< 約伯記 24 >

1 全能者既定期罰惡, 為何不使認識他的人看見那日子呢?
Tymes ben not hid fro Almyyti God; sotheli thei that knowen hym, knowen not hise daies.
2 有人挪移地界, 搶奪群畜而牧養。
Othere men turneden ouer the termes of neiyboris eritage, thei token awei flockis, and fedden tho.
3 他們拉去孤兒的驢, 強取寡婦的牛為當頭。
Thei driueden awei the asse of fadirlesse children, and token awei the cow of a widewe for a wed.
4 他們使窮人離開正道; 世上的貧民盡都隱藏。
Thei distrieden the weie of pore men, and thei oppressiden togidere the mylde men of erthe.
5 這些貧窮人如同野驢出到曠野,殷勤尋找食物; 他們靠着野地給兒女糊口,
Othere men as wielde assis in deseert goon out to her werk; and thei waken to prey, and bifor maken redy breed to her children.
6 收割別人田間的禾稼, 摘取惡人餘剩的葡萄,
Thei kitten doun a feeld not hern, and thei gaderen grapis of his vyner, whom thei han oppressid bi violence.
7 終夜赤身無衣, 天氣寒冷毫無遮蓋,
Thei leeuen men nakid, and taken awei the clothis, to whiche men is noon hiling in coold;
8 在山上被大雨淋濕, 因沒有避身之處就挨近磐石。
whiche men the reynes of munteyns weeten, and thei han noon hilyng, and biclippen stoonys.
9 又有人從母懷中搶奪孤兒, 強取窮人的衣服為當頭,
Thei diden violence, and robbiden fadirles and modirles children; and thei spuyliden, `ether robbiden, the comynte of pore men.
10 使人赤身無衣,到處流行, 且因飢餓扛抬禾捆,
Thei token awey eeris of corn fro nakid men, and goynge with out cloth, and fro hungry men.
11 在那些人的圍牆內造油,醡酒, 自己還口渴。
Thei weren hid in myddai among the heepis of tho men, that thirsten, whanne the presses ben trodun.
12 在多民的城內有人唉哼, 受傷的人哀號; 上帝卻不理會那惡人的愚妄。
Thei maden men of citees to weile, and the soulis of woundid men schulen crye; and God suffrith it not to go awei vnpunyschid.
13 又有人背棄光明, 不認識光明的道, 不住在光明的路上。
Thei weren rebel to liyt; thei knewen not the weyes therof, nether thei turneden ayen bi the pathis therof.
14 殺人的黎明起來, 殺害困苦窮乏人, 夜間又作盜賊。
A mansleere risith ful eerli, and sleeth a nedi man, and a pore man; sotheli bi nyyt he schal be as a nyyt theef.
15 姦夫等候黃昏, 說:必無眼能見我, 就把臉蒙蔽。
The iye of avouter kepith derknesse, and seith, An yye schal not se me; and he schal hile his face.
16 盜賊黑夜挖窟窿; 白日躲藏, 並不認識光明。
Thei mynen housis in derknessis, as thei seiden togidere to hem silf in the dai; and thei knewen not liyt.
17 他們看早晨如幽暗, 因為他們曉得幽暗的驚駭。
If the morewtid apperith sudeynli, thei demen the schadewe of deth; and so thei goon in derknessis as in liyt.
18 這些惡人猶如浮萍快快飄去。 他們所得的分在世上被咒詛; 他們不得再走葡萄園的路。
He is vnstablere than the face of the water; his part in erthe be cursid, and go he not bi the weie of vyneris.
19 乾旱炎熱消沒雪水; 陰間也如此消沒犯罪之輩。 (Sheol h7585)
Passe he to ful greet heete fro the watris of snowis, and the synne of hym `til to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
20 懷他的母要忘記他; 蟲子要吃他,覺得甘甜; 他不再被人記念。 不義的人必如樹折斷。
Merci foryete hym; his swetnesse be a worm; be he not in mynde, but be he al to-brokun as `a tre vnfruytful.
21 他惡待不懷孕不生養的婦人, 不善待寡婦。
For he fedde the bareyn, and hir that childith not, and he dide not wel to the widewe.
22 然而上帝用能力保全有勢力的人; 那性命難保的人仍然興起。
He drow doun stronge men in his strengthe; and whanne he stondith in `greet state, he schal not bileue to his lijf.
23 上帝使他們安穩,他們就有所倚靠; 上帝的眼目也看顧他們的道路。
God yaf to hym place of penaunce, and he mysusith that in to pride; for the iyen of God ben in the weies of that man.
24 他們被高舉,不過片時就沒有了; 他們降為卑,被除滅,與眾人一樣, 又如穀穗被割。
Thei ben reisid at a litil, and thei schulen not stonde; and thei schulen be maad low as alle thingis, and thei schulen be takun awei; and as the hyynessis of eeris of corn thei schulen be al to-brokun.
25 若不是這樣,誰能證實我是說謊的, 將我的言語駁為虛空呢?
That if it is not so, who may repreue me, that Y liede, and putte my wordis bifor God?

< 約伯記 24 >