< 約伯記 27 >

1 約伯接着說:
Also Joob addide, takynge his parable, and seide,
2 上帝奪去我的理,全能者使我心中愁苦。 我指着永生的上帝起誓:
God lyueth, that hath take awey my doom, and Almyyti God, that hath brouyt my soule to bitternesse.
3 我的生命尚在我裏面; 上帝所賜呼吸之氣仍在我的鼻孔內。
For as long as breeth is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nose thirlis,
4 我的嘴決不說非義之言; 我的舌也不說詭詐之語。
my lippis schulen not speke wickidnesse, nether my tunge schal thenke a leesyng.
5 我斷不以你們為是; 我至死必不以自己為不正!
Fer be it fro me, that Y deme you iust; til Y faile, Y schal not go awei fro myn innocence.
6 我持定我的義,必不放鬆; 在世的日子,我心必不責備我。
Y schal not forsake my iustifiyng, which Y bigan to holde; for myn herte repreueth me not in al my lijf.
7 願我的仇敵如惡人一樣; 願那起來攻擊我的,如不義之人一般。
As my wickid enemy doth; myn aduersarie is as wickid.
8 不敬虔的人雖然得利, 上帝奪取其命的時候還有甚麼指望呢?
For what is the hope of an ypocrite, if he rauyschith gredili, and God delyuerith not his soule?
9 患難臨到他, 上帝豈能聽他的呼求?
Whether God schal here the cry of hym, whanne angwisch schal come on hym?
10 他豈以全能者為樂, 隨時求告上帝呢?
ether whether he may delite in Almyyti God, and inwardli clepe God in al tyme?
11 上帝的作為,我要指教你們; 全能者所行的,我也不隱瞞。
Y schal teche you bi the hond of God, what thingis Almyyti God hath; and Y schal not hide.
12 你們自己也都見過, 為何全然變為虛妄呢?
Lo! alle ye knowen, and what speken ye veyn thingis with out cause?
13 上帝為惡人所定的分, 強暴人從全能者所得的報乃是這樣:
This is the part of a wickid man anentis God, and the eritage of violent men, ether rauenours, whiche thei schulen take of Almyyti God.
14 倘或他的兒女增多,還是被刀所殺; 他的子孫必不得飽食。
If hise children ben multiplied, thei schulen be slayn in swerd; and hise sones sones schulen not be fillid with breed.
15 他所遺留的人必死而埋葬; 他的寡婦也不哀哭。
Thei, that ben residue of hym, schulen be biried in perischyng; and the widewis of hym schulen not wepe.
16 他雖積蓄銀子如塵沙, 預備衣服如泥土;
If he gaderith togidere siluer as erthe, and makith redi clothis as cley;
17 他只管預備,義人卻要穿上; 他的銀子,無辜的人要分取。
sotheli he made redi, but a iust man schal be clothid in tho, and an innocent man schal departe the siluer.
18 他建造房屋如蟲做窩, 又如守望者所搭的棚。
As a mouyte he hath bildid his hous, and as a kepere he made a schadewyng place.
19 他雖富足躺臥,卻不得收殮, 轉眼之間就不在了。
A riche man, whanne he schal die, schal bere no thing with hym; he schal opene hise iyen, and he schal fynde no thing.
20 驚恐如波濤將他追上; 暴風在夜間將他颳去。
Pouert as water schal take hym; and tempeste schal oppresse hym in the nyyt.
21 東風把他飄去, 又颳他離開本處。
Brennynge wynd schal take hym, and schal do awei; and as a whirlewynd it schal rauysche hym fro his place.
22 上帝要向他射箭,並不留情; 他恨不得逃脫上帝的手。
He schal sende out turmentis on hym, and schal not spare; he fleynge schal `fle fro his hond.
23 人要向他拍掌, 並要發叱聲,使他離開本處。
He schal streyne hise hondis on him, and he schal hisse on hym, and schal biholde his place.

< 約伯記 27 >