< 約伯記 38 >

1 那時,耶和華從旋風中回答約伯說:
Forsothe the Lord answeride fro the whirlewynd to Joob,
2 誰用無知的言語使我的旨意暗昧不明?
and seide, Who is this man, wlappynge sentences with vnwise wordis?
3 你要如勇士束腰; 我問你,你可以指示我。
Girde thou as a man thi leendis; Y schal axe thee, and answere thou to me.
4 我立大地根基的時候,你在哪裏呢? 你若有聰明,只管說吧!
Where were thou, whanne Y settide the foundementis of erthe? schewe thou to me, if thou hast vndurstondyng.
5 你若曉得就說,是誰定地的尺度? 是誰把準繩拉在其上?
Who settide mesures therof, if thou knowist? ethir who stretchide forth a lyne theronne?
6 地的根基安置在何處? 地的角石是誰安放的?
On what thing ben the foundementis therof maad fast? ether who sente doun the corner stoon therof,
7 那時,晨星一同歌唱; 上帝的眾子也都歡呼。
whanne the morew sterris herieden me togidere, and alle the sones of God sungun ioyfuli?
8 海水衝出,如出胎胞, 那時誰將它關閉呢?
Who closide togidere the see with doris, whanne it brak out comynge forth as of the wombe?
9 是我用雲彩當海的衣服, 用幽暗當包裹它的布,
Whanne Y settide a cloude the hilyng therof, and Y wlappide it with derknesse, as with clothis of yong childhed.
10 為它定界限, 又安門和閂,
Y cumpasside it with my termes, and Y settide a barre, and doris;
11 說:你只可到這裏,不可越過; 你狂傲的浪要到此止住。
and Y seide, `Til hidur thou schalt come, and thou schalt not go forth ferthere; and here thou schalt breke togidere thi bolnynge wawis.
12 你自生以來,曾命定晨光, 使清晨的日光知道本位,
Whethir aftir thi birthe thou comaundist to the bigynnyng of dai, and schewidist to the morewtid his place?
13 叫這光普照地的四極, 將惡人從其中驅逐出來嗎?
Whethir thou heldist schakynge togidere the laste partis of erthe, and schakedist awei wickid men therfro?
14 因這光,地面改變如泥上印印, 萬物出現如衣服一樣。
A seeling schal be restorid as cley, and it schal stonde as a cloth.
15 亮光不照惡人; 強橫的膀臂也必折斷。
The liyt of wickid men schal be takun awey fro hem, and an hiy arm schal be brokun.
16 你曾進到海源, 或在深淵的隱密處行走嗎?
Whethir thou entridist in to the depthe of the see, and walkidist in the laste partis of the occian?
17 死亡的門曾向你顯露嗎? 死蔭的門你曾見過嗎?
Whether the yatis of deeth ben openyd to thee, and `siest thou the derk doris?
18 地的廣大你能明透嗎? 你若全知道,只管說吧!
Whethir thou hast biholde the brede of erthe? Schewe thou to me, if thou knowist alle thingis,
19 光明的居所從何而至? 黑暗的本位在於何處?
in what weie the liyt dwellith, and which is the place of derknesse;
20 你能帶到本境, 能看明其室之路嗎?
that thou lede ech thing to hise termes, and thou vndurstonde the weies of his hows.
21 你總知道, 因為你早已生在世上, 你日子的數目也多。
Wistist thou thanne, that thou schuldist be borun, and knew thou the noumbre of thi daies?
22 你曾進入雪庫, 或見過雹倉嗎?
Whethir thou entridist in to the tresours of snow, ether biheldist thou the tresours of hail?
23 這雪雹乃是我為降災, 並打仗和爭戰的日子所預備的。
whiche thingis Y made redy in to the tyme of an enemy, in to the dai of fiytyng and of batel.
24 光亮從何路分開? 東風從何路分散遍地?
Bi what weie is the liyt spred abrood, heete is departid on erthe?
25 誰為雨水分道? 誰為雷電開路?
Who yaf cours to the strongeste reyn,
26 使雨降在無人之地、 無人居住的曠野?
and weie of the thundur sownynge? That it schulde reyne on the erthe with out man in desert, where noon of deedli men dwellith?
27 使荒廢淒涼之地得以豐足, 青草得以發生?
That it schulde fille a lond with out weie and desolat, and schulde brynge forth greene eerbis?
28 雨有父嗎? 露水珠是誰生的呢?
Who is fadir of reyn, ether who gendride the dropis of deew?
29 冰出於誰的胎? 天上的霜是誰生的呢?
Of whos wombe yede out iys, and who gendride frost fro heuene?
30 諸水堅硬如石頭; 深淵之面凝結成冰。
Watris ben maad hard in the licnesse of stoon, and the ouer part of occian is streyned togidere.
31 你能繫住昴星的結嗎? 能解開參星的帶嗎?
Whether thou schalt mowe ioyne togidere schynynge sterris Pliades, ethir thou schalt mowe distrie the cumpas of Arturis?
32 你能按時領出十二宮嗎? 能引導北斗和隨它的眾星嗎?
Whether thou bryngist forth Lucifer, `that is, dai sterre, in his tyme, and makist euene sterre to rise on the sones of erthe?
33 你知道天的定例嗎? 能使地歸在天的權下嗎?
Whether thou knowist the ordre of heuene, and schalt sette the resoun therof in erthe?
34 你能向雲彩揚起聲來, 使傾盆的雨遮蓋你嗎?
Whethir thou schalt reise thi vois in to a cloude, and the fersnesse of watris schal hile thee?
35 你能發出閃電,叫它行去, 使它對你說:我們在這裏?
Whethir thou schalt sende leitis, and tho schulen go, and tho schulen turne ayen, and schulen seie to thee, We ben present?
36 誰將智慧放在懷中? 誰將聰明賜於心內?
Who puttide wisdoom in the entrailis of man, ethir who yaf vndurstondyng to the cok?
37 誰能用智慧數算雲彩呢? 塵土聚集成團,土塊緊緊結連; 那時,誰能傾倒天上的瓶呢?
Who schal telle out the resoun of heuenes, and who schal make acordyng of heuene to sleep?
Whanne dust was foundid in the erthe, and clottis weren ioyned togidere?
39 母獅子在洞中蹲伏, 少壯獅子在隱密處埋伏; 你能為牠們抓取食物, 使牠們飽足嗎?
Whether thou schalt take prey to the lionesse, and schalt fille the soulis of hir whelpis,
whanne tho liggen in caues, and aspien in dennes?
41 烏鴉之雛因無食物飛來飛去,哀告上帝; 那時,誰為牠預備食物呢?
Who makith redi for the crowe his mete, whanne hise briddis crien to God, and wandren aboute, for tho han not meetis?

< 約伯記 38 >