< 士師記 5 >
That day Deborah and Barak, son of Abinoam, sang this song:
2 因為以色列中有軍長率領, 百姓也甘心犧牲自己, 你們應當頌讚耶和華!
“Israel's leaders took charge, and the people were totally committed. Praise the Lord!
3 君王啊,要聽! 王子啊,要側耳而聽! 我要向耶和華歌唱; 我要歌頌耶和華-以色列的上帝。
Listen, kings! Pay attention, rulers! I, yes I, will sing to the Lord; I will praise the Lord, the God of Israel, in song.
4 耶和華啊,你從西珥出來, 由以東地行走。 那時地震天漏, 雲也落雨。
Lord, when you set off from Seir, when you marched from the land of Edom, the earth shook, rain fell from the skies, the clouds poured down water.
5 山見耶和華的面就震動, 西奈山見耶和華-以色列上帝的面也是如此。
The mountains melted in the presence of the Lord, the God of Sinai, in the presence of the Lord, the God of Israel.
6 在亞拿之子珊迦的時候, 又在雅億的日子, 大道無人行走, 都是繞道而行。
In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, in the days of Jael, people didn't use the main highways and stayed on winding paths.
7 以色列中的官長停職, 直到我底波拉興起, 等我興起作以色列的母。
Village life in Israel was abandoned until I, Deborah, came on the scene as a mother in Israel.
8 以色列人選擇新神, 爭戰的事就臨到城門。 那時,以色列四萬人中 豈能見盾牌槍矛呢?
When the people chose new gods, then war arrived at their gates. Not even a shield or spear could be found among forty thousand warriors in Israel.
9 我心傾向以色列的首領, 他們在民中甘心犧牲自己。 你們應當頌讚耶和華!
My thoughts are with the Israelite commanders and those people who volunteered. Praise the Lord!
10 騎白驢的、坐繡花毯子的、行路的, 你們都當傳揚!
You people riding white donkeys, sitting on comfortable blankets, traveling down the road, notice
11 在遠離弓箭響聲打水之處, 人必述說耶和華公義的作為, 就是他治理以色列公義的作為。 那時耶和華的民下到城門。
what people are talking about as they gather at the watering holes. They describe the Lord's just acts and those of his warriors in Israel. Then the people of the Lord went to the town gates.
12 底波拉啊,興起!興起! 你當興起,興起,唱歌。 亞比挪菴的兒子巴拉啊,你當奮興, 擄掠你的敵人。
‘Wake up, Deborah, wake up! Wake up, wake up, sing a song! Get up, Barak! Capture your prisoners, son of Abinoam.’
13 那時有餘剩的貴冑和百姓一同下來; 耶和華降臨,為我攻擊勇士。
The survivors went to attack the nobles, the people of the Lord went to attack the powerful.
14 有根本在亞瑪力人的地, 從以法蓮下來的; 便雅憫在民中跟隨你。 有掌權的從瑪吉下來; 有持杖檢點民數的從西布倫下來;
Some came from Ephraim, a land that used to belong to the Amalekites; the tribe of Benjamin followed you with its men. Commanders came Makir; from Zebulun came those who carry a military officer's staff.
15 以薩迦的首領與底波拉同來; 以薩迦怎樣,巴拉也怎樣。 眾人都跟隨巴拉衝下平原; 在呂便的溪水旁有心中定大志的。
The leaders of Issachar supported Deborah and Barak; they raced into the valley following Barak. But the tribe of Reuben was very undecided.
16 你為何坐在羊圈內 聽群中吹笛的聲音呢? 在呂便的溪水旁有心中設大謀的。
Why did you stay at home in the sheepfolds, listening to shepherds whistling for their flocks? The tribe of Reuben really couldn't decide what to do.
17 基列人安居在約旦河外。 但人為何等在船上? 亞設人在海口靜坐, 在港口安居。
Gilead remained on the other side of Jordan. Dan stayed with his ships. Asher sat still on the seacoast, not moving from his ports.
18 西布倫人是拚命敢死的; 拿弗他利人在田野的高處也是如此。
The people of Zebulun risked their lives; as did Naphtali on the high battlefields.
19 君王都來爭戰。 那時迦南諸王在米吉多水旁的他納爭戰, 卻未得擄掠銀錢。
Kings came and fought, the Canaanite kings fought at Taanach near the waters of Megiddo, but they didn't get any silver plunder.
The stars fought from heaven. The stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
21 基順古河把敵人沖沒; 我的靈啊,應當努力前行。
The Kishon River swept them away—the old river turned into a raging torrent! I bravely march on!
Then the horses' hooves flailed loudly, his stallions stampeded.
23 耶和華的使者說: 應當咒詛米羅斯, 大大咒詛其中的居民; 因為他們不來幫助耶和華, 不來幫助耶和華攻擊勇士。
‘Curse Meroz,’ says the angel of the Lord. ‘Totally curse those who live there, for they refused to come help the Lord, to help the Lord against the powerful enemies.’
24 願基尼人希百的妻雅億比眾婦人多得福氣, 比住帳棚的婦人更蒙福祉。
Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite is to be praised the most among women. She deserves praise above all other women who live in tents.
25 西西拉求水, 雅億給他奶子, 用寶貴的盤子給他奶油。
He asked for water, and she gave him milk. In a bowl fit for nobles she brought him buttermilk.
26 雅億左手拿着帳棚的橛子, 右手拿着匠人的錘子, 擊打西西拉, 打傷他的頭, 把他的鬢角打破穿通。
With one hand she picked up the tent peg, and with her right hand she held a workman's hammer. She hit Sisera and smashed his skull; she shattered and pierced his temple.
27 西西拉在她腳前曲身仆倒, 在她腳前曲身倒臥; 在那裏曲身,就在那裏死亡。
At her feet he collapsed, he fell, he lay motionless. At her feet he collapsed, he fell; where he collapsed, there he fell, his life plundered from him.
28 西西拉的母親從窗戶裏往外觀看, 從窗櫺中呼叫說: 他的戰車為何耽延不來呢? 他的車輪為何行得慢呢?
Sisera's mother looked out from the window. Through the latticed window she cried out, ‘Why is his chariot taking so long to come? Why is the sound of his chariot arriving so delayed?’
The wisest of her ladies tells her, and she repeats the same words to herself,
30 他們莫非得財而分? 每人得了一兩個女子? 西西拉得了彩衣為擄物, 得繡花的彩衣為掠物。 這彩衣兩面繡花, 乃是披在被擄之人頸項上的。
‘They're busy dividing up the plunder and assigning a girl or two for each man. There'll be colorful clothes for Sisera as plunder; beautifully embroidered colorful clothes as plunder; double-embroidered clothing reaching to the neck as plunder.’
31 耶和華啊, 願你的仇敵都這樣滅亡! 願愛你的人如日頭出現,光輝烈烈! 這樣,國中太平四十年。
May all your enemies die like this, Lord, but may those who love you shine like the sun in all its brilliance!” The land was at peace for forty years.