< 約書亞記 10 >

1 耶路撒冷王亞多尼‧洗德聽見約書亞奪了艾城,盡行毀滅,怎樣待耶利哥和耶利哥的王,也照樣待艾城和艾城的王,又聽見基遍的居民與以色列人立了和約,住在他們中間,
Later, Adonizedek, the king of Jerusalem, heard that Joshua’s army had captured Ai [town] and had destroyed everything in the town. He heard that they had done to the people of Ai and to their king the same thing that they had done to the people of Jericho and their king. He also heard that the people of Gibeon [city] had made a peace treaty with the Israeli people, and that the people of Gibeon were now living near the Israelis and being protected by them.
2 就甚懼怕;因為基遍是一座大城,如都城一般,比艾城更大,並且城內的人都是勇士。
Because of that, he and the people whom he ruled became very afraid, because Gibeon was an important city, like the other cities that had kings. And [even though] Gibeon was a larger city than Ai and all its soldiers were good fighters, [they thought Joshua’s army might defeat them].
3 所以耶路撒冷王亞多尼‧洗德打發人去見希伯崙王何咸、耶末王毗蘭、拉吉王雅非亞,和伊磯倫王底璧,說:
So King Adonizedek sent a message to Hosham the king of Hebron [city], to Piram the king of Jarmuth [city], to Jarmuth the king of Lachish [city], and to Debir the king of Eglon [city].
4 「求你們上來幫助我,我們好攻打基遍,因為他們與約書亞和以色列人立了和約。」
In the message he said, “Please come up with your armies and help me to attack Gibeon, because the people of Gibeon have made a peace treaty with Joshua and the Israelis.”
5 於是五個亞摩利王,就是耶路撒冷王、希伯崙王、耶末王、拉吉王、伊磯倫王,大家聚集,率領他們的眾軍上去,對着基遍安營,攻打基遍。
So those five kings who ruled all the groups who were descendants of Amor—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Debir—came up with all of their soldiers and surrounded the city. Then they prepared to attack it.
6 基遍人就打發人往吉甲的營中去見約書亞,說:「你不要袖手不顧你的僕人,求你速速上來拯救我們,幫助我們,因為住山地亞摩利人的諸王都聚集攻擊我們。」
So the people of Gibeon sent a message to Joshua while he was in the camp at Gilgal. They said, “We are your servants. So do not forsake us. Come up to us quickly and save us! Help us, because the kings of all of the groups descended from Amor and their armies have joined their forces and have come from the hilly area to attack us!”
7 於是約書亞和他一切兵丁,並大能的勇士,都從吉甲上去。
So Joshua and all his army, including the soldiers who were his best fighting men, marched up from Gilgal.
8 耶和華對約書亞說:「不要怕他們;因為我已將他們交在你手裏,他們無一人能在你面前站立得住。」
Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of those armies! I will enable your army to defeat them [IDM]. None of them will be able to (resist/fight and defeat) your army.”
9 約書亞就終夜從吉甲上去,猛然臨到他們那裏。
Joshua’s army marched all night and arrived very early in the morning.
10 耶和華使他們在以色列人面前潰亂。約書亞在基遍大大地殺敗他們,追趕他們,在伯‧和崙的上坡路擊殺他們,直到亞西加和瑪基大。
They attacked their enemies before anyone knew that they had come. Yahweh caused their enemies to (become very confused/start running in all directions) when they saw the Israeli army. As a result, the Israeli army defeated them very severely at Gibeon [and killed many of them]. The rest of them fled along the road that goes up to Beth-Horon. But the Israeli army pursued them and killed them all along the road that goes to Azekah and Makkedah towns.
11 他們在以色列人面前逃跑,正在伯‧和崙下坡的時候,耶和華從天上降大冰雹在他們身上,直降到亞西加,打死他們。被冰雹打死的,比以色列人用刀殺死的還多。
As they fled in front of the Israeli army, Yahweh threw down huge hailstones from the sky. As a result, more of them died from hailstones falling on them than died as a result of the Israeli army killing them with swords.
12 當耶和華將亞摩利人交付以色列人的日子,約書亞就禱告耶和華,在以色列人眼前說: 日頭啊,你要停在基遍; 月亮啊,你要止在亞雅崙谷。
On the day that Yahweh enabled the Israeli army to defeat the groups who were descendants of Amor, Joshua said to Yahweh while the Israeli people were listening, “Yahweh, cause the sun to stand still over Gibeon, and cause the moon to not move when it is over Aijalon Valley.”
