< 約伯記 21 >

1 約伯回答說:
Forsothe Joob answeride, and seide,
2 你們要細聽我的言語, 就算是你們安慰我。
Y preye, here ye my wordis, and do ye penaunce.
3 請寬容我,我又要說話; 說了以後,任憑你們嗤笑吧!
Suffre ye me, that Y speke; and leiye ye aftir my wordis, if it schal seme worthi.
4 我豈是向人訴冤? 為何不焦急呢?
Whether my disputyng is ayens man, that skilfuli Y owe not to be sori?
5 你們要看着我而驚奇, 用手摀口。
Perseyue ye me, and be ye astonyed; and sette ye fyngur on youre mouth.
6 我每逢思想,心就驚惶, 渾身戰兢。
And whanne Y bithenke, Y drede, and tremblyng schakith my fleisch.
7 惡人為何存活, 享大壽數,勢力強盛呢?
Whi therfor lyuen wickid men? Thei ben enhaunsid, and coumfortid with richessis.
8 他們眼見兒孫, 和他們一同堅立。
Her seed dwellith bifor hem; the cumpeny of kynesmen, and of sones of sones dwellith in her siyt.
9 他們的家宅平安無懼; 上帝的杖也不加在他們身上。
Her housis ben sikur, and pesible; and the yerde of God is not on hem.
10 他們的公牛孳生而不斷絕; 母牛下犢而不掉胎。
The cow of hem conseyuede, and caluede not a deed calf; the cow caluyde, and is not priued of hir calf.
11 他們打發小孩子出去,多如羊群; 他們的兒女踴躍跳舞。
Her litle children goen out as flockis; and her yonge children `maken fulli ioye with pleies.
12 他們隨着琴鼓歌唱, 又因簫聲歡喜。
Thei holden tympan, and harpe; and ioien at the soun of orgun.
13 他們度日諸事亨通, 轉眼下入陰間。 (Sheol h7585)
Thei leden in goodis her daies; and in a point thei goen doun to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
14 他們對上帝說:離開我們吧! 我們不願曉得你的道。
Whiche men seiden to God, Go thou awei fro us; we nylen the kunnyng of thi weies.
15 全能者是誰,我們何必事奉他呢? 求告他有甚麼益處呢?
Who is Almiyti God, that we serue him? and what profitith it to vs, if we preien him?
16 看哪,他們亨通不在乎自己; 惡人所謀定的離我好遠。
Netheles for her goodis ben not in her hond, `that is, power, the counsel of wickid men be fer fro me.
17 惡人的燈何嘗熄滅? 患難何嘗臨到他們呢? 上帝何嘗發怒,向他們分散災禍呢?
Hou ofte schal the lanterne of wickid men be quenchid, and flowing schal come on hem, and God schal departe the sorewis of his stronge veniaunce?
18 他們何嘗像風前的碎詡, 如暴風颳去的糠詷呢?
Thei schulen be as chaffis bifor the face of the wynd; and as a deed sparcle, whiche the whirlewynd scaterith abrood.
19 你們說:上帝為惡人的兒女積蓄罪孽; 我說:不如本人受報,好使他親自知道。
God schal kepe the sorewe of the fadir to hise sones; and whanne he hath yoldun, thanne he schal wite.
20 願他親眼看見自己敗亡, 親自飲全能者的忿怒。
Hise iyen schulen se her sleyng; and he schal drynke of the stronge veniaunce of Almyyti God.
21 他的歲月既盡, 他還顧他本家嗎?
For whi what perteyneth it to hym of his hows aftir hym, thouy the noumbre of his monethis be half takun awey?
22 上帝既審判那在高位的, 誰能將知識教訓他呢?
Whether ony man schal teche God kunnyng, which demeth hem that ben hiye?
23 有人至死身體強壯, 盡得平靖安逸;
This yuel man dieth strong and hool, riche and blesful, `that is, myrie.
24 他的奶桶充滿, 他的骨髓滋潤。
Hise entrails ben ful of fatnesse; and hise boonys ben moistid with merowis.
25 有人至死心中痛苦, 終身未嘗福樂的滋味;
Sotheli anothir wickid man dieth in the bittirnesse of his soule, and with outen ony richessis.
26 他們一樣躺臥在塵土中, 都被蟲子遮蓋。
And netheles thei schulen slepe togidere in dust, and wormes schulen hile hem.
27 我知道你們的意思, 並誣害我的計謀。
Certis Y knowe youre wickid thouytis, and sentensis ayens me.
28 你們說:霸者的房屋在哪裏? 惡人住過的帳棚在哪裏?
For ye seien, Where is the hows of the prince? and where ben the tabernaclis of wickid men?
29 你們豈沒有詢問過路的人嗎? 不知道他們所引的證據嗎?
Axe ye ech of `the weie goeris; and ye schulen knowe, that he vndurstondith these same thingis,
30 就是惡人在禍患的日子得存留, 在發怒的日子得逃脫。
that an yuel man schal be kept in to the dai of perdicioun, and schal be led to the dai of woodnesse.
31 他所行的,有誰當面給他說明? 他所做的,有誰報應他呢?
Who schal repreue hise weies bifor hym? and who schal yelde to hym tho thingis, whiche he hath doon?
32 然而他要被抬到塋地; 並有人看守墳墓。
He schal be led to the sepulcris; and he schal wake in the heep of deed men.
33 他要以谷中的土塊為甘甜; 在他以先去的無數, 在他以後去的更多。
He was swete to the `stoonys, ether filthis, of helle; and drawith ech man aftir hym, and vnnoumbrable men bifor him.
34 你們對答的話中既都錯謬, 怎麼徒然安慰我呢?
Hou therfor coumforten ye me in veyn, sithen youre answeris ben schewid to `repugne to treuthe?

< 約伯記 21 >