< 約書亞記 21 >

1 那時,利未人的眾族長來到祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞,並以色列各支派的族長面前,
And the princes of meynees of Leuy neiyiden to Eleazar, preest, and to Josue, sone of Nun, and to the duykis of kynredis, bi alle the lynagis of the sones of Israel;
2 在迦南地的示羅對他們說:「從前耶和華藉着摩西吩咐給我們城邑居住,並城邑的郊野可以牧養我們的牲畜。」
and the Leuytis spaken to hem in Sylo, of the lond of Canaan, and seiden, The Lord comaundide bi the honde of Moises, that citees schulden be youun to vs to dwelle ynne, and the subarbis of tho to werk beestis to be fed.
3 於是以色列人照耶和華所吩咐的,從自己的地業中,將以下所記的城邑和城邑的郊野給了利未人。
And the sones of Israel yauen `of her possessiouns, bi comaundement of the Lord, citees and the subarbis of tho.
4 為哥轄族拈鬮:利未人的祭司、亞倫的子孫,從猶大支派、西緬支派、便雅憫支派的地業中,按鬮得了十三座城。
And the lot yede out in to the meynee of Caath, of the sones of Aaron, preest, of the lynages of Juda, and of Symeon, and of Beniamyn, threttene citees;
5 哥轄其餘的子孫,從以法蓮支派、但支派、瑪拿西半支派的地業中,按鬮得了十座城。
and to the othere of the sones of Caath, that is, to dekenes that weren left, of the lynagis of Effraym, and of Dan, and of the half lynage of Manasse, ten citees.
6 革順的子孫,從以薩迦支派、亞設支派、拿弗他利支派、住巴珊的瑪拿西半支派的地業中,按鬮得了十三座城。
Sotheli lot yede out to the sones of Gerson, that thei schulden take of the lynagis of Isachar, and of Aser, and of Neptalym, and of the half lynage of Manasses `in Basan, threttene citees in noumbre;
7 米拉利的子孫,按着宗族,從呂便支派、迦得支派、西布倫支派的地業中,按鬮得了十二座城。
and to the sones of Merari, bi her meynees, of the lynagis of Ruben, and of Gad, and of Zabulon, twelue citees.
8 以色列人照着耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的,將這些城邑和城邑的郊野,按鬮分給利未人。
And the sones of Israel yauen to dekenes cytees, and the subarbis `of tho, as the Lord comaundide bi the hond of Moises; and alle yauen bi lot.
9 從猶大支派、西緬支派的地業中,將以下所記的城給了利未支派哥轄宗族亞倫的子孫;因為給他們拈出頭一鬮,
Of the lynagis of the sones of Juda, and of Symeon, Josue yaf citees;
to the sones of Aaron, bi the meynees of Caath, of the kyn of Leuy, of whiche citees these ben the names; for the firste lot yede out to hem;
11 將猶大山地的基列‧亞巴和四圍的郊野給了他們。亞巴是亞衲族的始祖。(基列‧亞巴就是希伯崙)。
Cariatharbe, of the fadir of Enach, which is clepid Ebron, in the hil of Juda, and the subarbis therof bi cumpas;
12 惟將屬城的田地和村莊給了耶孚尼的兒子迦勒為業。
sotheli he hadde youe the feeldis and townes therof to Caleph, sone of Jephone, to haue in possessioun.
13 以色列人將希伯崙,就是誤殺人的逃城和屬城的郊野,給了祭司亞倫的子孫;又給他們立拿和屬城的郊野,
Therfor Josue yaf to the sones of Aaron, preest, Ebron, a citee of refuyt, and the subarbis `of it, and Lebnam with hise subarbis,
14 雅提珥和屬城的郊野,以實提莫和屬城的郊野,
and Jether, and Yschymon,
15 何崙和屬城的郊野,底璧和屬城的郊野,
and Elon, and Dabir, and Ayn, and Lethan,
16 亞因和屬城的郊野,淤他和屬城的郊野,伯‧示麥和屬城的郊野,共九座城,都是從這二支派中分出來的。
and Bethsames, with her subarbis; nyne citees, of twei lynagis, as it is seid.
17 又從便雅憫支派的地業中給了他們基遍和屬城的郊野,迦巴和屬城的郊野,
Sotheli of the lynage of the sones of Beniamyn, he yaf Gabaon, and Gabee, and Anatoth, and Almon, with her subarbis;
18 亞拿突和屬城的郊野,亞勒們和屬城的郊野,共四座城。
`foure citees.
19 亞倫子孫作祭司的共有十三座城,還有屬城的郊野。
Alle the citees togidere of the sones of Aaron, preest, weren threttene, with her subarbis.
