< 約伯記 9 >

1 約伯回答說:
Joob answeride, and seide, Verili Y woot, that it is so,
2 我真知道是這樣; 但人在上帝面前怎能成為義呢?
and that a man comparisound to God schal not be maad iust.
3 若願意與他爭辯, 千中之一也不能回答。
If he wole stryue with God, he may not answere to God oon for a thousynde.
4 他心裏有智慧,且大有能力。 誰向上帝剛硬而得亨通呢?
He is wiys in herte, and strong in myyt; who ayenstood hym, and hadde pees?
5 他發怒,把山翻倒挪移, 山並不知覺。
Which bar hillis fro o place to anothir, and thei wisten not; whiche he distriede in his strong veniaunce.
6 他使地震動,離其本位, 地的柱子就搖撼。
Which stirith the erthe fro his place, and the pilers therof schulen `be schakun togidere.
7 他吩咐日頭不出來,就不出來, 又封閉眾星。
Which comaundith to the sunne, and it risith not; and he closith the sterris, as vndur a signet.
8 他獨自鋪張蒼天, 步行在海浪之上。
Which aloone stretchith forth heuenes, and goith on the wawis of the see.
9 他造北斗、參星、昴星, 並南方的密宮;
Which makith Ariture, and Orionas, and Hiadas, `that is, seuene sterris, and the innere thingis of the south.
10 他行大事,不可測度, 行奇事,不可勝數。
Which makith grete thingis, and that moun not be souyt out, and wondurful thingis, of whiche is noon noumbre.
11 他從我旁邊經過,我卻不看見; 他在我面前行走,我倒不知覺。
If he cometh to me, `that is, bi his grace, Y schal not se hym; if he goith awey, `that is, in withdrawynge his grace, Y schal not vndurstonde.
12 他奪取,誰能阻擋? 誰敢問他:你做甚麼?
If he axith sodeynli, who schal answere to hym? ethir who may seie to hym, Whi doist thou so?
13 上帝必不收回他的怒氣; 扶助拉哈伯的,屈身在他以下。
`God is he, whos wraththe no man may withstonde; and vndur whom thei ben bowid, that beren the world.
14 既是這樣,我怎敢回答他, 怎敢選擇言語與他辯論呢?
Hou greet am Y, that Y answere to hym, and speke bi my wordis with hym?
15 我雖有義,也不回答他, 只要向那審判我的懇求。
Which also schal not answere, thouy Y haue ony thing iust; but Y schal biseche my iuge.
16 我若呼籲,他應允我; 我仍不信他真聽我的聲音。
And whanne he hath herd me inwardli clepynge, Y bileue not, that he hath herd my vois.
17 他用暴風折斷我, 無故地加增我的損傷。
For in a whirlewynd he schal al to-breke me, and he schal multiplie my woundis, yhe, without cause.
18 我就是喘一口氣,他都不容, 倒使我滿心苦惱。
He grauntith not, that my spirit haue reste, and he fillith me with bittirnesses.
19 若論力量,他真有能力! 若論審判,他說誰能將我傳來呢?
If strengthe is souyt, `he is moost strong; if equyte of doom is souyt, no man dar yelde witnessynge for me.
20 我雖有義,自己的口要定我為有罪; 我雖完全,我口必顯我為彎曲。
If Y wole make me iust, my mouth schal dampne me; if Y schal schewe me innocent, he schal preue me a schrewe.
21 我本完全,不顧自己; 我厭惡我的性命。
Yhe, thouy Y am symple, my soule schal not knowe this same thing; and it schal anoye me of my lijf.
22 善惡無分,都是一樣; 所以我說,完全人和惡人,他都滅絕。
O thing is, which Y spak, he schal waste `bi deth also the innocent and wickid man.
23 若忽然遭殺害之禍, 他必戲笑無辜的人遇難。
If he betith, sle he onys, and leiye he not of the peynes of innocent men.
24 世界交在惡人手中; 蒙蔽世界審判官的臉, 若不是他,是誰呢?
The erthe is youun in to the hondis of the wickid; he hilith the face of iugis; that if he is not, who therfor is?
25 我的日子比跑信的更快, 急速過去,不見福樂。
Mi daies weren swiftere than a corour; thei fledden, and sien not good.
26 我的日子過去如快船, 如急落抓食的鷹。
Thei passiden as schippis berynge applis, as an egle fleynge to mete.
27 我若說:我要忘記我的哀情, 除去我的愁容,心中暢快;
Whanne Y seie, Y schal not speke so; Y chaunge my face, and Y am turmentid with sorewe.
28 我因愁苦而懼怕, 知道你必不以我為無辜。
Y drede alle my werkis, witynge that thou `woldist not spare the trespassour.
29 我必被你定為有罪, 我何必徒然勞苦呢?
Sotheli if Y am also thus wickid, whi haue Y trauelid in veyn?
30 我若用雪水洗身, 用鹼潔淨我的手,
Thouy Y am waischun as with watris of snow, and thouy myn hondis schynen as moost cleene,
31 你還要扔我在坑裏, 我的衣服都憎惡我。
netheles thou schalt dippe me in filthis, and my clothis, `that is, werkis, schulen holde me abhomynable.
32 他本不像我是人,使我可以回答他, 又使我們可以同聽審判。
Trewli Y schal not answere a man, which is lijk me; nether that may be herd euenli with me in doom.
33 我們中間沒有聽訟的人 可以向我們兩造按手。
`Noon is, that may repreue euer eithir, and sette his hond in bothe.
34 願他把杖離開我, 不使驚惶威嚇我。
Do he awei his yerde fro me, and his drede make not me aferd.
35 我就說話,也不懼怕他, 現在我卻不是那樣。
Y schal speke, and Y schal not drede hym; for Y may not answere dredynge.

< 約伯記 9 >