< 約書亞記 22 >

1 當時,約書亞召了呂便人、迦得人,和瑪拿西半支派的人來,
In the same tyme Josue clepide men of Ruben, and men of Gad, and half the lynage of Manasses,
2 對他們說:「耶和華僕人摩西所吩咐你們的,你們都遵守了;我所吩咐你們的,你們也都聽從了。
and seide to hem, Ye han do alle thingis whiche Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you, also ye obeieden to me in alle thingis;
3 你們這許多日子,總沒有撇離你們的弟兄,直到今日,並守了耶和華-你們上帝所吩咐你們當守的。
nether ye han lefte youre britheren in mych tyme til in to present dai, and ye kepten the comaundement of youre Lord God.
4 如今耶和華-你們上帝照着他所應許的,使你們弟兄得享平安,現在可以轉回你們的帳棚,到耶和華的僕人摩西在約旦河東所賜你們為業之地。
Therfor for youre Lord God yaf reste and pees to youre britheren, as he bihiyte, turne ye ayen, and go ye in to youre tabernaclis, and in to the loond of youre possessioun, which lond Moyses, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to you biyende Jordan;
5 只要切切地謹慎遵行耶和華僕人摩西所吩咐你們的誡命律法,愛耶和華-你們的上帝,行他一切的道,守他的誡命,專靠他,盡心盡性事奉他。」
so onely that ye kepe bisili, and fille in werk the comaundement and lawe, `which lawe Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you; that ye loue youre Lord God, and go in alle hise weies, and kepe hise heestis, and cleue to hym and serue him in al youre herte, and in al youre soule.
6 於是約書亞為他們祝福,打發他們去,他們就回自己的帳棚去了。
And Josue blesside hem, and lefte hem, whiche turneden ayen in to her tabernaclis.
7 瑪拿西那半支派,摩西早已在巴珊分給他們地業。這半支派,約書亞在約旦河西,在他們弟兄中,分給他們地業。約書亞打發他們回帳棚的時候為他們祝福,
Sotheli Moyses hadde youe possessioun in Basan to the half lynage of Manasses; and therfor to the half lynage that lefte Josue yaf part among her othere britheren biyendis Jordan, at the west coost therof. And whanne Josue leet hem go in to her tabernaclis, and hadde blessid hem,
8 對他們說:「你們帶許多財物,許多牲畜和金、銀、銅、鐵,並許多衣服,回你們的帳棚去,要將你們從仇敵奪來的物,與你們眾弟兄同分。」
he seyde to hem, With myche catel and richessis turne ye ayen to youre seetis; with siluer and gold, and bras, and yrun, and myche clothing; departe ye the prey of enemyes with youre britheren.
9 於是呂便人、迦得人、瑪拿西半支派的人從迦南地的示羅起行,離開以色列人,回往他們得為業的基列地,就是照耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的得了為業之地。
And the sones of Ruben, and the sones of Gad, and `half the lynage of Manasses turneden ayen, and yeden fro the sones of Israel fro Silo, which is set in the lond of Canaan, that thei schulden entre in to Galaad, the lond of her possessioun, which thei gaten bi `comaundement of the Lord in the hond of Moises.
10 呂便人、迦得人,和瑪拿西半支派的人到了靠近約旦河的一帶迦南地,就在約旦河那裏築了一座壇;那壇看着高大。
And whanne thei hadden come to the litle hillis of Jordan, in to the lond of Canaan, thei bildiden bisidis Jordan an auter of greetnesse ouer comyn mesure.
11 以色列人聽說呂便人、迦得人、瑪拿西半支派的人靠近約旦河邊,在迦南地屬以色列人的那邊築了一座壇。
And whanne the sones of Israel hadden herd this, and certeyn messangeris hadden teld to hem, that the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden bildid an auter in the lond of Canaan, on the heepis of Jordan, ayens the sones of Israel,
12 全會眾一聽見,就聚集在示羅,要上去攻打他們。
alle camen togidir in Silo, that thei schulden stie, and fiyte ayens hem.
13 以色列人打發祭司以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈,往基列地去見呂便人、迦得人、瑪拿西半支派的人;
And in the meene tyme thei senten to hem in to the lond of Galaad, Fynees, preest,
14 又打發十個首領與非尼哈同去,就是以色列每支派的一個首領,都是以色列軍中的統領。
the sone of Eleazar, and ten princes with hym; of ech lynage o prince.
15 他們到了基列地,見呂便人、迦得人,和瑪拿西半支派的人,對他們說:
Whiche camen to the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half lynage of Manasses, in to the lond of Galaad, and seiden to hem,
16 「耶和華全會眾這樣說,你們今日轉去不跟從耶和華,干犯以色列的上帝,為自己築一座壇,悖逆了耶和華,這犯的是甚麼罪呢?
Al the puple of the Lord sendith these thingis; What is this trespassyng? Whi han ye forsake the Lord God of Israel, and han bildid a cursid auter, and han go awei fro the worschiping of hym?
17 從前拜毗珥的罪孽還算小嗎?雖然瘟疫臨到耶和華的會眾,到今日我們還沒有洗淨這罪。
Whether it is litil to you that ye synneden in Belfegor, and the wem of this trespas dwellith in you til in to present dai, and many of the puple felden doun?
18 你們今日竟轉去不跟從耶和華嗎?你們今日既悖逆耶和華,明日他必向以色列全會眾發怒。
And to day ye han forsake the Lord, and to morewe, that is, in tyme to comynge, the ire of hym schal be feers ayens al Israel.
