< 約伯記 15 >

1 提幔人以利法回答說:
Forsothe Eliphat Themanytes answeride, and seide,
2 智慧人豈可用虛空的知識回答, 用東風充滿肚腹呢?
Whether a wise man schal answere, as spekynge ayens the wynd, and schal fille his stomac with brennyng, `that is, ire?
3 他豈可用無益的話 和無濟於事的言語理論呢?
For thou repreuest hym bi wordis, which is not lijk thee, and thou spekist that, that spedith not to thee.
4 你是廢棄敬畏的意, 在上帝面前阻止敬虔的心。
As myche as is in thee, thou hast avoidid drede; and thou hast take awey preyeris bifor God.
5 你的罪孽指教你的口; 你選用詭詐人的舌頭。
For wickidnesse hath tauyt thi mouth, and thou suest the tunge of blasfemeris.
6 你自己的口定你有罪,並非是我; 你自己的嘴見證你的不是。
Thi tunge, and not Y, schal condempne thee, and thi lippis schulen answere thee.
7 你豈是頭一個被生的人嗎? 你受造在諸山之先嗎?
Whether thou art borun the firste man, and art formed bifor alle little hillis?
8 你曾聽見上帝的密旨嗎? 你還將智慧獨自得盡嗎?
Whether thou herdist the counsel of God, and his wisdom is lower than thou?
9 你知道甚麼是我們不知道的呢? 你明白甚麼是我們不明白的呢?
What thing knowist thou, whiche we knowen not? What thing vndurstondist thou, whiche we witen not?
10 我們這裏有白髮的和年紀老邁的, 比你父親還老。
Bothe wise men and elde, myche eldre than thi fadris, ben among vs.
11 上帝用溫和的話安慰你, 你以為太小嗎?
Whether it is greet, that God coumforte thee? But thi schrewid wordis forbeden this.
12 你的心為何將你逼去? 你的眼為何冒出火星,
What reisith thin herte thee, and thou as thenkynge grete thingis hast iyen astonyed?
13 使你的靈反對上帝, 也任你的口發這言語?
What bolneth thi spirit ayens God, that thou brynge forth of thi mouth siche wordis?
14 人是甚麼,竟算為潔淨呢? 婦人所生的是甚麼,竟算為義呢?
What is a man, that he be with out wem, and that he borun of a womman appere iust?
15 上帝不信靠他的眾聖者; 在他眼前,天也不潔淨,
Lo! noon among hise seyntis is vnchaungable, and heuenes ben not cleene in his siyt.
16 何況那污穢可憎、 喝罪孽如水的世人呢!
How myche more a man abhomynable and vnprofitable, that drynkith wickidnesse as water?
17 我指示你,你要聽; 我要述說所看見的,
I schal schewe to thee, here thou me; Y schal telle to thee that, that Y siy.
18 就是智慧人從列祖所受, 傳說而不隱瞞的。 (
Wise men knoulechen, and hiden not her fadris.
19 這地惟獨賜給他們, 並沒有外人從他們中間經過。)
To whiche aloone the erthe is youun, and an alien schal not passe bi hem.
20 惡人一生之日劬勞痛苦; 強暴人一生的年數也是如此。
A wickid man is proud in alle hise daies; and the noumbre of hise yeeris and of his tirauntrie is vncerteyn.
21 驚嚇的聲音常在他耳中; 在平安時,搶奪的必臨到他那裏。
The sown of drede is euere in hise eeris, and whanne pees is, he supposith euere tresouns.
22 他不信自己能從黑暗中轉回; 他被刀劍等候。
He bileueth not that he may turne ayen fro derknessis to liyt; and biholdith aboute on ech side a swerd.
23 他漂流在外求食,說:哪裏有食物呢? 他知道黑暗的日子在他手邊預備好了。
Whanne he stirith hym to seke breed, he woot, that the dai of derknessis is maad redi in his hond.
24 急難困苦叫他害怕, 而且勝了他,好像君王預備上陣一樣。
Tribulacioun schal make hym aferd, and angwisch schal cumpas hym, as a kyng which is maad redi to batel.
25 他伸手攻擊上帝, 以驕傲攻擊全能者,
For he helde forth his hond ayens God, and he was maad strong ayens Almyyti God.
26 挺着頸項, 用盾牌的厚凸面向全能者直闖;
He ran with neck reisid ayens God, and he was armed with fat nol.
27 是因他的臉蒙上脂油, 腰積成肥肉。
Fatnesse, that is, pride `comyng forth of temporal aboundaunce, hilide his face, `that is, the knowyng of vndurstondyng, and outward fatnesse hangith doun of his sidis.
28 他曾住在荒涼城邑, 無人居住、將成亂堆的房屋。
He schal dwelle in desolat citees, and in deseert, `ethir forsakun, housis, that ben turned in to biriels.
29 他不得富足,財物不得常存, 產業在地上也不加增。
He schal not be maad riche, nether his catel schal dwelle stidefastli; nether he schal sende his roote in the erthe,
30 他不得出離黑暗。 火焰要將他的枝子燒乾; 因上帝口中的氣,他要滅亡。
nether he schal go awei fro derknessis. Flawme schal make drie hise braunchis, and he schal be takun a wey bi the spirit of his mouth.
31 他不用倚靠虛假欺哄自己, 因虛假必成為他的報應。
Bileue he not veynli disseyued bi errour, that he schal be ayenbouyt bi ony prijs.
32 他的日期未到之先,這事必成就; 他的枝子不得青綠。
Bifor that hise daies ben fillid, he schal perische, and hise hondis schulen wexe drye;
33 他必像葡萄樹的葡萄,未熟而落; 又像橄欖樹的花,一開而謝。
he schal be hirt as a vyne in the firste flour of his grape, and as an olyue tre castinge awei his flour.
34 原來不敬虔之輩必無生育; 受賄賂之人的帳棚必被火燒。
For the gaderyng togidere of an ipocrite is bareyn, and fier schal deuoure the tabernaclis of hem, that taken yiftis wilfuli.
35 他們所懷的是毒害,所生的是罪孽; 心裏所預備的是詭詐。
He conseyuede sorewe, and childide wickidnesse, and his wombe makith redi tretcheries.

< 約伯記 15 >