< 約伯記 7 >
1 人在世上豈無爭戰嗎? 他的日子不像雇工人的日子嗎?
“Isn't life for human beings like serving a sentence of hard labor? Don't their days pass like those of a hired laborer?
Like some slave longing for a bit of shade, like a hired hand anxiously waiting for pay day,
3 我也照樣經過困苦的日月, 夜間的疲乏為我而定。
I've been given months of emptiness and nights of misery.
4 我躺臥的時候便說: 我何時起來,黑夜就過去呢? 我盡是反來覆去,直到天亮。
When I go to bed I ask, ‘When shall I get up?’ But the night goes on and on, and I toss and turn until dawn.
5 我的肉體以蟲子和塵土為衣; 我的皮膚才收了口又重新破裂。
My body is covered with maggots and caked in dirt; my skin is cracked, with oozing sores.
My days pass quicker than a weaver's shuttle and they come to an end without hope.
7 求你想念,我的生命不過是一口氣; 我的眼睛必不再見福樂。
Remember that my life is just a breath; I will not see happiness again.
8 觀看我的人,他的眼必不再見我; 你的眼目要看我,我卻不在了。
Those watching me won't see me anymore; your eyes will be looking for me, but I will be gone.
9 雲彩消散而過; 照樣,人下陰間也不再上來。 (Sheol )
When a cloud disappears, it's gone, just as anyone who goes down to Sheol does not come back up. (Sheol )
They will never return home, and the people they knew will forget them.
11 我不禁止我口; 我靈愁苦,要發出言語; 我心苦惱,要吐露哀情。
So, no, I won't hold my tongue—I will speak in the agony of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
12 我對上帝說:我豈是洋海, 豈是大魚,你竟防守我呢?
Am I the sea or a sea monster that you have to guard me?
13 若說:我的床必安慰我, 我的榻必解釋我的苦情,
If I tell myself, ‘I'll feel better if I lie down in my bed,’ or ‘it will help me to lie down on my couch,’
then you scare me so much with dreams and terrify me with visions
15 甚至我寧肯噎死,寧肯死亡, 勝似留我這一身的骨頭。
that I would rather be strangled—I would rather die than become just a bag of bones.
16 我厭棄性命,不願永活。 你任憑我吧,因我的日子都是虛空。
I hate my life! I know I won't live long. Leave me alone because my life is just a breath.
Why are human beings so important to you; why are you so concerned about them
that you inspect them every morning and test them every moment? Won't you ever stop staring at me?
19 你到何時才轉眼不看我, 才任憑我咽下唾沫呢?
Won't you ever leave me alone long enough to catch my breath?
20 鑒察人的主啊,我若有罪,於你何妨? 為何以我當你的箭靶子, 使我厭棄自己的性命?
What have I done wrong? What have I done to you, Watcher of Humanity? Why have you made me your target, so that I'm a burden even to myself?
21 為何不赦免我的過犯, 除掉我的罪孽? 我現今要躺臥在塵土中; 你要殷勤地尋找我,我卻不在了。
If so why don't you pardon my sins, and take away my guilt? Right now I'm going to lie down in the dust, and though you will look for me, I will be gone.”