< 約伯記 30 >

1 但如今,比我年少的人戲笑我; 其人之父我曾藐視, 不肯安在看守我羊群的狗中。
But now yongere men in tyme scornen me, whos fadris Y deynede not to sette with the doggis of my flok.
2 他們壯年的氣力既已衰敗, 其手之力與我何益呢?
Of whiche men the vertu of hondis was for nouyt to me, and thei weren gessid vnworthi to that lijf.
3 他們因窮乏飢餓,身體枯瘦, 在荒廢淒涼的幽暗中齦乾燥之地,
Thei weren bareyn for nedynesse and hungur; that gnawiden in wildirnesse, and weren pale for pouert and wretchidnesse;
4 在草叢之中採鹹草, 羅騰的根為他們的食物。
and eeten eerbis, aud the ryndis of trees; and the roote of iunyperis was her mete.
5 他們從人中被趕出; 人追喊他們如賊一般,
Whiche men rauyschiden these thingis fro grete valeis; and whanne thei hadden foundun ony of alle, thei runnen with cry to tho.
6 以致他們住在荒谷之間, 在地洞和巖穴中;
Thei dwelliden in deseertis of strondis, and in caues of erthe, ethir on grauel, `ethir on cley.
7 在草叢中叫喚, 在荊棘下聚集。
Whiche weren glad among siche thingis, and arettiden delices to be vndur buschis.
8 這都是愚頑下賤人的兒女; 他們被鞭打,趕出境外。
The sones of foolis and of vnnoble men, and outirli apperynge not in erthe.
9 現在這些人以我為歌曲, 以我為笑談。
But now Y am turned in to the song of hem, and Y am maad a prouerbe to hem.
10 他們厭惡我,躲在旁邊站着, 不住地吐唾沫在我臉上。
Thei holden me abhomynable, and fleen fer fro me, and dreden not to spete on my face.
11 鬆開他們的繩索苦待我, 在我面前脫去轡頭。
For God hath openyd his arowe caas, and hath turmentid me, and hath set a bridil in to my mouth.
12 這等下流人在我右邊起來, 推開我的腳,築成戰路來攻擊我。
At the riytside of the eest my wretchidnessis risiden anoon; thei turneden vpsedoun my feet, and oppressiden with her pathis as with floodis.
13 這些無人幫助的, 毀壞我的道,加增我的災。
Thei destrieden my weies; thei settiden tresoun to me, and hadden the maistri; and `noon was that helpide.
14 他們來如同闖進大破口, 在毀壞之間滾在我身上。
Thei felden in on me as bi a brokun wal, and bi yate openyd, and weren stretchid forth to my wretchidnessis.
15 驚恐臨到我, 驅逐我的尊榮如風; 我的福祿如雲過去。
Y am dryuun in to nouyt; he took awei my desir as wynd, and myn helpe passide awei as a cloude.
16 現在我心極其悲傷; 困苦的日子將我抓住。
But now my soule fadith in my silf, and daies of turment holden me stidfastly.
17 夜間,我裏面的骨頭刺我, 疼痛不止,好像齦我。
In nyyt my boon is persid with sorewis; and thei, that eten me, slepen not.
18 因上帝的大力,我的外衣污穢不堪, 又如裏衣的領子將我纏住。
In the multitude of tho my cloth is wastid, and thei han gird me as with coler of a coote.
19 上帝把我扔在淤泥中, 我就像塵土和爐灰一般。
Y am comparisound to cley, and Y am maad lijk to a deed sparcle and aisch.
20 主啊,我呼求你,你不應允我; 我站起來,你就定睛看我。
Y schal cry to thee, and thou schalt not here me; Y stonde, and thou biholdist not me.
21 你向我變心,待我殘忍, 又用大能追逼我,
Thou art chaungid in to cruel to me, and in the hardnesse of thin hond thou art aduersarie to me.
22 把我提在風中,使我駕風而行, 又使我消滅在烈風中。
Thou hast reisid me, and hast set as on wynd; and hast hurtlid me doun strongli.
23 我知道要使我臨到死地, 到那為眾生所定的陰宅。
Y woot, that thow schalt bitake me to deeth, where an hows is ordeyned to ech lyuynge man.
24 然而,人仆倒豈不伸手? 遇災難豈不求救呢?
Netheles thou sendist not out thin hond to the wastyng of hem; and if thei fallen doun, thou schalt saue.
25 人遭難,我豈不為他哭泣呢? 人窮乏,我豈不為他憂愁呢?
Y wepte sum tyme on him, that was turmentid, and my soule hadde compassioun on a pore man.
26 我仰望得好處,災禍就到了; 我等待光明,黑暗便來了。
Y abood goodis, and yuelis ben comun to me; Y abood liyt, and derknessis braken out.
27 我心裏煩擾不安, 困苦的日子臨到我身。
Myn ynnere thingis buyliden out with outen my reste; daies of turment camen bifor me.
28 我沒有日光就哀哭行去; 我在會中站着求救。
Y yede morenynge, and Y roos with out woodnesse in the cumpenye, and criede.
29 我與野狗為弟兄, 與鴕鳥為同伴。
Y was the brother of dragouns, and the felow of ostrigis.
30 我的皮膚黑而脫落; 我的骨頭因熱燒焦。
My skyn was maad blak on me, and my boonys drieden for heete.
31 所以,我的琴音變為悲音; 我的簫聲變為哭聲。
Myn harpe is turned in to morenyng, and myn orgun in to the vois of weperis.

< 約伯記 30 >