< 約書亞記 14 >

1 以色列人在迦南地所得的產業,就是祭司以利亞撒和嫩的兒子約書亞,並以色列各支派的族長所分給他們的,都記在下面,
This `thing it is, which the sones of Israel weldiden in the lond of Canaan, which lond Eleazar the preest, and Josue, the sone of Nun, and the princes of meynees bi the lynagis of Israel yauen to hem,
2 是照耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的,把產業拈鬮分給九個半支派。
and departiden alle thingis bi lot, as the Lord comaundide in the hond of Moises, to nyne lynagis and the half lynage.
3 原來,摩西在約旦河東已經把產業分給那兩個半支派,只是在他們中間沒有把產業分給利未人。
For Moises hadde youe to `the twey lynagis and to the half lynage `possessioun ouer Jordan; without the Leuytis, that token no thing of the lond among her britheren;
4 因為約瑟的子孫是兩個支派,就是瑪拿西和以法蓮,所以沒有把地分給利未人,但給他們城邑居住,並城邑的郊野,可以牧養他們的牲畜,安置他們的財物。
but the sones of Joseph weren departid in to twei lynagis, of Manasses and of Effraym, and `weren eiris in to the place of hem. And `the Leuytis token noon other part in the lond, no but citees to dwelle, and the subarbis of tho to werke beestis and her scheep to be fed.
5 耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西,以色列人就照樣行,把地分了。
As the Lord comaundide to Moises, so the sones of Israel diden, and departiden the lond.
6 那時,猶大人來到吉甲見約書亞,有基尼洗族耶孚尼的兒子迦勒對約書亞說:「耶和華在加低斯‧巴尼亞指着我與你對神人摩西所說的話,你都知道了。
And so the sones of Juda neiyiden to Josue in Galgalis; and Caleph, the sone of Jephone, of Ceneth, spak to him, Thou knowist, what the Lord spak to Moises, the man of God, of me and of thee in Cades Barne.
7 耶和華的僕人摩西從加低斯‧巴尼亞打發我窺探這地,那時我正四十歲;我按着心意回報他。
Y was of fourti yeer, whanne Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, sente me fro Cades Barne, that Y schulde biholde the lond, and Y teelde to hym that, that semyde soth to me.
8 然而,同我上去的眾弟兄使百姓的心消化;但我專心跟從耶和華-我的上帝。
Forsothe my britheren, thats tieden with me, discoumfortiden the herte of the puple, and neuertheles Y suede my Lord God.
9 當日摩西起誓說:『你腳所踏之地定要歸你和你的子孫永遠為業,因為你專心跟從耶和華-我的上帝。』
And Moises swoor in that dai, and seide, The lond, which thi foot trad, schal be thi possessioun, and of thi sones withouten ende; for thou suedist thi Lord God.
10 自從耶和華對摩西說這話的時候,耶和華照他所應許的使我存活這四十五年;其間以色列人在曠野行走。看哪,現今我八十五歲了,
Sotheli the Lord grauntide lijf to me, as he bihiyte, `til in to present dai. Fourti yeer and fyue ben, sithen the Lord spak this word to Moises, whanne Israel yede bi the wildirnesse. To dai Y am of `foure scoor yeer and fyue,
11 我還是強壯,像摩西打發我去的那天一樣;無論是爭戰,是出入,我的力量那時如何,現在還是如何。
and Y am as myyti, as Y was myyti in that time, whanne Y was sent to aspie; the strengthe `of that tyme dwellith stabli in me `til to dai, as wel to fiyte, as to go.
12 求你將耶和華那日應許我的這山地給我;那裏有亞衲族人,並寬大堅固的城,你也曾聽見了。或者耶和華照他所應許的與我同在,我就把他們趕出去。」
Therfor yyue thou to me this hil, which the Lord bihiyte to me, while also thou herdist, in which hil ben Enachym, and grete `citees, and strengthid; if in hap the Lord is with me, and Y mai do hem awei, as he bihiyte to me.
13 於是約書亞為耶孚尼的兒子迦勒祝福,將希伯崙給他為業。
And Josue blesside hym, and yaf to hym Ebron in to possessioun.
14 所以希伯崙作了基尼洗族耶孚尼的兒子迦勒的產業,直到今日,因為他專心跟從耶和華-以色列的上帝。
And fro that tyme Ebron was to Caleph, sone of Jephone, of Cenez, `til in to present dai; for he suede the Lord God of Israel.
15 希伯崙從前名叫基列‧亞巴;亞巴是亞衲族中最尊大的人。於是國中太平,沒有爭戰了。
The name of Ebron was clepid bifore Cariatharbe. Adam, the gretteste, was set there in the lond of Enachym; and the lond ceesside fro batels.

< 約書亞記 14 >