13 於是日頭停留,月亮止住, 直等國民向敵人報仇。 這事豈不是寫在雅煞珥書上嗎?日頭在天當中停住,不急速下落,約有一日之久。
And that is what happened. The sun stood still, and the moon did not move, until the Israeli army defeated their enemies. That is what has been written in the book that Jashar wrote. The sun stopped while it was in the middle of the sky, and did not (set/go down) for about a whole day.
14 在這日以前,這日以後,耶和華聽人的禱告,沒有像這日的,是因耶和華為以色列爭戰。
On that day Yahweh did a great miracle that someone asked him to do. There was never a day like that previously, and there has never been a day like that since. Yahweh was certainly fighting for the Israeli people!
15 約書亞和以色列眾人回到吉甲的營中。
After Joshua’s army defeated their enemies, they all returned to their camp at Gilgal.
16 那五王逃跑,藏在瑪基大洞裏。
While the enemy soldiers were fleeing from Joshua’s army, their five kings also fled and hid in a cave at Makkedah [town].
17 有人告訴約書亞說:「那五王已經找到了,都藏在瑪基大洞裏。」
Then someone told Joshua, “We found those five kings, hiding in a cave at Makkedah!”
18 約書亞說:「你們把幾塊大石頭滾到洞口,派人看守,
When Joshua heard that, he said, “Roll some very large rocks to the entrance of the cave so that the kings cannot escape, and leave some soldiers there to guard it.
19 你們卻不可耽延,要追趕你們的仇敵,擊殺他們儘後邊的人,不容他們進自己的城邑,因為耶和華-你們的上帝已經把他們交在你們手裏。」
But do not stay there! Pursue our enemies! Attack them from behind! Do not allow them to escape to their cities, because Yahweh, our God, will enable you to defeat/kill them. [IDM]”
20 約書亞和以色列人大大殺敗他們,直到將他們滅盡;其中剩下的人都進了堅固的城。
So Joshua’s army did what he told them to do. They killed almost all of the enemy soldiers, but a few of them were able to reach their cities and be safe inside the walls of the cities.
21 眾百姓就安然回瑪基大營中,到約書亞那裏。沒有一人敢向以色列人饒舌。
Then Joshua’s army returned to Joshua, who was still in their camp at Makkedah. No one in the land dared to criticize [MTY] the Israelis.
22 約書亞說:「打開洞口,將那五王從洞裏帶出來,領到我面前。」
Then Joshua said, “Open the entrance of the cave, and bring out to me those five kings!”
23 眾人就這樣行,將那五王,就是耶路撒冷王、希伯崙王、耶末王、拉吉王、伊磯倫王,從洞裏帶出來,領到約書亞面前。
So the soldiers brought those five kings out of the cave—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon.
24 帶出那五王到約書亞面前的時候,約書亞就召了以色列眾人來,對那些和他同去的軍長說:「你們近前來,把腳踏在這些王的頸項上。」他們就近前來,把腳踏在這些王的頸項上。
When they brought those kings to Joshua [and forced them to lie on the ground], he summoned all the Israeli soldiers, and then he said to the army commanders, “Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings!” So the commanders did that.
25 約書亞對他們說:「你們不要懼怕,也不要驚惶。應當剛強壯膽,因為耶和華必這樣待你們所要攻打的一切仇敵。」
Then Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid of any of our enemies! Never be discouraged! Be strong and courageous. This is what Yahweh will do to all the enemies you will fight!”
26 隨後約書亞將這五王殺死,掛在五棵樹上。他們就在樹上直掛到晚上。
Then Joshua killed each of the five kings with his sword, and told his soldiers to hang the bodies of the five kings on trees. So they did that, and they left the bodies hanging on the trees until sunset.
27 日頭要落的時候,約書亞一吩咐,人就把屍首從樹上取下來,丟在他們藏過的洞裏,把幾塊大石頭放在洞口,直存到今日。
At sunset, Joshua told them to take the bodies down from the trees and throw them into the cave where they had been hiding. So the soldiers did that, and then they put those large rocks at the entrance of the cave again. Those rocks are still there.
