide twei men of Madian, Oreb and Zeb; he killide Oreb in the ston of Oreb, forsothe `he killide Zeb in the pressour of Zeb; and `thei pursueden Madian, and baren the heedis of Oreb and of Zeb to Gedeon, ouer the flodis of Jordan.

< 士師記 7 >