< 士師記 1 >

1 約書亞死後,以色列人求問耶和華說:「我們中間誰當首先上去攻擊迦南人,與他們爭戰?」
Aftir the deeth of Josue the sones of Israel counseliden the Lord, and seiden, Who schal stie bifor vs ayens Cananei, and schal be duik of the batel?
2 耶和華說:「猶大當先上去,我已將那地交在他手中。」
And the Lord seide, Judas schal stie; lo! Y haue youe the lond in to hise hondis.
3 猶大對他哥哥西緬說:「請你同我到拈鬮所得之地去,好與迦南人爭戰;以後我也同你到你拈鬮所得之地去。」於是西緬與他同去。
And Juda seide to Symeon, his brother, Stie thou with me in my lot, and fiyte thou ayens Cananei, that Y go with thee in thi lot.
4 猶大就上去;耶和華將迦南人和比利洗人交在他們手中。他們在比色擊殺了一萬人,
And Symeon yede with hym; and Judas stiede. And the Lord bitook Cananey and Feresei in to `the hondis of hem, and thei killiden in Besech ten thousynde of men.
5 又在那裏遇見亞多尼‧比色,與他爭戰,殺敗迦南人和比利洗人。
And thei founden Adonybozech in Besech, and thei fouyten ayens hym, and smytiden Cananei, and Feresey.
6 亞多尼‧比色逃跑;他們追趕,拿住他,砍斷他手腳的大拇指。
Forsothe Adonybozech fledde, whom thei pursueden, and token, and kittiden the endis of hise hondis and feet.
7 亞多尼‧比色說:「從前有七十個王,手腳的大拇指都被我砍斷,在我桌子底下拾取零碎食物。現在上帝按着我所行的報應我了。」於是他們將亞多尼‧比色帶到耶路撒冷,他就死在那裏。
And Adonybozech seide, Seuenti kyngis, whanne the endis of hondis and feet weren kit awey, gaderiden relifs of metis vndur my bord; as Y dide, so God hath yolde to me. And thei brouyten hym in to Jerusalem, and there he diede.
8 猶大人攻打耶路撒冷,將城攻取,用刀殺了城內的人,並且放火燒城。
Therfor the sones of Juda fouyten ayens Jerusalem, and token it, and smytiden bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and bitoken al the cytee to brennyng.
9 後來猶大人下去,與住山地、南地,和高原的迦南人爭戰。
And aftirward thei yeden doun, and fouyten ayens Cananey, that dwellide in the hilli places, and at the south, in `feeldi places.
10 猶大人去攻擊住希伯崙的迦南人,殺了示篩、亞希幔、撻買。希伯崙從前名叫基列‧亞巴。
And Judas yede ayens Cananei, that dwellide in Ebron, whos name was bi eld tyme Cariatharbe; and Judas killide Sisay, and Achyman, and Tholmai.
11 他們從那裏去攻擊底壁的居民;底壁從前名叫基列‧西弗。
And fro thennus he yede forth, and yede to the dwelleris of Dabir, whos eld name was Cariathsepher, that is, the citee of lettris.
12 迦勒說:「誰能攻打基列‧西弗,將城奪取,我就把我女兒押撒給他為妻。」
And Caleph seide, Y schal yyue Axa, my douyter, wijf to hym that schal smyte Cariathsepher, and schal waste it.
13 迦勒兄弟基納斯的兒子俄陀聶奪取了那城,迦勒就把女兒押撒給他為妻。
And whanne Othonyel, sone of Seneth, the lesse brother of Caleph, hadde take it, Caleph yaf Axa, his douyter, wijf to hym.
14 押撒過門的時候,勸丈夫向她父親求一塊田。押撒一下驢,迦勒問她說:「你要甚麼?」
And hir hosebonde stiride hir, goynge in the weie, that sche schulde axe of hir fadir a feeld; and whanne sche hadde siyid, sittynge on the asse, Caleph seide to hir, What hast thou?
15 她說:「求你賜福給我,你既將我安置在南地,求你也給我水泉。」迦勒就把上泉下泉賜給她。
And sche answeride, Yiue thou blessyng to me, for thou hast youe a drye lond to me; yyue thou also a moyst lond with watris. And Caleph yaf to hir the moist lond aboue, and the moist lond bynethe.
16 摩西的內兄是基尼人,他的子孫與猶大人一同離了棕樹城,往亞拉得以南的猶大曠野去,就住在民中。
Forsothe the sones of Cyney, `alye of Moyses, stieden fro the citee of palmes with the sones of Juda, in to the desert of his lot, which desert is at the south of Arath; and dwelliden with hym.
17 猶大和他哥哥西緬同去,擊殺了住洗法的迦南人,將城盡行毀滅,那城的名便叫何珥瑪。
Sotheli Judas yede with Symeon, his brother; and thei smytiden togidere Cananei, that dwellide in Sephar, and killiden hym; and the name of that citee was clepid Horma, that is, cursyng, `ether perfit distriyng, for thilke citee was distried outerly.