28 當日,約書亞奪了瑪基大,用刀擊殺城中的人和王;將其中一切人口盡行殺滅,沒有留下一個。他待瑪基大王,像從前待耶利哥王一樣。
That is how Joshua’s army attacked and captured Makkedah. They killed the king and everyone else in the town. They did not leave anyone alive. They did to the king of Makkedah the same thing that they had done to the king of Jericho.
29 約書亞和以色列眾人從瑪基大往立拿去,攻打立拿。
That same day, Joshua and his Israeli army went [southwest] from Makkedah to Libnah [city] and attacked it.
30 耶和華將立拿和立拿的王也交在以色列人手裏。約書亞攻打這城,用刀擊殺了城中的一切人口,沒有留下一個。他待立拿王,像從前待耶利哥王一樣。
Yahweh enabled the Israelis to conquer [MTY] that city and its king. They killed everyone in the city; they did not (spare anyone/allow anyone to remain alive). They killed the king of Libnah just like they had killed the king of Jericho.
31 約書亞和以色列眾人從立拿往拉吉去,對着拉吉安營,攻打這城。
Then Joshua and his army went [south] from Libnah to Lachish [city]. They surrounded the city and attacked it.
32 耶和華將拉吉交在以色列人的手裏。第二天約書亞就奪了拉吉,用刀擊殺了城中的一切人口,是照他向立拿一切所行的。
On the second day of the battle, Yahweh enabled the Israelis to conquer [MTY] the city. And like they had done at Libnah, they killed everyone [DOU] in the city.
33 那時基色王荷蘭上來幫助拉吉,約書亞就把他和他的民都擊殺了,沒有留下一個。
King Horam from Gezer [city and his army] came to help [the soldiers of] Lachish, but Joshua’s [army] defeated Horam and his army, and did not allow any of them to remain alive.
34 約書亞和以色列眾人從拉吉往伊磯倫去,對着伊磯倫安營,攻打這城。
Then Joshua and his army went [west] from Lachish to Eglon [city]. They surrounded the city and attacked it.
35 當日就奪了城,用刀擊殺了城中的人。那日,約書亞將城中的一切人口盡行殺滅,是照他向拉吉一切所行的。
On that day, they captured the city and killed [MTY] everyone in it [DOU], just like they had done at Lachish.
36 約書亞和以色列眾人從伊磯倫上希伯崙去,攻打這城,
Then Joshua and his army went [west from Eglon] up [into the hills] to Hebron [city]. They attacked the city
37 就奪了希伯崙和屬希伯崙的諸城邑,用刀將城中的人與王,並那些城邑中的人口,都擊殺了,沒有留下一個,是照他向伊磯倫所行的,把城中的一切人口盡行殺滅。
and captured it. They killed the king and everyone else, just like they had done at Eglon. They did not allow anyone to remain alive.
38 約書亞和以色列眾人回到底璧,攻打這城,
Then Joshua and his army turned [south] and went to Debir [city] and attacked it.
39 就奪了底璧和屬底璧的城邑,又擒獲底璧的王,用刀將這些城中的人口盡行殺滅,沒有留下一個。他待底璧和底璧王,像從前待希伯崙和立拿與立拿王一樣。
They captured the city and its king, and also captured the nearby towns. Then they killed everyone [DOU]; they did to the people there the same thing that they had done at Hebron and Libnah.
40 這樣,約書亞擊殺全地的人,就是山地、南地、高原、山坡的人,和那些地的諸王,沒有留下一個。將凡有氣息的盡行殺滅,正如耶和華-以色列的上帝所吩咐的。
That is how Joshua [and his army] conquered the entire southern part of Canaan. They defeated the kings [who ruled] the hilly area, the dry southern area, the [western] foothills, and the [eastern] slopes. They killed everyone [DOU] in those areas; they did not allow anyone to remain alive.
41 約書亞從加低斯‧巴尼亞攻擊到迦薩,又攻擊歌珊全地,直到基遍。
Joshua’s soldiers captured all the cities from Kadesh-Barnea [city] in the far south to Gaza [city] near the coast, including all the Goshen area, and north to Gibeon [city].
42 約書亞一時殺敗了這些王,並奪了他們的地,因為耶和華-以色列的上帝為以色列爭戰。
At that one time, Joshua’s army conquered all the kings and captured all the territory that they [ruled]. They were able to do that because Yahweh, the God whom the Israeli people [worship], was fighting for them.
43 於是約書亞和以色列眾人回到吉甲的營中。
Then Joshua and his army returned to their camp at Gilgal.

< 約書亞記 10 >