19 你們所得為業之地,若嫌不潔淨,就可以過到耶和華之地,就是耶和華的帳幕所住之地,在我們中間得地業。只是不可悖逆耶和華,也不可得罪我們,在耶和華-我們上帝的壇以外為自己築壇。
That if ye gessen, that the lond of youre possessioun is vncleene, passe to the lond, `in which the tabernacle of the Lord is, and dwelle ye among vs, oneli that ye go not awei fro the Lord, and fro oure felouschipe, bi an auter bildid outakun the auter of oure Lord God.
20 從前謝拉的曾孫亞干豈不是在那當滅的物上犯了罪,就有忿怒臨到以色列全會眾嗎?那人在所犯的罪中不獨一人死亡。」
Whether not Achar, the sone of Zare, passide the comaundement of the Lord, and his ire felde on al the puple of Israel? And he was o man; and we wolden that he aloone hadde perischid in his trespas.
21 於是呂便人、迦得人、瑪拿西半支派的人回答以色列軍中的統領說:
And the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half the lynage of Manasses, answeriden to the princes of the message of Israel,
22 「大能者上帝耶和華!大能者上帝耶和華!他是知道的!以色列人也必知道!我們若有悖逆的意思,或是干犯耶和華(願你今日不保佑我們),
The strongeste Lord God hym silf of Israel knowith, and Israel schal vndirstonde togidere; if we bildiden this auter for entent of trespassyng, `that is, of ydolatrye, he kepe not vs, but punysche in present time;
23 為自己築壇,要轉去不跟從耶和華,或是要將燔祭、素祭、平安祭獻在壇上,願耶和華親自討我們的罪。
and if we diden bi that mynde, that we schulden putte theronne brent sacrifice, and sacrifice, and pesible sacrifices, he seke, and deme;
24 我們行這事並非無故,是特意做的,說:恐怕日後你們的子孫對我們的子孫說:『你們與耶和華-以色列的上帝有何關涉呢?
and not more `bi that thouyt and tretyng that we seiden, Youre sones schulen seie `to morew to oure sones, What is to you and to the Lord God of Israel? Ye sones of Ruben,
25 因為耶和華把約旦河定為我們和你們這呂便人、迦得人的交界,你們與耶和華無分了。』這樣,你們的子孫就使我們的子孫不再敬畏耶和華了。
and ye sones of Gad, the Lord hath set a terme, the flood Jordan, bitwixe vs and you; and therfor ye han not part in the Lord; and bi this occasioun youre sones schulen turne awei oure sones fro the drede of the Lord. Therfor we gessiden betere,
26 因此我們說:『不如為自己築一座壇,不是為獻燔祭,也不是為獻別的祭,
and seiden, Bilde we an auter to vs, not in to brent sacrifices, nethir to sacrifices to be offrid,
27 乃是為你我中間和你我後人中間作證據,好叫我們也在耶和華面前獻燔祭、平安祭,和別的祭事奉他,免得你們的子孫日後對我們的子孫說,你們與耶和華無分了。』
but in to witnessyng bitwixe vs and you, and bitwixe oure children and youre generacioun, that we serue the Lord, and that it be of oure riyt to offre brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices; and that youre sones seie not to morewe to oure sones, No part in the Lord is to you.
28 所以我們說:『日後你們對我們,或對我們的後人這樣說,我們就可以回答說,你們看我們列祖所築的壇是耶和華壇的樣式;這並不是為獻燔祭,也不是為獻別的祭,乃是為作你我中間的證據。』
And if `youre sones wolen seie this, `oure sones schulen answere hem, Lo! the auter of the Lord, which oure fadris maden, not in to brent sacrifices, nether in to sacrifice, but in to oure and your witnessing euerlastinge.
29 我們在耶和華-我們上帝帳幕前的壇以外,另築一座壇,為獻燔祭、素祭,和別的祭,悖逆耶和華,今日轉去不跟從他,我們斷沒有這個意思。」
Fer be this trespas fro vs, that we go awei fro the Lord, and forsake hise steppis, bi an auter bildid to brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and sacrifices of preisyng to be offrid, outakun the auter of oure `Lord God, which is bildid bifore his tabernacle.
30 祭司非尼哈與會中的首領,就是與他同來以色列軍中的統領,聽見呂便人、迦得人、瑪拿西人所說的話,就都以為美。
And whanne these thingis weren herd, Fynees, preest, and the princes of message of Israel, that weren with hym, weren plesyd; and thei resseyueden gladli the wordis of the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half lynage of Manasses.
31 祭司以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈對呂便人、迦得人、瑪拿西人說:「今日我們知道耶和華在我們中間,因為你們沒有向他犯了這罪。現在你們救以色列人脫離耶和華的手了。」
And Finees, preest, the sone of Eleazar, seide to hem, Now we wyten, that the Lord is with you; for ye ben alien fro this trespassyng, and ye han delyuered the sones of Israel fro the hond, `that is, punyschyng, of the Lord.
32 祭司以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈與眾首領離了呂便人、迦得人,從基列地回往迦南地,到了以色列人那裏,便將這事回報他們。
And Fynees turnede ayen with the princes fro the sones of Ruben and of Gad, fro the lond of Galaad to the coost of Canaan, to the sones of Israel; and he telde to hem.
33 以色列人以這事為美,就稱頌上帝,不再提上去攻打呂便人、迦得人、毀壞他們所住的地了。
And the word pleside to alle men herynge; and the sones of Israel preisiden God, and seiden, that no more `thei schulden stie ayens hem, and fiyte, and do awei the lond of her possessioun.
34 呂便人、迦得人給壇起名叫證壇,意思說:這壇在我們中間證明耶和華是上帝。
And the sones of Ruben and the sones of Gad clepiden the auter, which thei hadden bildid, Oure Witnessyng, that the Lord hym silf is God.

< 約書亞記 22 >