18 猶大又取了迦薩和迦薩的四境,亞實基倫和亞實基倫的四境,以革倫和以革倫的四境。
And Judas took Gaza with hise coostis, and Ascolon, and Accaron with hise termes.
19 耶和華與猶大同在,猶大就趕出山地的居民,只是不能趕出平原的居民,因為他們有鐵車。
And the Lord was with Judas, and he `hadde in possessioun the hilli places; and he myyte not do awey the dwelleris of the valei, for thei weren plenteuouse in `yrun charis, scharpe as sithis.
20 以色列人照摩西所說的,將希伯崙給了迦勒;迦勒就從那裏趕出亞衲族的三個族長。
And `the sones of Israel yauen Ebron to Caleph, as Moises hadde seid, which Caleph dide awei for it thre sones of Enach.
21 便雅憫人沒有趕出住耶路撒冷的耶布斯人。耶布斯人仍在耶路撒冷與便雅憫人同住,直到今日。
Forsothe the sones of Beniamyn diden not awei Jebusei, the dwellere of Jerusalem; and Jebusei dwellide with the sones of Beniamyn in Jerusalem `til in to present dai.
22 約瑟家也上去攻打伯特利;耶和華與他們同在。
Also the hows of Joseph stiede in to Bethel, and the Lord was with hem.
23 約瑟家打發人去窺探伯特利(那城起先名叫路斯)。
For whanne thei bisegiden the citee, that was clepid Lusa bifore,
24 窺探的人看見一個人從城裏出來,就對他說:「求你將進城的路指示我們,我們必恩待你。」
thei sien a man goynge out of the citee, and thei seiden to hym, Schewe thou to vs the entrynge of the cytee, and we schulen do mercy with thee.
25 那人將進城的路指示他們,他們就用刀擊殺了城中的居民,但將那人和他全家放去。
And whanne he hadde schewid to hem, thei smytiden the citee bi scharpnes of swerd; sotheli thei delyueriden that man and al his kynrede.
26 那人往赫人之地去,築了一座城,起名叫路斯。那城到如今還叫這名。
And he was delyuerede, and yede in to the lond of Sethym, and bildide there a citee, and clepid it Luzam; which is clepid so til in to present dai.
27 瑪拿西沒有趕出伯‧善和屬伯‧善鄉村的居民,他納和屬他納鄉村的居民,多珥和屬多珥鄉村的居民,以伯蓮和屬以伯蓮鄉村的居民,米吉多和屬米吉多鄉村的居民;迦南人卻執意住在那些地方。
Also Manasses dide not awei Bethsan and Thanael with her townes, and the dwelleris of Endor, and Geblaam and Magedo with her townes; and Cananei bigan to dwelle with hem.
28 及至以色列強盛了,就使迦南人做苦工,沒有把他們全然趕出。
Sotheli after that Israel was coumfortid, he made hem tributaries, `ethir to paye tribute, and nolde do awey hem.
29 以法蓮沒有趕出住基色的迦南人。於是迦南人仍住在基色,在以法蓮中間。
Sotheli Effraym killide not Cananei that dwellyde in Gaser, but dwellide with hym.
30 西布倫沒有趕出基倫的居民和拿哈拉的居民。於是迦南人仍住在西布倫中間,成了服苦的人。
Zabulon dide not awey the dwelleris of Cethron, and of Naalon; but Cananei dwellide in the myddis of hym, and was maad tributarie to him.
31 亞設沒有趕出亞柯和西頓的居民,亞黑拉和亞革悉的居民,黑巴、亞弗革與利合的居民。
Also Aser dide not awey the dwelleris of Acho, and of Sidon, of Alab, and of Azazib, and of Alba, and Aphech, and of Aloa, and of Pha, and of Roob; and he dwellide in the myddis of Cananey,
32 於是,亞設因為沒有趕出那地的迦南人,就住在他們中間。
dwellere of that lond, and killide not hym.
33 拿弗他利沒有趕出伯‧示麥和伯‧亞納的居民,於是拿弗他利就住在那地的迦南人中間;然而伯‧示麥和伯‧亞納的居民成了服苦的人。
Neptalym dide not awei the dwelleris of Bethsames, and of Bethanach; and he dwellide among Cananey, dwellere of the lond; and Bethsamytis and Bethanytis weren tributarie to hym.
34 亞摩利人強逼但人住在山地,不容他們下到平原;
And Ammorrey helde streit the sones of Dan in the hil, and yaf not place to hem to go doun to pleynere places;
35 亞摩利人卻執意住在希烈山和亞雅崙並沙賓。然而約瑟家勝了他們,使他們成了服苦的人。
and he dwellide in the hil of Hares, `which is interpretid, Witnessyng, in Hailon, and in Salabym. And the hond of the hows of Joseph was maad heuy, and he was maad tributarie to hym.
36 亞摩利人的境界,是從亞克拉濱坡,從西拉而上。
And the terme of Ammorrei was fro the stiyng of Scorpioun, and the stoon, and hiyere places.

< 士師記 1 >