20 利未支派中哥轄的宗族,就是哥轄其餘的子孫,拈鬮所得的城有從以法蓮支派中分出來的。
Forsothe to `the othere, bi the meynees of the sones of Caath, of the kyn of Leuy, this possessioun was youun;
21 以色列人將以法蓮山地的示劍,就是誤殺人的逃城和屬城的郊野,給了他們;又給他們基色和屬城的郊野,
of the lynage of Effraym, the citee of refuyt, Sichen, with hise subarbis, in the hil of Effraym, and Gazer,
22 基伯先和屬城的郊野,伯‧和崙和屬城的郊野,共四座城;
and Sebsam, and Bethoron, with her subarbis;
23 又從但支派的地業中給了他們伊利提基和屬城的郊野,基比頓和屬城的郊野,
`foure citees; also of the lynage of Dan, Helthece, and Gebethon, and Haialon,
24 亞雅崙和屬城的郊野,迦特‧臨門和屬城的郊野,共四座城;
and Gethremmon, with her subarbis;
25 又從瑪拿西半支派的地業中給了他們他納和屬城的郊野,迦特‧臨門和屬城的郊野,共兩座城。
`foure citees; sotheli of the half lynage of Manasses, Thanach, and Gethremon, with her subarbis; `twei citees.
26 哥轄其餘的子孫共有十座城,還有屬城的郊野。
Alle the citees ten, and the subarbis `of tho weren youun to the sones of Caath, of the lowere degree.
27 以色列人又從瑪拿西半支派的地業中將巴珊的哥蘭,就是誤殺人的逃城和屬城的郊野,給了利未支派革順的子孫;又給他們比‧施提拉和屬城的郊野,共兩座城;
Also to the sones of Gerson, of the kyn of Leuy, Josue yaf of the half lynage of Manasses, citees of refuyt, Gaulon in Basan, and Bosra, with her subarbis, `twei citees.
28 又從以薩迦支派的地業中給了他們基善和屬城的郊野,大比拉和屬城的郊野,
Forsothe of the lynage of Isachar, he yaf Cesion, and Daberath,
29 耶末和屬城的郊野,隱‧干寧和屬城的郊野,共四座城;
and Jerimoth, and Engannym, with her subarbis; `foure citees.
30 又從亞設支派的地業中給了他們米沙勒和屬城的郊野,押頓和屬城的郊野,
Of the lynage of Aser, he yaf Masal, and Abdon,
31 黑甲和屬城的郊野,利合和屬城的郊野,共四座城;
and Elecath, and Roob, with her subarbis; `foure citees.
32 又從拿弗他利支派的地業中將加利利的基低斯,就是誤殺人的逃城和屬城的郊野,給了他們;又給他們哈末‧多珥和屬城的郊野,加珥坦和屬城的郊野,共三座城。
Also of the lynage of Neptalym, `he yaf the citee of refuyt, Cedes in Galile, and Amodor, and Carthan, with her subarbis; `thre citees.
33 革順人按着宗族所得的城,共十三座,還有屬城的郊野。
Alle the citees of the meynees of Gerson weren threttene, with her subarbis.
34 其餘利未支派米拉利子孫,從西布倫支派的地業中所得的,就是約念和屬城的郊野,加珥他和屬城的郊野,
Sotheli to the sones of Merary, dekenes of the lowere degree, bi her meynees, was youun Getheran, of the linage of Zabulon, and Charcha, and Demna, and Nalol;
35 丁拿和屬城的郊野,拿哈拉和屬城的郊野,共四座城;
`foure citees, with her subarbis.
36 又從呂便支派的地業中給了他們比悉和屬城的郊野,雅雜和屬城的郊野,
And of the lynage of Gad, he yaf the citee of refuyt, Ramoth in Galaad, and Manaym, and Esebon, and Jaser; `foure citees, with her subarbis.
37 基底莫和屬城的郊野,米法押和屬城的郊野,共四座城;
And of the lynage of Ruben, biyende Jordan, ayens Jerico, he yaf `the citee of refuyt, Bosor in the wildirnesse of Mysor, and Jazer, and Jecson, and Maspha; `foure citees, with her subarbis.
38 又從迦得支派的地業中,將基列的拉末,就是誤殺人的逃城和屬城的郊野,給了他們;又給他們瑪哈念和屬城的郊野,
39 希實本和屬城的郊野,雅謝和屬城的郊野,共四座城。
40 其餘利未支派的人,就是米拉利的子孫,按着宗族拈鬮所得的,共十二座城。
Alle the citees of Merary, bi her meynees and kynredis, weren twelue.
41 利未人在以色列人的地業中所得的城,共四十八座,並有屬城的郊野。
And so alle the citees of Leuytis, in the myddis of possessioun of the sones of Israel, weren eiyte and fourti, with her subarbis;
42 這些城四圍都有屬城的郊野,城城都是如此。
and alle citees weren departid by meynees.
43 這樣,耶和華將從前向他們列祖起誓所應許的全地賜給以色列人,他們就得了為業,住在其中。
And the Lord yaf to Israel al the lond which he swoor hym silf to yyue to the fadris `of hem, and thei hadden it in possessioun, and dwelliden therynne.
44 耶和華照着向他們列祖起誓所應許的一切話,使他們四境平安;他們一切仇敵中,沒有一人在他們面前站立得住。耶和華把一切仇敵都交在他們手中。
And pees was youun of hym in to alle naciouns `by cumpas; and noon of enemyes was hardi to withstonde hem, but alle weren dryuen in to the lordschip `of hem.
45 耶和華應許賜福給以色列家的話一句也沒有落空,都應驗了。
Forsothe nether o word, which he bihiyte him silf to yyue to hem, was voide, but alle wordis weren fillid in werkis.

< 約書亞記 21 >