< 約伯記 42 >

1 約伯回答耶和華說:
Forsothe Joob answeride to the Lord, and seide,
2 我知道,你萬事都能做; 你的旨意不能攔阻。
Y woot, that thou maist alle thingis, and no thouyt is hid fro thee.
3 誰用無知的言語使你的旨意隱藏呢? 我所說的是我不明白的; 這些事太奇妙,是我不知道的。
Who is this, that helith counsel with out kunnyng? Therfor Y spak vnwiseli, and tho thingis that passiden ouer mesure my kunnyng.
4 求你聽我,我要說話; 我問你,求你指示我。
Here thou, and Y schal speke; Y schal axe thee, and answere thou to me.
5 我從前風聞有你, 現在親眼看見你。
Bi heryng of eere Y herde thee, but now myn iye seeth thee.
6 因此我厭惡自己, 在塵土和爐灰中懊悔。
Therfor Y repreue me, and do penaunce in deed sparcle and aische.
7 耶和華對約伯說話以後,就對提幔人以利法說:「我的怒氣向你和你兩個朋友發作,因為你們議論我不如我的僕人約伯說的是。
Forsothe aftir that the Lord spak these wordis to Joob, he seide to Eliphat Themanytes, My stronge veniaunce is wrooth ayens thee, and ayens thi twey frendis; for ye `spaken not bifor me riytful thing, as my seruaunt Joob dide.
8 現在你們要取七隻公牛,七隻公羊,到我僕人約伯那裏去,為自己獻上燔祭,我的僕人約伯就為你們祈禱。我因悅納他,就不按你們的愚妄辦你們。你們議論我,不如我的僕人約伯說的是。」
Therfor take ye to you seuene bolis, and seuene rammes; and go ye to my seruaunt Joob, and offre ye brent sacrifice for you. Forsothe Joob, my seruaunt, schal preie for you; Y schal resseyue his face, that foli be not arettid to you; for ye `spaken not bifor me riytful thing, as my seruaunt Joob dide.
9 於是提幔人以利法、書亞人比勒達、拿瑪人瑣法照着耶和華所吩咐的去行;耶和華就悅納約伯。
Therfor Eliphat Themanytes, and Baldach Suythes, and Sophar Naamathites, yeden, and diden, as the Lord hedde spoke to hem; and the Lord resseyuede the face of Joob.
10 約伯為他的朋友祈禱。耶和華就使約伯從苦境轉回,並且耶和華賜給他的比他從前所有的加倍。
Also the Lord was conuertid to the penaunce of Joob, whanne he preiede for hise frendis. And the Lord addide alle thingis double, whiche euere weren of Joob.
11 約伯的弟兄、姊妹,和以先所認識的人都來見他,在他家裏一同吃飯;又論到耶和華所降與他的一切災禍,都為他悲傷安慰他。每人也送他一塊銀子和一個金環。
Sotheli alle hise britheren, and alle hise sistris, and alle that knewen hym bifore, camen to hym; and thei eeten breed with hym in his hows, and moueden the heed on hym; and thei coumfortiden hym of al the yuel, which the Lord hadde brouyt in on hym; and thei yauen to hym ech man o scheep, and o goldun eere ring.
12 這樣,耶和華後來賜福給約伯比先前更多。他有一萬四千羊,六千駱駝,一千對牛,一千母驢。
Forsothe the Lord blesside the laste thingis of Joob, more than the bigynnyng of hym; and fouretene thousynde of scheep weren maad to hym, and sixe thousinde of camels, and a thousynde yockis of oxis, and a thousynde femal assis.
13 他也有七個兒子,三個女兒。
And he hadde seuene sones, and thre douytris;
14 他給長女起名叫耶米瑪,次女叫基洗亞,三女叫基連‧哈樸。
and he clepide the name of o douytir Dai, and the name of the secounde douytir Cassia, and the name of the thridde douytir `An horn of wymmens oynement.
15 在那全地的婦女中找不着像約伯的女兒那樣美貌。她們的父親使她們在弟兄中得產業。
`Sotheli no wymmen weren foundun so faire in al erthe, as the douytris of Joob; and her fadir yaf eritage to hem among her britheren.
16 此後,約伯又活了一百四十年,得見他的兒孫,直到四代。
Forsothe Joob lyuede aftir these betyngis an hundrid and fourti yeer, and `siy hise sones, and the sones of hise sones, `til to the fourthe generacioun;
17 這樣,約伯年紀老邁,日子滿足而死。
and he was deed eld, and ful of daies.

< 約伯記 42 >